Gabrielle Bisset

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Today's The Day!

After months of waiting, today's the day. Stolen Destiny, my first novel, releases today.  It's been a long road, but I'm very happy to finally say it's for sale.  I love this story as much as any of my stories, possibly more because it's my first to go into the publishing world.  Vampire Dreams may have been released earlier, but Stolen Destiny officially began its journey first because it's been in the pipeline since February. 

Here's the blurb: 
Released from prison to find a murderer, a prison-hardened Varek Leale is convinced no woman deserves the man he’s become, but his Aeveren destiny makes him succumb to sweet and sexy Callia Reynolds. To catch a murderer, he and Callia must find an Aeveren with the power to control time. But Amon Kalins isn’t a man to trifle with, and when he wants something, he’ll use his powers, devastating charm, and good looks to get it.

When Amon manipulates time and seduces her away, Varek must turn to the people who set him free for help to get her back. But the Council doesn’t do anything without requiring something in return, and what they want is Amon Kalins, one of the most powerful Aeveren ever. Varek will do what he must to capture Amon and find Callia. If he doesn’t, she’ll be lost to him for untold lifetimes.

For an ADULT (and I mean adult!) excerpt from the book, head on over to Coffee and Romance where I'm guest blogging.  Be sure to enter the giveaway there for a chance to win a copy of Stolen Destiny

And to buy the book, click on over to Siren Publishing :D

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Felicity Heaton Guest Post

Writing Vampire Romance

Thanks to Gabrielle for having me here today as part of my Paranormal Pandemonium 2011 Blog Tour. As a brief introduction, let’s call it scene setting, here’s a little about me. My name is Felicity Heaton and I write paranormal romances and science fiction romances under that name, and also as F E Heaton. I’ve written over forty stories to date, and around thirty of those stories are currently available, either for purchase or as a free download. I’m passionate about penning paranormal romances with a difference, and creating worlds where readers can immerse themselves and forget their troubles and find an escape.

A question I often get asked as a paranormal romance writer is: what’s your favourite paranormal creature?

My answer is always the same. It has to be vampires. Vampires are in my blood and have been there since I was very young and just starting out in the big wide world of reading books. As the years rolled on, I went from reading about them to imagining a world with living breathing vampires. It was far more interesting to daydream about that world and the vampires in it than focusing on the classroom at school. Things have progressed from there and now I write about them. More species of paranormal creatures have joined vampires in my heart, but it’s still the vampires that reign.

Taking a look at my releases for the year make that clear.

So far this year I’ve released three novels featuring vampires: Love Immortal, Hunter’s Moon (okay, so it’s a vampire/werewolf romance), and my latest release, Forbidden Blood.

I have two more stories coming out this year that feature vampires too.

The remaining three releases this year feature a demon/witch pairing and angels.

So, out of eight novels, I have five stories about vampires. I would say that puts them in command in my imagination. That conclusion is backed up by the fact that my latest release, Forbidden Blood, is also the first book in a new vampire series for me—Vampire Venators. This is my second vampire focused series. The first is my ongoing Vampires Realm series that I write as F E Heaton, which has nine stories in it so far.

My attraction to vampires is clear. My reason for feeling so drawn to this particular paranormal species? I can’t put it into one word, but there’s something mysterious and appealing about vampires. I’m into the traditional type of vampire—killer, blood-drinking where it has to be fresh from the vein, powerful and both alluring and frightening at the same time. The darker the better for me. I write them deadly and dark, dangerous and damn alluring. They’re possessive, protective, and outright dominant at times. I love writing vampires because I can write them differently each time. They offer an endless combination of skills, powers, attributes that is only limited by what my mind and my muse can come up with, and an infinitely different world can be crafted for each book or series. All it takes is a little imagination, and I relish being able to sit down and dream up a new vampire for a new story, or explore vampires in my series in more depth, unlocking new facets of them to reveal in stories. The vampire myth, much like the shape-shifter one, has its roots in so many different cultures, each with their own take on the creatures, that it’s a wealth of inspiration for stories. It’s a species where anything is possible and it’s down to the author to write their own version of the myth, and I really enjoy being able to flex my creative muscles and craft a world and a species of vampire that takes a reader’s breath away.

Vampires are the ultimate paranormal species for me, and that’s why I wrote my new series, and why I’d now like to share a little about it.

 Forbidden Blood is available now in e-book formats direct from my site, on Amazon Kindle, Smashwords, Barnes and Noble Nook, Apple iBookstore and will soon be available at Sony Reader Store and other retailers. It will also shortly be available in paperback from Amazon.

Forbidden Blood
Felicity Heaton
In a dark world where vampires exist and where Source Blood, a rare human blood type, can bestow godlike powers upon them, the vampire Venators of the Sovereignty fight to protect the humans by banishing those who drink it to the endless dark.

Exiled from his family and with only his duty to sustain him, Kearn has been on the trail of an elusive Source Blood abuser for three years. When he saves a beautiful human female from the vampire’s grasp, it turns out she’s the lead he’s been waiting for. Amber is a Source Blood and the perfect bait, but for who?

As they race to catch the vampire and survive the cruel games he plays, Amber is pulled deeper into Kearn’s world and discovers the painful secrets he hides behind his handsome but emotionless exterior—hurt that she has the power to heal if she is brave enough.

Felicity Heaton is a romance author writing as both Felicity Heaton and F E Heaton. She is passionate about penning paranormal tales full of vampires, witches, werewolves, angels and shape-shifters, and has been interested in all things preternatural and fantastical since she was just a child. Her other passion is science-fiction and she likes nothing more than to immerse herself in a whole new universe and the amazing species therein. She used to while away days at school and college dreaming of vampires, werewolves and witches, or being lost in space, and used to while away evenings watching movies about them or reading gothic horror stories, science-fiction and romances.

Having tried her hand at various romance genres, it was only natural for her to turn her focus back to the paranormal, fantasy and science-fiction worlds she enjoys so much. She loves to write seductive, sexy and strong vampires, werewolves, witches, angels and alien species. The worlds she often dreams up for them are vicious, dark and dangerous, reflecting aspects of the heroines and heroes, but her characters also love deeply, laugh, cry and feel every emotion as keenly as anyone does. She makes no excuses for the darkness surrounding them, especially the paranormal creatures, and says that this is their world. She’s just honoured to write down their adventures.

If you want to know more about me, or want to get in touch, you can find me at the following places:

Monday, June 27, 2011

Happy Monday!

