I'm beginning Chapter 21 on Destiny Renewed and still am hovering on Chapter 14 of Broken Destiny. Things are moving along nicely with Stolen Destiny going toward publication in June. This week I got to complete information about what I see for the cover, which I have to admit, was so thrilling I was silly with happiness for a few days. (I'm such a newbie!) Just the thought that soon I'll be published is still sinking in.
I've set a goal of the end of March to be finished with Destiny Renewed, which would put me at the end of April to get it typed (remember, I hand write everything first, so I have the second leg of the journey once I finish writing the book), edited, and out to my beta readers. I hope to submit that book right around the time the first one is published. (Fingers crossed!)
As for Broken Destiny, I'm aiming for a May 1 date to complete that, but that might be a bit ambitious. Still, that's my goal. That would put me at the beginning of June with it typed, edited, and out to my beta readers. A late summer submit would be success for this one.
And for the last book, which is actually the first one I wrote in this series but put aside when Stolen Destiny invaded my mind one day in the shower, I'm looking forward to resurrecting it and moving ahead with that one after the previous two are edited to within an inch of their lives and submitted. I don't have a name for this one yet, but it will be the last one in the Destined Ones Series, barring some major change that isn't on the horizon quite yet.
Whew! I think I need a beer and some R & R before the week begins again. Here's to a wonderful week for us all!

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