This week's question: Where is your favorite place to read?
I always read in my bedroom, sitting cross legged on my bed. It's also my favorite place and way to write.
Next is the Writer's Follow Friday Blog Hop hosted by Elizabeth Sharp over at Sharp Words. Thanks Elizabeth for this great idea! This one's for anyone who writes, including anyone who writes a blog. This week's question: Where do you like to write?
I had no idea that this question would be posed since I mentioned it above, but I write in my bedroom, sitting on my bed, legs crossed. My cats are usually sitting on the bed near me, often trying to get my attention away from what I want to do and onto them, as cats are wont to do. I always have music playing in the background, and no matter if it's day or night, I have as many lights on as possible.
How do you join in the fun? So glad you asked. It’s really quite simple.
The rules
1) 1`. Follow this blog.
2) 2. Follow Elizabeth Sharp, the originator of this hop
3) 3. Follow the featured author of the week.
4) 4. Go to Sharp words and copy the image code found there and paste it in your blog. Add your name to the link at the bottom of the post while you are there.
5) 5. Copy and paste the rules in your blog, as well as this week’s question.
6) 6. Answer the question
7) 7. Follow, follow, follow. This is about networking, people, making connections with people in your community. So talk to us. We don't bite!
8) 8. If someone stops by, says hi and follows you, the polite thing to do is follow back.
9) 9. Comment here and introduce yourself and you just might find a new follower or two.
What book do you really not want to admit to loving?
I don't think I have a book I hate to admit to. I read mostly adult romance and erotica, along with some really boring history books and an occasional cookbook, but I freely admit to all of them. Now do I show others the covers of many of my romance and erotica books? Well, now that's a different story. ;)