Welcome to Monday, everyone!  It's our first post True Blood 2011 Monday, so if you're a TB fan, you're happy that the quirky HBO vampire show is back on.  I'll save my comments for another day, but as someone who loves Bill and Eric (and loves that Alcide's body), I think this season looks pretty good.

Today is also the last day of the Vampire Dreams book tour.  I've had a blast with this tour, and I can't thank Roxanne at Bewitching Book Tours enough for all she's done.  I'm at Bite Club today talking about why vampires are so popular and The Write At Home Mom talking about how I juggle writing, a full time job, and home schooling my 15 year old son.  Check out both!  The stop at Bite Club is the last chance on the tour to win a free copy of the book too.

Keep an eye out for tomorrow's post here by the wonderful Felicity Heaton, who's even busier than I am these days.  And Wednesday is the big day for the release of my novel, Stolen Destiny.  I can't wait!  Until then, I hope everyone is having a great one!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Friday Updates, Winners, and More!

I want to thank Mistress of The Dark for her lovely review of Vampire Dreams at her blog, A Chick Who Reads. I'm also there today with the Vampire Dreams book tour blogging about dreams and how the book actually began that way, so stop by her blog for a look. And I'm in the Author Spotlight over at Coffee and Romance, so check that out to find out more about my book that's being released this coming Wednesday, Stolen Destiny. Thanks to Liz at Coffee and Romance for a terrific interview!

And I have winners to announce!  A few of these are a bit long in coming, but rest assured the winners already know they've won.  I'm just slow to post things sometimes.  :) 

The winners in the Small Blogs, Big Giveaways hop at my blog are: 

lilazncutie who won the copy of Vampire Dreams and bookpassion, who won a $10 gift card from Amazon. 

And the winner in the Spring Into Summer Giveaway Hop is: Michelle Bledsoe, who won a copy of Vampire Dreams, a $10 gift card, and a bonus copy of Love's Master when it's released since there was such interest in that book too!

Congratulations to all the winners! And thank you for all your interest in Vampire Dreams and Love's Master.

And check this out!  The fabulous Talina Perkins chose my novella for her Book Flick feature this week.  How cool is that? 

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Updates and a Hop

Vampire Dreams is still on its book tour, and today I'm guest blogging about how I love my villains at Vamp Chix and over at Bitten By Paranormal Romance I'm guest blogging about good guy vs bad guy vampires.  In addition, Bitten By Paranormal Romance reviewed Vampire Dreams and gave it a 5 Alpha Howl/4 Alarm Fire rating.  Big cheesy smile time  :D  If you get a chance, check these places out if you're looking for a chance to snag a free copy because I'm giving away one copy of the book at each place. 

I've been so busy with guest blogging and promoting that I haven't had a chance to do the Alternative Read Author Blog Hop, but the question was so perfect I had to join in today.  When creating a main character, is it better to start with a good guy/girl with a drop of bad, or a bad guy/girl with a drop of good?

Things immediately get a bit gray for me when I begin to write a character.  For instance, my hero in Vampire Dreams, Brandon, is supposed to be the good guy, particularly compared to the bad guy, Vasilije, but let's face it:  if he were all good, he wouldn't go to Arden's room each night and seduce her under the veil of hypnotism.  Nice guys just don't do that.  Or my hero in Stolen Destiny, Varek, who is also the good guy compared to the villain, Amon.  Varek murdered two people.  Now the murders were a crime of passion, but be that as it may, the guy has a dark past.

What Brandon and Varek show, however, is that characters aren't all good or all bad. Good guys with some bad in them make for layered characters.  I don't want to read about or write one trick ponies, characters who are good all the time.  And I don't think readers want this either. Especially for me, male characters who are conflicted are the best to read and write. 

As for what to do with the main character, it depends on the plot.  In Stolen Destiny, Varek is the lead, and he's good, for the most part, with a bunch of bad in his past.  However, in the second book in that series, the villain from Stolen Destiny, Amon, is the main character, and he begins where the first story ended: mad, bad, and dangerous to know.  But he's got a little good in him.  It's just buried under a lot of badness.  And if I decide to write Vasilije's story from Vampire Dreams, then again, I've got a character who revels in so many bad things that he will begin that way, but somewhere in that dark, sensual soul I could let a little drop of sweetness in.  Maybe. 

Hop around to the other blog hoppers to check out what they have to say about the good vs bad question today.  And have a great Thursday!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Around The Blogs Today and Final ROW 80 Check In

I'm all over the blogs today.  First, I'm at the terrific Felicity Heaton's blog.  Then on the Bewitching Book Tour for Vampire Dreams, I'm at Alisha's blog, My Need To Read.  I'm also over at The Enchanted Book again for the tour, this time for an interview with Selena.  And finally, while I'm not at this blog, my book is and it's been reviewed by the Brazen Broads Book Bash (don't you love that name?) and Moira, one of the Broads, gave it 4 out of 4 stars!  

This is my last ROW 80 check in today as the 80 days are up.  How far things have come since then!  But first, let's get into the DeLorean, Marty, and visit April 1 to see what my goals for ROW 80 initially were.  First, I wanted to finish the third book in the Destined Ones series, Destiny Unbound.  I haven't done that.  In fact, that book sits just where it was 80 days ago.  For now, that's where it needs to be. 

Second, I wanted to get the edits done for Stolen Destiny in a timely fashion.  Without going too much into that situation, I can say I did get them done well in advance of when they were required and then in final edits, which occurred within the past week, I completed them in just as timely a manner.  So I did fulfill this goal.

Third, I wanted to get Destiny Redeemed ready to be submitted to the publisher by May 1.  That didn't occur because of my issues with the first book in the series, and Destiny Redeemed will be indie published in fall of this year.  So while I didn't fulfill this goal, it wasn't because I couldn't but because I wouldn't.  But it has gone through first edits.

Last, the novella that I was completing at the time, Vampire Dreams, was to be edited and sent out to Harlequin Spice Briefs.  I did edit it and I thought I sent it to the publisher, but later found out that since I didn't get an autoreply email that it probably never made it to them.  Fate obviously had something else in mind for me.  Since then, I re-edited the novella, added to it to increase the word count from 14,000 to over 17,000, and on June 1, I put it up for sale at the various outlets.  I am proud to say that three weeks later Vampire Dreams is in its second week of its book tour, has gotten some fab reviews, and has sold 95 copies as of this morning. 

So, in the end, these last 80 days have been quite successful for me.  I completed a second novella, Love's Master, which will be released next month, and am finishing the third novella, Masquerade, in what's become a trilogy of erotic stories set in Victorian England.  Just this week, Love's Master began to get a whole lot of attention when Jimmy Thomas, the cover model who's been on over 1000 romance novel covers, listed my cover as his 1400th and began using it as his Facebook avatar.  (If you don't know who he is, look to your right at the book's cover. When you're done staring, come on back.) I can't thank him enough for the exposure he's given the book in just the last few days. 

