Gabrielle Bisset

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Celebrating And What's A Kardash?

It's the middle of the workweek, so I can see the weekend from here.  Love that! November has gotten off to a great start and today continues with the celebrating Destiny Redeemed's release.  Selena over at The Enchanted Book has given the book 5 books out of 5 and ranked it a New Favorite of hers, so definitely check her post out. In addition, The Romance Reviews interview with me about the book is up now too, so click on over.  Rho asked some great questions that allowed me to expand on the background of my characters.  And while you're there, definitely check out TRR's Year End Splash event, going on all November.  I'm one of many authors and publishers who are taking part, and there are hundreds of prizes up for grabs. 

And in new time measurement news, 72 days is now being called a Kardash.  I was thinking yesterday that while 30 days for NaNoWriMo doesn't work for me (I hand write and edit as I go along), I like the idea of writing a novel in a Kardash.  Perhaps that's what I'll do after the holidays.  How does this sound? 
A Novel In A Kardash:  January 3-March 14

I'm liking it.  And don't feel bad for Kim now that her name has become synonymous with a relatively short period of time.  She's still fine.  LOL 

Happy Wednesday everyone!


Shah Wharton said... 1

Well, I learned something new today! :D Kardash aye! Sounds more doable. I am at present 14+k into my forst naonawrimo and its going pretty well. I have visitors 5th for a week though so... I wrote my first editing as I went but it really didn't work for me. I lost my flow and its still unfinished. This is the second in that series and its coming much easier. I also have a plan - which makes so much sense I could kick myself for not doing the same with the first. Oh well, you live you learn. ;)

If I get even a pinch of the success you've had this past year I'll be chuffed! :D Good for you Gabrielle. X

Shah Wharton said... 2

Just stopping by again to say you can link this up at my weekend blog hop, collect the writing prompt and/or check out thriller author, Jim Brown's interview here: Shah. X