Gabrielle Bisset

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Another Year

Another year has gone by and I'm celebrating another birthday.  Unlike many people I know, I love my birthday.  This is probably due to the fact that it was always a very big deal when I was a child because I shared it with my father.  He's gone ten years now, but I think of him often, especially on our day.  I'm very much like him, not surprisingly.  My father was a tough son of a bitch, and anyone who's ever gone up against me on an issue I truly believe in can tell you that I'm my father's daughter in that way. (Check out Nadja's post I link to below for a little taste of that toughness when it comes to my hero in Stolen Destiny.) He never got to see me reach the success I've reached today, but I hope wherever he is, he can see all that I've accomplished in my day job and my writing. 

It's been a big year for me.  Since last July, I've written two novels and three novellas.  The Muse was with me. The first two of those five to be published, Vampire Dreams and Stolen Destiny, were released last month, and in just a few days I'll release Love's Master.  Then in August I'll release Masquerade, the third novella, and in October, I'll release Destiny Redeemed, the sequel to Stolen Destiny.  

So what's in store for this new year?  I've begun writing Vasilije's story, a novel that has grown out of Vampire Dreams.  I'm in the thinking/planning stages for a novel that was inspired by a very hot blacksmith I met last month, and the third novel in the Destined Ones Series, Destiny Unbound, awaits completion at about 50% finished status.  But the lure of the novella always calls, so I can never tell what will happen with that.

Writing has become my second full time job, and hopefully, it can be my only full time job someday soon.  As it is, I write when I can, and for every word that ends up on paper I find I'm enjoying it more and more.  Now that's a job I can look forward to! 

I'm over at my friend and fellow author Nadja Notariani's blog today talking about standing my ground with Stolen Destiny, so check that out.  And I want to give a big shout out to friend and fellow Siren author, Bree Younger, whose first book, Burn, is being released today.  Best of luck to you, Bree!  7-7 has always been a very lucky day for me, and I hope it's just as lucky for you. 

And for my birthday, I'd like this, please.  No bow is needed.  ;)  (Is that a tag or a tattoo on his right hip? Mmmmm....)


Bree said... 1

Happy birthday!!

Na said... 2

Happy Birthday Gabrielle! I love the new header for Love's Master. What an accomplished year, and here's to another great year!

Julius Cicero said... 3

Happy Birthday! It's mine too. It's also great to stand your ground for your work as well. Say what you mean and mean what you say, and then defend it with all of your might. Enjoy your day!

Unknown said... 4

Thanks everyone! Is it really yours too Julius? Happy birthday!

Erin O'Riordan said... 5

Happy birthday, Gabrielle! You too, Julius!

Nadja Notariani said... 6

Hope your birthday was great! Thanks for guest posting, too.

The banner for Love's Master is really nice at the top of your home page.

I'll be hulled up - finished my typing - but I will manage to sneak out a few hours on Fri. night.....see you then! ~ Nadja

Shah Wharton said... 7

Hope you had a fabulous day Gabrielle - I've only just been able to get i=on here - My VPN hiding software stopped working which meant over 18 blogs were a no go for me (Dubai blocks a lot of site).

Shah .X

Kate said... 8

Now that is one busy year! I will tell you what I told another fellow author who hopes to quit her day job: I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!
Keep writing, and releasing. That's what all the people who make money seem to do, besides being GOOD.