I won't be doing the next ROW 80 because I'm simply too busy promoting and writing.  But maybe again in the future, when I can sit down again to write and don't have to promote as much I will jump back in to it. Click here to see how the others in ROW 80 are doing. 

Best of luck to all those writers who participated in ROW 80!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Happy Tuesday!

I'm at Harris Channing's blog today. Well, actually, my villain from Vampire Dreams, Vasilije, is there talking about the pleasures of being a vampire, and I'm giving away a copy of the novella to one lucky winner who comments, so check it out. 

Just a reminder that today is the last day of the Spring Into Summer Blog Giveaway Hop.  Over 40 blogs are giving away some very cool bookish stuff, so you don't want to miss that.  Here at my blog I'm giving away a copy of Vampire Dreams OR Love's Master, in addition to a $10 Amazon gift card.  Click HERE or on the graphic in the left sidebar for a chance to win. 

I'm also scheduled for one of my very few days of work this summer, so I'm off to advise incoming freshmen.  Have a great day!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

A History Lover's Lament

I have a day job that I do so I can eat.  I love the basis of my day job, just not some of the particulars.  I teach college students history.  In many respects, it's a dream job.  In the fall, for example, my first class isn't until 2pm.  And I don't work until late at night either.  My latest class runs until right after 9pm, and that's just once a week.  My Fridays involve two hours of work.  Yes, two.  It's a sweet deal, no doubt. 

Even sweeter is that I get to talk about a subject I love at work.  While other people must slave over a hot grill making food, deal with irritable customers in food and retail service, and perform manual labor, I talk about history, a topic I adore.  What could be better?

Well, there's a problem.  The people I teach either know little to nothing about my subject or don't care to know more and are only there to fulfill a 3 credit requirement in humanities. They take my class because it's the least of all evils among the humanities, which also include literature (which they hate because they think it's all about reading), philosophy (which is over their heads), and religious studies (which they couldn't care less about).  So history it is. 

I have a pretty bad reputation for being a hard ass on my campus.  I guess technically, the students aren't wrong if you take into consideration that they've never been made to do much of anything before reaching college.  I make them read the book.  Blasphemy, you say!  Read the book?  You bitch!  Yes, they must read the book, and I include questions on the test related to the book.  In fact, you won't pass a test in my class if you don't read the book since on average 35% of the test is related to the textbook.  However, since so many of them can't understand the book since they've rarely been required to read for knowledge and have only been forced to read for testing, this is a huge undertaking for those students.  (Yes, I know the question on your mind is:  What the hell are they doing in college?  I know.)

I also require students to attend class and take notes.  I tell them the first day of class that just because they paid tuition doesn't mean they can just blow off the class.  $ doesn't = passing.  I like to explain it this way.  Think of tuition like a cover charge to a bar.  Do you expect to succeed once you're in the bar just because you paid to get in?  No.  Tuition is just like that.  Then when you get in the bar, you buy drinks.  Books are like drinks.  But do you get the man or woman of your dreams to go home with you just by paying to get in and buying drinks?  No.  You must do some work to get them.  Classes are just like that hot guy or girl.  They take some work to get what you want. 

But my job is made almost impossible by the way history is taught in high schools in this country.  I can be funny, smart, know my subject inside and out, but when I'm dealing with students who have never had to take their own notes because teachers always printed them out for them and don't understand that you must think to understand a subject because they've been spoon-fed all their lives, my job becomes a chore. 

Here's an example:  One of my students recently got a question on a quiz (open book, mind you) wrong because he didn't seem to understand that when the book stated that the Russian Civil War was occurring and Wilson sent troops to help the White army in that war, we had troops participating in the war.  The book never said those exact words, but it's expected that students would understand the troops were fighting in the Russian Civil War. But because of what I think was loosey-goosey teaching by his high school teachers that encouraged the total bullshit mantra of question everything, he wants me to give him the points for that question because the book never truly said the troops were fighting.  Of course, this question is also influenced by the way our government and media present what troops are doing to the rest of us so many Americans actually believe you can have troops somewhere a war is occurring and they wouldn't be fighting.  The combination of this media/government propaganda about war and this student's subpar high school history instruction has lead to him thinking he knows a great deal where in reality he knows little. 

He claims it's the book's fault.  It's not clear. 

Okay, so this isn't a little rant anymore.  My bad.  But the finest American historian we have today, David McCullough, is in the Wall Street Journal today talking about the failing of teaching history in this country.  Take a look for an insightful discussion about history and the way it's presented to the generation which will someday lead this country. 

I'll leave you with the wonderful harmonies of Art Garfunkel, Paul Simon, and sweet baby James Taylor (he's the low voice) in Wonderful World. This was when music was something more than what you looked like (no picking on poor Art! LOL).  You can look like that when you have a voice like an angel.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Spring Into Summer Blog Giveaway Hop

Welcome to the Spring Into Summer Blog Giveaway Hop!  Hosted by Coffee and Romance and Release Notes, the hop includes over forty blogs that are giving away all sorts of bookish delights, so be sure to hop around and enter to win.  Here at my blog, I'm giving away a choice of a copy of Vampire Dreams, which is out now, or a copy of Love's Master, which will be out in July, and a $10 Amazon gift card to one lucky winner. (Clicking on the titles will take you to their pages so you can find out about each book.)

So how do you enter?  Glad you asked!  First, you must follow my blog. (This is the only requirement to win.  Everything else is extra, so no pressure.)  Then for extra chances, you can follow me on Twitter (2 extra chances) and friend me on Facebook (2 extra chances).  Be a sweetheart and add the chances up for me in your comment below this post in addition to including your email address.  It's that easy. My giveaway is open internationally, so if you have an email address, you can enter!

The winner will be chosen by, and the giveaway hop runs from 12:00 am Friday, June 17 to 11:59 Tuesday, June 21.  Good luck! 

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Friday, June 17, 2011

Summer Blog Party III

Welcome back once again!  We've had such a great time hanging out talking about summertime and why we love it, and we're ready for one last gabfest before the Sangria and other drinks run out.  Stacy's been in charge of the lemonade since she knows how to make the good stuff, like you can find at the beach, made with real lemons and sugar.  Delcious!

If you're just joining us, we've got a bunch of authors together for a Summer Blog Party and we're talking about summer and what we love about it.  And please be sure to check out our other hosts today.  Patricia Bates, Joanne Troppello, Kay Springsteen, and

Ok, so what's everyone's favorite summertime memory?

