Gabrielle Bisset

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Author Kenra Daniels Guest Post

I want to welcome a new author to my blog today, Kenra Daniels. She's here to talk about her new book, Tight Spaces. so join me in saying hello and be sure to read the excerpt and enter her giveaway!

Hi Gabrielle, thanks so much for having me here!

I've been thinking about Happily Ever After. Of course, a book must have an HEA ending to be considered a Romance, or at least a Happy For Now ending, so creating those endings takes up a good bit of my time, as I'm sure it does every other romance author.

One of the big arguments detractors of Romance novels trot out regularly is the fallacy of the HEA. Supposedly, there's no such thing. How sad, that, as a society, we've lost so much faith in the power of love and romance that we no longer believe in Happily Ever After!

The problem seems to be our perception of Happily Ever After. In past eras, for a woman to be happy and secure, she needed a committed relationship, a man to provide for her and her children. Having a man who took that responsibility seriously, and cared for his wife, was a good thing. Serious relationships didn't just end at the drop of a hat, and women were rarely left to work two jobs and raise three kids alone just because the man fell out of love.

Today's Happily Ever After, I think, is far different. It's in knowing your partner will be there, trusting they won't fall out of love, or leave, as easily as they'd change underwear. It's in facing challenges together, working together to improve your lives.

In some ways, I think today's Happily Ever After is far more romantic and meaningful. Couples don't stay together now out of fear of social criticism, or out of feelings of responsibility toward children. Rather, they stay together because they want to, because they love each other.

As romance authors, today, we have more exciting options in relationships to explore than ever before. And Happily Ever After has never been more possible than it is today.

A lonely woman goes dancing with friends to kick the Bad Breakup Anniversary Blues. Her fantasy-man is willing to help, until her lowlife ex ambushes him.

With the first anniversary of the messy break up of a long-term relationship bearing down, Amy has the blues. When her friends suggest an evening at the Double Dare, she reluctantly agrees to go along. She doesn't do the casual sex thing, but it'll be good to spend time with her friends.
Seeing Jesse at the Double Dare immediately cheers her up. She's fantasized over him for months. The evening gets more pleasant as they heat up the dance floor. Things go from hot to sizzling, until her ex shows up and confronts Amy in a low blow. Will his interference deter Jesse and Amy from continuing what could be the start of something wonderful?

Short Excerpt: Finally, the doors opened, and the line started to move. The doorman checked IDs, turning away one young couple with fakes. By the time Amy made it to the front of the line, the heavily muscled man had relaxed a little, and started flirting with some of the women in the line. When Amy's turn came, he gave her a nod while his blue gaze flicked up and down, taking in her appearance.
His smile broadened when his gaze arrived at her generous breasts. "That's an awfully nice dress for a dump like this, Sweetheart." His voice, rumbly and intimate, sent a charge directly to Amy's pussy.
She licked her lips before answering, causing heat to flare in his eyes. "It's my favorite, so I decided what the hell."
"If you get tired of the jerks inside, come on back out and keep me company a while. I know how to treat a lady." His voice promised a good time.
Feeling especially daring, Amy made of point of letting her skirt brush against his pant leg as she walked past. "I'll just bet you do." With a long look over her shoulder, she headed on through the heavy steel door.
God! Had she really done that? Embarrassment heated her cheeks. Never in her life had she behaved that way! Every male without sight would read her actions as coming from a bitch in heat. Hopefully those young jerks hadn't paid attention. Otherwise, they wouldn't be able to resist paying her a visit.

Author bio:
Kenra Daniels lives in a tiny rural community in north eastern Kentucky with her very own Romance Novel Hero. In addition to Erotic Romance, Kenra writes Paranormal Romance, and has plans for Historical Romance, Urban Fantasy, and a few other things. She has a completely new paranormal being in development and will soon start those stories. With multiple other projects in the works, time and energy are her only limits.

Author's Links:
Blog and Website:
Amazon Author Page: http://
Google Plus Profile:
Google Plus Page: Romance From Kenra Daniels:
Pinterest: http://

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Yvette said... 1

Love the excerpt and the book looks wonderful.

crystaley73 said... 2

The book sounds great and I love the cover Thanks for the chance to win
crystaley73 at yahoo dot com

crystalguidroz1 said... 3

The excerpt was awesome. I cannot wait to read this book, so excited! Thanks for the giveaway.

Carin said... 4

Sounds like a fantastic read! Thanks Carin
mawmom at gmail dot com

Cassandra said... 5

Can't wait to read this!
Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

June M. said... 6

This book looks great and is already on my TBR list. I am hoping to win a copy but have it on my wishlist if I don't.

Anonymous said... 7

Thanks for all the support ladies! I really appreciate it.

Remember to keep an eye on my website for new releases, etc. I'm putting a couple of pages up later today that I'm really excited about. One is a brand new project that just blows my mind. The other is an invitation for readers to become more involved with my books, and lots of benefits.

Good luck to all of you!

Beckey said... 8

Thanks for sharing, the excerpt looks good :)


Beckey said... 9

PS the rafter thingy isn't on the page, IDK ...