The wonderful Talina over at Bookin' It has designed some incredible looking swag for Destiny Redeemed and Masquerade. I can't wait until the UPS man brings them to my house. It's like Christmas morning every time I get the proofs in my email and then again when the actual bookmarks and cover flats come. Here's a little sneak preview (the actual bookmarks don't have white around them, though):
Thank you, Talina. You're the best!
In other news, I'm over at Blackdoor Press today talking about crossing genres with my Victorian Erotic Romance Trilogy, and one commenter will win a copy of Love's Master. If you haven't read it yet, head on over there to read a taste of Lily and Kadar's story and enter to win. :)
Finally, I'm moving toward another professional goal that I thought I'd be waiting until next spring to reach, so that's really exciting. It's long been known that the vast majority of books published, traditionally and otherwise, don't ever even sell 1000 copies, so the success of Vampire Dreams, Love's Master, and now Masquerade has been such a wonderful thrill for me. To know that I'm about to reach 5000 copies sold is just incredible to me. I can't thank the readers enough. And to everyone who asks when the next book is coming, I promise it won't be long. Destiny Redeemed comes out in October, and Vasilije's story will be released in December.
After that, nothing's written in stone, but I'm in the planning stage for another three book erotic romance series (maybe novel length this time) about three sisters who find love with some very interesting men. It's shaping up to be paranormal romance unlike any I've ever written.
In other news, I'm over at Blackdoor Press today talking about crossing genres with my Victorian Erotic Romance Trilogy, and one commenter will win a copy of Love's Master. If you haven't read it yet, head on over there to read a taste of Lily and Kadar's story and enter to win. :)
Finally, I'm moving toward another professional goal that I thought I'd be waiting until next spring to reach, so that's really exciting. It's long been known that the vast majority of books published, traditionally and otherwise, don't ever even sell 1000 copies, so the success of Vampire Dreams, Love's Master, and now Masquerade has been such a wonderful thrill for me. To know that I'm about to reach 5000 copies sold is just incredible to me. I can't thank the readers enough. And to everyone who asks when the next book is coming, I promise it won't be long. Destiny Redeemed comes out in October, and Vasilije's story will be released in December.
After that, nothing's written in stone, but I'm in the planning stage for another three book erotic romance series (maybe novel length this time) about three sisters who find love with some very interesting men. It's shaping up to be paranormal romance unlike any I've ever written.

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