Cher-Four wheeler riding with my younger sister. We would leave the house early and not come back till dinnertime. 

My best friend Jeannie and I took her brothers four wheeler out once and the throttle got stuck.  All I remember is her trying to steer that crazy machine and me screaming behind her, "Should I jump off?"  She still laughs at me for asking that.  :)

My mom used to say I was a fish. I loved swimming the length of the pool underwater at every available opportunity. Truth be told, I was scavenging for coins and pretended it was buried treasure. Then I’d proudly march to the snack bar and exchange my treasure for a roll of Sweet Tarts. Even on summer trips, I couldn’t wait to dive into the swimming pool. It was a highlight (that and buying a Barbie outfit or a new Nancy Drew mystery). Maybe all that swimming back in the day was sweet justice since I don’t think I’ve been in a bathing suit much since the birth of my second child. Not without a full sarong and under the cover of darkness, that is.

I think swimming was one of the best things about summer.  I'd stay so long in the pool that my fingers and toes would be pruney.  What a great way to spend a summer day! 

Elaine- When I was a child my grandmother stayed with my sister and me while our mother and father went to work each day.  She was great fun, but as the afternoon wore on, she sometimes felt the need for a little nap.  One day she went to sleep sitting in a recliner, and my sister and I painted her toenails red.  She twitched her toes a couple of times, but she never woke up.  Since she never painted her toenails, it was a big surprise when she finished her nap.

-Fishing as a kid with my dog 'Jamie'.

What great times we had as kids, didn't we?  11 weeks of no school and living the good life. 

Going to California with my husband in August, about 10 years ago. We went to some movie studios, Disneyland, and Knott's Berry Farm, and tried out for The Price is Right.

I've always wanted to go to California but I've never quite made it there yet.  Maybe someday.

I want to thank all the fabulous authors who celebrated summer with all of us today.  It's been great talking about summer and all the terrific feelings and memories this time of year brings up in all of us.  And thank you to everyone who stopped by each of our blogs today to enjoy some good conversation.  I hope you have a wonderful summer!

Summer Blog Party II

Welcome back!  We're still here enjoying the beautiful weather and wonderful company.  We're glad you joined us. If you're just joining us, we've got a bunch of authors together for a Summer Blog Party and we're talking about summer and what we love about it.  If you missed the first part of the party, click HERE to see what we've been up to!  And please be sure to check out our other hosts today.  Patricia Bates, Joanne Troppello, Kay Springsteen, and

So, is there some destination you've never been but would love to go on vacation?

  Lots of them, but Ireland and New Zealand in particular.

I think Ireland would be a wonderful place to visit.  My family is from there, so for me, it would be that much better.
Heather:  Greek Isles!!

I don't think I've ever seen a picture of the Greek Isles that didn't look like heaven.  I'm with you, Heather.  I'd love to go to the Greek Isles!

Annette:  Next stop—Germany and Denmark to visit our five kids from other mothers---otherwise known as exchange students.  Sometime in the future Bora Bora and Galapagos Island.

I lived in Germany years ago and the summer was a beautiful time there.  The wine festivals in the Rhineland region I lived in were so much fun.  And Bora Bora and Galapagos Island sound so exotic! 

So back to our own backyards. What do you like to do a bit closer to home in the summer?

There’s something so soothing about the sound of the ocean—and something so bracing about the crisp, salty air. I love it!

Joanne:  I like taking walks. My husband and I sometimes go for walks around our neighborhood in the spring and summer and early fall. I also enjoy hiking.

Anne:  I’ve just returned from a 3-week vacation to visit friends and family, so I’m in the midst of writing my next release. However, I do plan on another short visit out of town, this time to take in a play and visit more friends. Fun times!

My nephew is coming to visit from New York for about six weeks. We plan to take him all over and show him the sights. In between, I'm working on the 2nd draft of my current WIP.

Wend:  I love amusement parks. Especially Disneyland. Love the smells, lights, people, the fun.

Sounds like you have some great things to look forward to.  I'm going on a family vacation to Walt Disney World with my son, a few friends, and their children.  It should be a great time!

Time for more drinks!  Come back later this afternoon for the third part of our Summer Blog Party!  Time to make some Sangria.  :)

Summer Blog Party

Welcome to the Summer Blog Party! If you're looking for the Spring Into Summer Giveaway Hop, look to your left in the sidebar and click on the picture to go to that post for a chance to win some great bookish prizes. Then come back here and grab a big glass of iced tea or lemonade and join us at the picnic table to meet some terrific authors who join me today. We hope you'll stay and chat because there will be book giveaways too!

First, let's meet our hosts.  Obviously, you know me.  :)  But please be sure to check out our other hosts today.  Patricia Bates, Joanne Troppello, Kay Springsteen, and

Now let's meet our guest authors today.  I'm also guesting at the other blog hosts, along with these wonderful authors.

Delia Latham: Born and raised in a California farming community called Weedpatch, Delia Latham moved to Oklahoma in 2008, making her a self-proclaimed California Okie. She loves to read and write in her simple country home, and gets a kick out of watching her husband play Farmer John. Contact her through her website ( or e-mail (

Joanne Troppello: Joanne Troppello is an author of mystery and inspirational romance novels. Her second novel, Mr. Shipley’s Governess, was recently released by Wild Horse Press. She is at work on her next novel, a romantic suspense. She is married and loves spending time with her husband and family.

Anne K. Albert: Anne K. Albert’s stories chill the spine, warm the heart, and soothe the soul…all with a delightful touch of humor. She is author of the Piedmont Island Trilogy series and Muriel Reeves Mysteries. When not in her home office, she enjoys traveling, visiting friends and family, and of course, reading. Website: Blog:

Stacy Juba: Although Stacy Juba specializes in writing adult mysteries and romantic suspense novels, she has also authored books for children and young adults – she pursues whatever story ideas won’t leave her alone. Stacy’s titles include Twenty-Five Years Ago Today, Sink or Swim, and the patriotic children’s picture book The Flag Keeper.

Heather Haven: Heather Haven has written short stories, comedy acts, plays, television treatments, ad copy, commercials, and novels. Her series, Murder is a Family Business, and A Wedding To Die For are part of the Alvarez Murder Mystery series, and can be found at MuseItUp Publishing, Amazon, Smashwords, and other ebookstores.

