The main character, Vasilije, was a joy to write. Never have I had a character who was so completely hedonistic. Everything about him is sensual and earthy. When I was searching for images for the cover art, it took me forever to find just the right model. (I'm meticulous like that about my covers.) They all looked too nice, too sad, too cute.
Then I found him. In his original form, before Talina worked her super cover art mojo, he looked slightly different, mostly due to his surroundings. But the model himself was perfect. Open, sensual, dominant...he was Vasilije. Now as I write Blood Betrayed, anytime I write a scene with Vasilije, I think of the male on the cover. He is Vasilije now.
In other news, Rafflecopter has chosen the winners of the Shameless Giveaway Hop. June Manning won the $10 Amazon giftcard, and Terri won the copy of The Victorian Erotic Romance Trilogy. Congratulations to both winners! Keep an eye out for more giveaway hops coming up. A list of future hops is in the left sidebar, so be sure to check it out.
Have a great Monday!

I'm like that when making a cover. I have to find the perfect image. Sometimes it's impossible (well, it's my fault for giving heroes white hair!) but when it comes off, it's wonderful, isn't it?
Whenever I write Marcus in my Her Angel series, I picture the cover fella we've affectionately nicknamed Abs.
Hi Felicity! I swore I'd never write a blond again after Amon in Destiny Redeemed. I had a devil of a time finding just the right cover model. What's amazing, though, is this model I think of as Vasilije is the model on your most recent Her Angel book. Isn't he versatile?
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