Dressing the Vampire: From Pantaloons to Punk
Thank you, Gabrielle, for having me over to your blog. I was ruminating on what to write about when it occurred to me that I should base my post on vampires since you and I both write stories featuring them. From there, I found myself thinking about the different ways vampires are portrayed, in particular with regards to costume.
Vampires have been a major part of popular culture for many years now and yet ideas about them can vary wildly. How should they look? What should they wear? Back in the days of Hammer Horror, it was all about Dracula and swirling capes, but in this decade people expect them to sparkle. To consider the exciting variety of vampiric vestiture, let me offer a handful of examples.
Dracula Films
Ah yes, the count. I think everyone would recognise the stereotypical Dracula-vampire: widow’s peak, pale skin and blood red lips, swirling cape and long finger nails. This is a man stuck in a time-warp. Dress yourself like this for a Halloween party and you identity will never be in question.
Interview with a Vampire Film
In the film version, based on the Anne Rice novel, Lestat and Louis offer us the best in frilly cuffs and cravats, bringing a sense of elegance to the table. You get the impression through the film and the books that these are vampires willing to move with the time; vampires who would follow the fashion trends of any century.
Saint-Germain Novels
How I love these books by Chelsea Quinn Yarbro. Her vampire hero is always immaculately attired. He wears the current fashions blended with items of clothing he has acquired from his travels around the world. Since he is thousands of years old, he’s had plenty of time to decide what he likes and build himself a decent wardrobe.
The Southern Vampire Mysteries/True Blood
Being set in the modern day, these vampires are real trend-setters. Having come ‘out of the coffin’, they have two faces: private and public. In public, at the many clubs and bars they own, they wear Goth get-ups intended to draw in punters. In private, they each have their own fashion preferences ranging from jeans to twinsets.
The Lost Boys Film
To be a vampire in this film, you need to get yourself a really bad 80’s haircut and plenty of denim and leather. The lads in this film favour an almost punk look, so stock up on the hair gel and get ready to groove to the 80’s beat.
The Twilight Saga
So, here we are. We’ve hit sparkle time. Twilight vampires don’t stand out much in the costume stakes (haha); although, they are always nicely dressed and turned out. Get them in the sun however and they’ll show you some serious bling!
So, it just goes to show you that not all vampires are made equal —at least not in the clothing department. When you are dressing your own vampires, consider what you are trying to achieve. Are you after classic horror appeal (Dracula)? Perhaps you’d prefer old-world refinement (Interview with the Vampire)? Are you vampires classy and moving with the times (True Blood)? Or are they just stuck in the 80’s (Lost Boys)? Clothing can say a great deal about a character, so it’s worth paying a bit of attention to it.
One thing is certain: Whether you want capes, cravats or Calvin Klein, there’s a vampire out there for you!
Nicki J Markus – Biography
Nicki J Markus was born in England in 1982, but she now lives in Adelaide, South Australia with her husband. She has loved both reading and writing from a young age and is also a keen linguist, having studied several foreign languages. She has completed a BA (hons) English with French from the University of Greenwich, London and a PGDip in Translation from the University of the West of England, Bristol. She is currently studying for diplomas in Editing and Publishing.
Nicki J Markus launched her writing career in 2010 and her fiction work has been accepted for e-book publication by both Wicked Nights Publishing and Silver Publishing. She has also done editing work for both these publishers.
In her spare time, Nicki J Markus also enjoys many other creative pursuits including music, theatre, photography, sketching and web-design. She also has a keen interest in history, folklore and mythology, pen-palling and travel.
Nicki J Markus launched her writing career in 2010 and her fiction work has been accepted for e-book publication by both Wicked Nights Publishing and Silver Publishing. She has also done editing work for both these publishers.
In her spare time, Nicki J Markus also enjoys many other creative pursuits including music, theatre, photography, sketching and web-design. She also has a keen interest in history, folklore and mythology, pen-palling and travel.
Day-Walker Blurb
When Darci spots a mysterious stranger at her latest concert, she is instantly smitten. Will is the perfect gentleman and seems to be everything she has been waiting for. But Will has a terrifying secret and soon Darci finds herself in grave peril. Will her love for him give her the strength she’ll need to prevail against overwhelming odds?
Will is drawn to Darci Madison from the moment she steps out onto the stage. He knows he shouldn’t approach her, knows his secret could put her in danger if he gets too close. But he also realizes that he cannot live without her. When his enemies learn of Darci’s existence and emerge from the shadows, Will must fight to save the woman he loves ... even though it may require the ultimate sacrifice.
For deep in the night, creatures are stirring in the darkness; creatures that long to infiltrate the light.

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