Killarney Sheffield: Killarney Sheffield - Married mother of 5 living on a commercial cattle ranch in Alberta Canada. Write historical romance for MuseItUp Publishing LTD. Former horse trainer, farrier and riding coach. HUGE music fan, everything from 50's to 2011. Yes, I'm the crazy author who talked Canadian singer/songwriter/juno winner Lawrence Gowan into letting me use on of his ballads for my Guilty Kisses book trailer.

Annette Snyder: Annette Snyder calls a small town in the heart of the Midwest her home. In an old house, with her husband and two dogs, she writes. Her four grown children visit often and the grandkids cause beautiful havoc. All her life, she paid attention to things around her and one day she compiled those stories together and wrote a book. It was that one book which started a wave of ideas so she continued to write. Visit her at or her blog at

Elaine Marie Cooper: Elaine Marie Cooper grew up in Massachusetts but now lives in the Midwest. A retired registered nurse, Elaine has been a magazine freelance writer for many years, and writes for a blog on the Midwest called The Barn Door & a blog on Christian living, Reflections In Hindsight She is also the author of her award-winning novel called “The Road to Deer Run” and has just completed the sequel, “The Promise of Deer Run.”

Julie Lence: For Julie Lence, cowboys and horses have always been her weakness, which is why she lives in the west and writes western romance. She’s a stay-at-home mom, married to her high school sweetheart and spends her days working on her latest novel. You can learn more about her at:

Elaine Cantrell: Elaine Cantrell was born and raised in South Carolina. She holds a Master’s Degree in Personnel Services from Clemson University and is a member of Alpha Delta Kappa, an international honorary sorority for women educators. She is also a member of Romance Writer’s of America and EPIC authors. Her first novel, A New Leaf, was the 2003 winner of the Timeless Love Contest and was published in 2004 by Oak Tree Books. Visit Elaine at

Wend Petzler: Wend Petzler has been writing since her teenage years and well, finally got off her tush and made her dreams come true. New Concepts Publishing took her into their family, and she will be eternally grateful to Andrea DePasture for believing in her. Wend likes to
shake up the venues and loves writing combinations of historical, fantasy, and her lovely vamps: The Borne Vampires series.

Kay Springsteen: Kay Springsteen grew up in Michigan. She lives in Virginia with seven rescue dogs. When she's not writing or cuddled up with a romantic read, she enjoys photography—the subjects in her camera’s eye are her favorite things: Family, garden, mountains, and pups. Find Kay at and on Facebook.

Cher Green: Cher Green writes in many genres, spanning from horror to romance. Her work has appeared in various magazines, and her romance novella, “Escape to Love,” is scheduled to debut at the end of June. For more information on this author visit:

JoAnn Durgin: JoAnn Durgin’s debut novel, Awakening, released in late 2010. A member of the American Christian Fiction Writers and the Romance Writers of America, she was a finalist in the 2010 RWA/Faith Hope & Love Touched by Love contest (long contemporary romance). Her second novel, Second Time Around, releases later in 2010. Official author website

Welcome everyone! It's great to have you here. Since the topic of our blog party is summer, let me ask you: Do you ever work on vacation? You know, check your email, blog, and get some writing in.?

Delia:  LOL!!!  Always. You mean I’m not supposed to?

Anne:  Since the release of my debut book in October 2010, I’ve worked almost daily wherever I happen to be. Even as I’m writing this, smack in the middle of a visit with my daughter in a wonderful city I’ve never been to before, I’m working.

Heather:  I admit it. I work all the time. I don’t go anywhere where there isn’t an internet connection and a Starbucks. I used to say I didn’t go anywhere I couldn’t plug in my hot rollers but that statement makes Norman crazy, so I don’t say it anymore. Shhhh!

Elaine:  Guilty as charged! 

I'm the exact opposite.  I take vacations to get away from it all, so I'm the type who simply forgets the world exists.  On vacation, I'm a pure hedonist!  I do admit, though, this year, I have a phone that accesses my email, so I may be checking it. 

Ok, next question.  When you're on vacation, do you like to relax or be more active and sightsee?

Heather:  My husband, Norman, likes to explore. I like to sit under a palm tree and watch the leaves grow. We compromise.

Wend:  Sightsee. Love exploring new places, learning about the history. Shopping and eating it the other thing we love to do.

I am so much the sightseeing kind of girl.  Vacation to me means going, seeing, doing!  My friends joke that they'd need a vacation to recover from my kind of vacation. 

Ok, we're going to take a short break to brew more iced tea and maybe break out the margaritas.  Be sure to check back later today for more from the Summer Blog Party! If you comment on my blog posts today, you will be entered to win a PDF eBook of A New Dream by Elaine Cantrell or a PDF eBook of Heartsight by Kay Springsteen. Don’t forget to leave your email address to be entered. Thanks so much and stop back in a little bit.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

An Interview With Lady Chloe Pembridge And Author Harris Channing

An interview with LADY CHLOE PEMBRIDGE

Today, I have the opportunity to sit down with Lady Chloe Pembridge. She's a debutante and attended her first Wednesday night ball at Almack's! She has graciously allowed me to question her on the accident that occurred last evening, as it is the talk of the ton!

HC: Lady Chloe, thank you so much for speaking to me.

CP: Don't be silly. I would love nothing more than to tell the true story of what happened last night.

HC: Before you tell us your side, allow me to remind our readers that the rumor has it you were drinking in excess, danced one too many dances with the same suitor and then spilled a glass of red wine all over Lady Theodora Ethridge.

CP: Miss Channing, please, that rumor is damaging to not only my reputation but the reputation of the gentleman in question.

HC: The gentleman in question is hardly a gentleman. I have on the best authority that last autumn this particular man was seen in the company of the notorious Lady Archmont and that she believed he intended on wedding her.

CP: I am offended by how you bandy about innuendo and gossip, Miss Channing. If you continue spewing offensive stories I will be forced to end our interview.

HC: Lady Pembridge, my deepest apologies. I meant no offense. Please, sit back down and tell me your side of the sordid tale.

CP: It is not a sordid tale. I simply danced three dances with my stepbrother. There is no scandal in that. And the drink I spilled on Lady Etheridge was lemonade and allow me to assure you that is the strongest beverage to cross my lips last night.

HC: Really, Lady Pembridge, I don't know how you expect the readers to believe you, for Lady Ethridge herself told me not twenty-minutes ago that her pale pink satin gown is ruined!

CP: Good day to you, Miss Channing. It is such a shame that you would choose to believe a falsehood over the truth.

HC: Hmm, I suppose I didn't handle that very well…was Lady Pembridge drunk at Almack's last night? You're going to have to decide for yourself.

Lady Chloe Pembridge is the heroine in my current release, AN UNWILLING BARONESS.


