Gabrielle Bisset

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Wednesday Treats

It's Wednesday, and the weekend is in full view.  I'm still in typing mode, with about 50% of Blood Avenged done.  I've been typing my little fingers to the bone! I'm a little ahead of schedule, so that's great. Yay!  Thankfully, it's an easy week at work and I can type more than grade papers or make up tests.

Today I'm at Dawn Roberto's blog, Dawn's Reading Nook, talking about my paranormal characters, so click on over there and take a look. In addition, the week of fun with me at Riverina Romantics continues with my choice for Hump Day Hottie. Can you say practically naked Alcide?  Yeah, it's definitely worth a look.  Megan outdid herself there.

Also, take a look at yesterday's review of Vampire Dreams there and the latest stop on Destiny Redeemed's book tour at Lisa's World of Books.

So what are you up to today?


AubrieAnne said... 1

Are you doing NaNoWriMo!!!???!!! I am doing it right now, and although I am terribly behind in my word count, I have been writing every day which is a miracle in itself! I'm loving it, regardless of my word count!
