‘Tis the Season with C.R. Moss

Hi all! I’m happy to be a guest blogger here today and talking about one of my favorite times of year.
The air has grown crisp and cool, though here in Las Vegas it’s usually still warm enough that I can get away with wearing shorts for a little while longer. Certain trees are covered in glorious color. There are sections in some developments that are just beautiful to drive through. The stars and planets seem brighter in the night sky, while the harvest moon shines in brilliant orange. I remember how growing up in the Northeast there were the smells of apple cider, burning wood and leaves permeating the air, and calls of referees at football games could be heard in the distance. It’s beautiful here in Las Vegas during this time of year, too. The A/C can be turned off, the windows opened, the house aired out. Some people run their fireplaces so there’s still the scent of burning wood that reminds me of youth. And, I especially appreciate October and November’s lower temps because I can cool down from the heat of the summer.
There’s a sense of magic surrounding this time of year as the nights grow longer. Could it be because we’re nearing the holiday season, and people are getting in a joyous mood, excited about vacations, family gatherings and gifts? Or is it because the veil between the corporeal and spirit worlds really did thin, and the ancient Gods, Goddesses, fae and other mystical, haunting creatures came closer to our realm?
Either way, this paranormal/horror/suspense/thriller & contemporary erotic romance writer loves autumn season – the sights, the smells, the cool after summer’s horrid heat and all the fun horror movies and ghost stories that abound on television and in the theaters. Plus Thanksgiving and the gift giving season is right around the corner. I love Samhain (pronounced "sow-en" & did you know it refers to the daylight portion of the holiday), though. It’s the Wiccan New Year (November 1st), my time for meditation and reflection. It’s a time to wrap up the old and prepare for the new in one’s life. It’s also a time to honor those who have passed. And this WNY has created a lot of changes that brought new energy into my life, reinvigorated projects, and I’m thrilled to remove myself from old, negative stuff that wasn’t serving my higher purpose and move on into a bright future. Keep an eye on my blog and website for the exciting stuff that will be happening!
Going back to Samhain… Did you also know that Samhain was a precursor to Halloween, and that the traditions and rituals of this particular holiday were actually preserved in the western world by Christianity? As Christianity spread, it adopted the pagan folkways, rather than stamping them out, since it was a great way to convert the pagans to the new religion. The church moved All Saint’s Day (Hallows Day) from May 13 (Lemuria – a Roman holiday where celebrants placated the dead) to November 1 to take the focus off of Samhain. The church also made November 2 All Souls Day. So the night before All Hallows Day became known as All Hallows Evening and was eventually shortened to Halloween. Another aspect to the holiday and dark time of year… Death seems to make this holiday tick along with the belief in things that go bump in the night, witches, demons and the like. People used to be scared of the dark, the unknown, of things they didn’t understand. In this day and age, we’ve beat back the night with lights and now understand the human condition & our world and universe with science. Yet, people still like to be scared. Why? Because we like the chemical response our bodies go through and how it makes us feel. For a brief moment in time, we respond like our like ancestors did when they had to hunt for their own food and defend their lives. It boils down to the fight or flight response. We have to create ways now to feel that charge of adrenaline in response to such a stimulant. So we watch scary movies, go out and take risks…read thrillers. The last which is good for me since I like to read a scary story now and then, and I especially like to write them, too! And, more will be coming from me on the horror/suspense/thriller front so stay tuned!
C.R. Moss / Casey Moss
Follow C.R.:
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Great guest post Gabrielle. Nice to read you here Casey. Interesting post and as a lover of horror/thriller genre, I'd have to agree with your explanation of why we love it. It's a different rush to erotica, but why people read that is more...obvious :D
We all like to feel something and we seek it out in our fiction as well as our lives. I recently wrote a horror story which merged both and the response is largely 'too disturbing' :( Seems like most horror lovers prefer horror of another world: supernatural or paranormal rather than horror of reality. The latter of which often hits home and with a heavier fist than the former. Shah. X
Thanks for having me here today, Gabrielle! & thanks for stopping by Shah! I have to agree with you on the horror stuff. I, too, have had the 'disturbing' comment thrown my way so I know exactly what you mean.
C.R. Moss
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