Three long years ago, Lady Chloe Pembridge made a mistake. She allowed her pride
to push away the man she loves. Can she make him see her feelings are real, or
is it all too late?

Jude Arden left a bitter, broken man when the love of his life rebuffed his affections. But seeing her again, he wonders if maybe, in his haste, he misjudged her. Now, with the Baron von Richter in the picture, has he lost her
for good?

March 1816

Jude looked over the top of his spectacles, his dark eyes flashing with mischief. Mischief that had her wondering what he was up to and if it would get her into trouble. Since the union of his mother and her father less than two years prior, she'd seen more delightful tribulations then her entire seventeen previous years combine.

"Chloe, do you suppose your father would allow you to accompany me to London to visit Mother?"

It was an awful idea. Jude wasn't so much older than she was and tongues would continue to wag if she were to travel into town, unchaperoned with her
stepbrother. There was already gossip of a romance between them because of how much time they spent together. It wasn't natural, she'd heard more than once.

"I don't know," she replied smoothing the silk of her turquoise skirt. "Do you suppose your mother would allow me to accompany you? She detests my sense of humor and abhors my country mannerisms."

Of course, it didn't matter to Chloe what the old bat thought. She wasn't her true mother. In fact, she was nothing like the sweet angel that had given her life. Dorothea was an unfortunate addition to her family. She looked at Jude and smiled. He was truly the only benefit from her father's latest union. "Would I not embarrass her showing up on the arm of her beloved son? My antics at the last ball were truly scandalous."

She rose from her perch on the edge of the crimson settee and stared down at him. He shook his head, his chestnut curls glowing gold in the lamplight. Dear Lord but he was handsome.

"You mistakenly spilled lemonade on the hostess, you hardly did anything wrong. My mother is the one the one who married your father for his money," he replied bitterly. Removing his glasses, he rubbed the bridge of his aristocratic nose.

"Everyone knows that. Surely, she can't think a brother and sister coming to visit would be all that scandalous."

"I'm not your sister," she reminded gently. "Our parent's are nearly newly weds and you and I are both fully grown."

"That you are, dear Chloe and you're lovely." She fidgeted under his direct, amber eyed-gaze that oft times left her unnerved. He knew how to play with a woman's emotions and she refused to allow him the chance to nestle next to her heart for fear he would toy with it as he had so many others.

She looked away. He would wink, touch her arm, or whisper something into her ear and her mind would drift toward places she dare not venture. He was a rapscallion, to be sure, but not a rake that she truly feared. Generally, she didn't gush and simper over him as many of her daft friends had. Chloe was happy and content in his company.

Of course, she shielded her heart from his flattery. It was a must, for despite her protests, she did find herself curious about his kisses. Wondered what it was that made the women give themselves to him so freely and without expectation. She knew a good part was simply the glorious god-like beauty of the man. But there was more then just his physical attributes, there was a spark about him. His charm drew the fairer sex to him like moths to flame. And despite her attraction, she refused to allow him to singe her wings.

Uncomfortable heat inched up into her cheeks. How she loathed her propensity to reveal her emotions by her blushes. "I do appreciate the compliment," she replied.

"Yes, I see that by your adorable flush."

She lifted her hands to her face, her palms cool against her flesh. "Stop it," she ordered. "You do that on purpose and I don't appreciate your teasing at all."

He shot her a dazzling smile and Chloe had to admit that grin was one of the reasons woman swooned and chased after him in the hopes of attention. Thank God, his magnetism didn't have the full effect on her, well hardly ever.

He had, however, found the chink in her armor. She was chronically unable to take a compliment. If the devil himself admired her shoes, she'd blush. That was a reaction from years of neglect at her father's hands. When Father did say something nice it was usually followed by a humiliating criticism. Damn the man. Compliments were never compliments. They were just unborn insults.

She moved across the Persian carpet toward the fireplace. The dying embers popped in want of fresh kindling. The chill in the room a reminder that summer was over and autumn had arrived. "I'll stop."

His abrupt tone had her turning to face him. He lowered his gaze, his fierce frown, indicating sudden displeasure. "But I do wish you would consider the trip. I could use your alliance." He reached into his pocket, pulled out a missive, and held it up for her to see. "I received this today."

"What is it, Jude?" she asked, not liking his somber expression or the way the air in the parlor seemed suddenly heavy with dread.

"It's from Mother. Apparently, my wedding day is but a month away."

Chloe grabbed the letter, unfolded it, and read its contents. The controlled flow of the ink revealed Lady Dorothea's devastating intention to have her son married off to the Dowager Duchess of Milton in thirty-four days time. Her stomach roiled with bitter bile and rage bubbled through her with such ferocity her hands quaked.

"Jude, no! She can't possibly mean to marry you off to that corpulent old woman!" She squeezed the paper in an angry fist. "She's nearly sixty! What is your mother thinking?" She paced before him. "And the Dowager…"

"She's a nice enough woman," he acquiesced, his mood lightening as quickly as it had darkened. "The dear gave me all the sweets I wanted when I was but a lad of ten."

Chloe's mouth dropped open. How could Jude make such horrible fun? "This is not a joking matter," she nearly shouted.

He raked his hands through his hair and surged to his feet. "I know, but if I don't laugh at it, I'll scream. Mother is trying to secure her future and mine…or so she says. If I don't marry the old girl, I'm cut off."

Chloe met his gaze and recognized in his eyes, his resignation.
"You can't mean to marry her."

He paced toward the window, his broad shoulders nearly filling the narrow window frame. "I don't," he whispered. "I'm taking what money is mine, which as you know, isn't a lot and buying a commission. Will you still like me if I'm a soldier?"

Chloe flopped back down on the settee and fought her irritation. "Is that what you want Jude? To be an officer?"

He faced her, his expression one of despair. "I haven't exactly met my full potential as a gentleman."

She couldn't disagree with that, for Jude had much potential but seemed completely content to live a life of indolent ease. There was no desire to better himself, to forge ahead and make his own way.

Since meeting him, he had done little to divert from the well-worn path of his ancestors. That particular path was littered with debauchery and womanizing.

"Perhaps you could change that?"

"How?" he asked, raising a dark brow. "I have been groomed for uselessness."

"I don't know, Jude." She felt like throwing her hands up in hopelessness. "What are your aspirations? What is something you'd like to do? If you truly want to be a soldier, then I support that decision."

His features visibly slumped. "I don't want to be a soldier. I want to continue doing what I'm doing. I like my life. I like to hunt, to fish, to laugh and spend time with you."

She shook her head. "You're content then to do nothing."

"I hardly call bedding Lady Archmont nothing. It was hard work. The game took me all of last summer and much of the fall to win."

His flippant reminder had her stomach aching. "All you did was chase after a notorious harlot. That in itself could not have taken much effort. Is that what you want to be remembered for?" Another reason she'd hardly ever consider giving her heart to him. He wasn't trustworthy, that was a certainty.

"And what's wrong with that? Most men in my position do exactly what I'm doing. And if they're not, they wish they were."

"Oh Jude." She shook her head disapprovingly. "I think the world of you, you know that. But if you plan on doing nothing of substance, then you may as well marry the dowager. She will bankroll your lifestyle and have as little
expectation of you as you do for yourself."

She stood and pressed her hand to her stomach, hoping to quell the upset. "I'm going to retire. I'm tired and full of despair for you. Do whatever you must, but know I wish more for you and from you."

Jude's jaw tightened, the tension in his face turned his usually light and pleasant demeanor dark. "Are you turning against me, too?" he asked. "I never thought I'd see the day you and Mother agreed upon anything."

She met his gaze. "No, I want what's best for you, but I can't make you into the man I know you can be. That's a decision you have to make on your own."

"Are you saying I'm not a man?" He came closer to her, so close she could feel the anger emanating from his core. His stare pierced her heart, for mixed with his rage was anguish and hurt. His gaze so pained that she ached for him. Had she done that to him? Had she hurt him without meaning to?

A guilty lump filled her throat. "I-I don't know what I'm saying."
He leaned in close, the whisper of his breath enticing against her cheek. "It doesn't matter what Mother thinks. It doesn't matter what society thinks, but Chloe, it does matter what you think."

"Why's that?" she asked, taking in a deep breath, alarmed by his seriousness.

"Because I'm in love with you."

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Thank you for having me today, Gabrielle! I look forward to seeing you at my blog. And to one lucky commenter I am happy to give away a free download of AN UNWILLING BARONESS.

Happy reading everyone.


Wednesday, June 15, 2011

ROW 80 Check In 6-15 And Updates On So Many Things

Another Wednesday, and ROW 80 for this round is almost over.  Next week is the last check in and then ROW 80 begins again in July.  It's been fun meeting new writers and hearing about their successes and  tribulations.  I don't think I'll be joining in the next ROW 80, though, because I'm just too busy, as you can see by my Upcoming Appearances page and my post below. 

So what have I been doing on the writing scene this week?  Technically, I didn't meet my goal of 3500 words in any manuscript.  Masquerade is sitting on page 70, so I think I may have only gotten around 2500 words written in it this week.  Have I been slacking off?  Well, not exactly.  I had eight guest blog posts to write and two interviews to complete, in addition to doing an interview online, so I've been writing, but just not in my book!  LOL 

In addition, I'm 50% finished with typing Love's Master, which is due out in mid-July.  I'm thinking around the 14th, but nothing is written in stone for now.  However, when I type, I edit as I go along (the second time editing--the first is as I'm writing), so that means more writing because I'm the type of writer whose first draft is always missing the descriptive details.  Then there's the checking the flow and voice of the scene I'm typing...and the typing itself, which is a huge drag.  But I digress.

I'm thrilled to say that as of this morning, Vampire Dreams has sold 45 copies since it first went on sale 15 days ago (18 days ago on Smashwords).  I've been averaging 5 sales a day in the past week, so I hope this continues.  A wonderful reviewer named Monique gave the book 5 stars and recommended it to her group on Facebook, Romance Novel Junkies, so I was thrilled!  The book tour I'm doing with Bewitching Book Tours has been great, and I received a 4.5 star review the other day over at Live To Read.  Today I'm at Getting Naughty Between The Stacks for a guest blog on Alpha and Beta vampires and a giveaway, so check that out for the chance to win.  And make sure to check out Roxanne Rhoads's fantastic site, Fang-tastic Books, for another chance to win.  Both contests are open for the rest of the week, so click on over for your chance!  And don't you love both those blog names? 

And what about my first novel?  Well, the people at Siren have sent me the banner you see at the top of the page, and as soon as the book is available for pre-order (I think today or tomorrow), the banner will link to the buy page for Stolen Destiny.  Exciting stuff!  I can only hope Stolen Destiny receives as wonderful a reception as Vampire Dreams has.

I'm off to write a bunch more guest blogs and get ready for another giveaway hop.  (I think I'm addicted!)  This one is the Spring Into Summer Blog Giveaway Hop and it begins on Friday, so make sure to check back then.  Over 40 blogs are going to be giving away some fun bookish stuff.  And the winners for the Small Blogs, Big Giveaways hop have been drawn.  The lucky winners are: 
1st Winner: xxsquigglesxx
2nd:  Michelle W
3rd: jeanette8042
And the following people will win a giftcard:
Bekka @ Pretty Deadly Reviews, Carol Luciano, Library Lady, Krystal Larson  and  Jessica @ Book Passion for Life

 The remaining prizes will go to The Magic Attic!

Congratulations to everyone who won, and keep an eye out for the next edition of that giveaway hop coming in August! 

To see how everyone else in ROW 80 is going, click HERE

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Author Shannon Leigh Guest Post

I'm happy to have author Shannon Leigh at my blog today to let readers know about her book, Chinatown Buffet.  Keep reading for a little taste of Shannon's book and to find out more about where you can find her and her work.

About Shannon Leigh
Shannon Leigh is a practicing registered nurse who graduated with a B.S.N. R.N. from the Indiana University School of nursing in May of 1996. She lives in Indiana with her husband, four sons, dog, and cat. Shannon and her family enjoy camping, fishing, and sitting out back while a cozy fire crackles in the fire pit. In her spare time, Shannon likes to decorate cakes, scrapbook, draw, read, write, and watch movies.

Despite a hectic schedule, Shannon tries to dedicate a couple of hours every day to writing, usually sometime between the hours of 9 P.M. and 3 A.M., after everyone else is in bed. She likes to curl up on the couch with her laptop, a cup of hot tea, the cat, and become engrossed in her characters.

Along with reading other romance genres, Shannon loves suspense, fantasy, and horror, but paranormal fiction remains her favorite. She has several stories available at Amber Quill Press, Audio Lark, and Wild Child Publishing. While most involve some paranormal aspect, she has dabbled in contemporary, and more recently, science fiction. With such an active imagination, she always has something in works.

Chinatown Buffet
Shannon Leigh
Amber Quill Press
Genre: Contemporary erotica / Multicultural


They say the road to success is a lonely one. Newly named corporate executive of the Chinese American Development Corporation, Ms. Mei Ling Zhao, can attest to this. Hated by her subordinates, her acquired status has truly left her friendless and in need of some male attention. After a long week of dealing with spiteful employees, threatening letters, and one headache after another, she treats herself to a much-needed drink and an order of fast-food—Chinese takeout, via “special delivery.”

While Mei Ling expects her meal to arrive smoking hot and in a timely manner, she doesn’t anticipate her delivery boy to be a tall, tanned Texan with a black Stetson, levis that cling to all the right places, and seafoam eyes that remind her of ocean water pooling on the shore. And yet, when she opens her door, that’s exactly what she finds standing on her stoop.

Seems the Chinatown Buffet is in the business of delivering more than just a tasty meal, and Mei Ling is about to find out what “special delivery” really means…

Excerpt: Chinatown Buffet

Slipping the gold chain-lock from its holder with one hand, she turned the deadbolt with other. Despite her foggy state of mind, she tried to appear as levelheaded as possible as she grasped the brass knob and pulled open the door. Were it not for the support of the foyer table, Mei Ling likely would have collapsed to the floor.

Her gaze first met the man’s black, T-shirt clad chest, as he stood nearly a foot taller than she, then slowly traveled upward. The perfect ball of his Adam’s apple caught her attention—she bet he had a deep voice; smooth and rich, like the heart stopping sound of a Franz Werner Virtuoso bass.

“Sorry, but we were fresh out of buffalo,” he said in a low, southern drawl.

Ripples of awareness coursed her veins. Mei Ling’s stare snapped up to his tanned face, instantly meeting a pair of sea-foam green eyes shrouded with chocolate lashes. A velvety smooth, black Stetson balanced perfectly on his head, successfully concealing his hair except for one renegade lock the color of sand that had slipped free to dust his forehead.

A lump caught in her throat. “You’re…” She choked on the word as though she’d swallowed it down the wrong pipe. Politely covering her mouth with the back of her hand, she turned her head to cough.

“You’re late. I called an hour and a half ago.” Although she tried to sound stern, taking a stance with him as though he were one of her subordinates in need of discipline, strangely, her voice sounded husky rather than annoyed.

Seemingly entertained by her haughtiness, his firm, beige lips pulled into an amused smirk. “I tried to call,” he countered. “I got lost on La Salle Street. Ya didn’t answer.”

Mei Ling felt her cheeks grow warm. That’s because she’d passed out, drunk—certainly not proper behavior for a corporate executive. “I didn’t hear the phone,” she replied bluntly.

One tawny brow arched with what looked to be skepticism.

“I must have been…” Mei Ling quickly changed the subject. “How much do I owe you?” she asked, reaching for the white bag in his hand at his waist.

Her gaze fell to the black Levi’s clinging to his trim hips and brawny thighs. She couldn’t help but focus her attention on the sizeable bulge at his groin. Her mouth suddenly felt dry. Where was that bottle of champagne when she needed it?

Surely this man did more than make fast-food deliveries. Come to think of it, he seemed completely out of place in Chinatown. With his cowboy hat, worn jeans, and silver-tipped boots, he looked like he’d just arrived from—

“That’s a first,” he declared, his seductively masculine voice cutting into her wandering thoughts. Mei Ling mentally shook herself, then forced her attention back to his face as her fingers closed around the folded edge of the bag. The arrogant slant of his mouth told her she’d been caught staring at his package—and not the one in his hand.

“A first for what?” she choked out, that bothersome lump returning in the back of her throat.

“Most aren’t ready to pay ’til we’re finished.”

Confused, Mei Ling blinked a few times. “Finished?”

This time, it was his turn to seem perplexed. “Didn’t ya want special deliver?”

“Well…yes. I did,” she returned with hesitance. “But I don’t—”

“Good. Then let’s get started.” With that, he stepped past her and into the foyer.

Stunned by his boldness, Mei Ling merely stared at him with her mouth hanging open and the bag of food dangling limply from her fingertips. What the hell was going on here? She didn’t invite him in.

“Hey,” she protested when he strode past her and headed for the living room.

“Nice place,” he called back over his shoulder, ignoring her objection. “Ya might want to close the door. I noticed some of your neighbors peerin’ out their blinds. Sure hate for someone to walk in on us.”

Not knowing what else to do, Mei Ling closed the door. “Wait a minute here!” She marched into the living room behind him. “What’s going on? Walk in on us? Doing what? You’re supposed to deliver my order. Right?”

He turned to face her, a boyish smile lighting his tempting lips. Then he reached up with one hand, removed his hat and tossed it onto the ottoman at the foot of her chair. “That’s precisely what I’m doin’.”

His barging into her home uninvited had surprised her. But when his T-shirt followed his hat onto the ottoman, Mei Ling nearly choked on her shock. “I’m afraid there’s been some sort of mistake here,” she gasped, trying not to stare at his nicely formed pectorals.

She certainly had no intention of appreciating the golden mass of curly brown wisps feathered across his chest and washboard abs. Or how a thickened swatch ran downward from his navel to disappear into the waistband of his jeans. And she absolutely refused to acknowledge the interest peaking within herself—the increased heart rate, the needful throb deep within her belly, the dampness in her panties.

As though ignoring her statement, he continued to undress. His boots followed along behind his shirt. Then his socks. He’d was just unzipping his pants when Mei Ling realized if she didn’t intervene, she’d soon have a naked man standing in the middle of her living room.

“Wait! Please. I really don’t understand what’s going on here.” Quickly crossing the room, she darted for the ottoman and his growing pile of clothing. Then she snatched up his shirt and thrust it toward him. “Here, put this back on. You can’t just barge in here and start taking your clothes off. I don’t know if this is some kind of a joke, but I only ordered…I don’t even know who you are for Pete’s sake!”

He stared at her, long and hard, seemingly trying to figure out if she were playing a game or genuinely confused. “Ya really didn’t know what special delivery meant when ya ordered it, did ya.” It wasn’t a question, but rather a declaration.

“Apparently not.” A nervous laugh slipped from her lips. “Would you…care to enlighten me?” Mei Ling wasn’t sure where those words had came from, but once they’d left her mouth, she knew there was no taking them back.

He smiled then, a wickedly delicious smile that curled her toes and robbed her breath. “My pleasure, ma’am.”

She could only watch with a strange sense of anticipation as he moved toward her. While his intent was unclear, one thing was for certain, his touch would be hotter than a glowing branding iron, and she’d surely melt like a plastic spoon in a blazing fire if he put his hands on her. When his fingertips brushed the side of her neck, she knew she was about to find out.


To find out more about Shannon’s writing and her published stories, please visit her at.