Gabrielle Bisset

Friday, August 12, 2011

Finally Friday and New Cover Love!

Thank God it's finally Friday!  It's been a busy week here at Casa Bisset.  I had to arrange the swag basket for the October event and send it off; I got word yesterday about the blog tour for Masquerade; and Elaina and I have been doing our thing getting the cover for Destiny Redeemed ready to meet the world, all while I've been packing and getting ready for vacation.  

Elaina has made me another incredible cover.  She does great work, and I can't praise her enough for this.  I love it! It took forever for me to find the image that would represent Amon, but I finally did.  I'd already found an image for Thea pretty quickly, so then it was just a matter of finding the right balance between them and the rest of the cover's details. Elaina even used the image of Nil that I used in Stolen Destiny's book trailer (bottom left).  Thank you, Elaina, for working your magic yet again! Destiny Redeemed is scheduled for release in October. :D

Before Amon and Thea can steal the spotlight, Masquerade comes out at the end of this month. Here's the banner for Masquerade's book tour.  Isn't it beautiful?  The wonderful Liz at CBLS Promotions sent it to me yesterday, and I love it!  That mask really does travel well, doesn't it?  

Speaking of Stolen Destiny's book trailer, it's up at two sites now, Watch The Romance Book and Blazing Trailers.  If you have a chance, take a look.  I had a great time making that trailer, and I plan to do another for Destiny Redeemed.  Book trailers are new, but they're another way to get the word out about a book.

I'm off to the House of Mouse for eight days, leaving a friend to man the store.  When I get back, it will almost be Masquerade release time, and then it's final edits for Destiny Redeemed, which is set for an October release.  And I'll be hard at work on Vasilije's story, which I'm planning for release in December.  No rest for the wicked!

The Small Blogs, Big Giveaways hop begins the day I get back, on August 22, so keep an eye out for that.  I hope everyone has a great week! 


loves to dive said... 1

Hope you have fun at the house of the mouse, I'm heading that way for a week mid-Sept. and am counting down the days.

Unknown said... 2

I can't wait! We have so much fun each time we go. It's a terrific way to end my summer. :)

Sarah Westill said... 3

Ooooh have a fabulous vacation!!! :-D

Unknown said... 4

Thanks, Elaina! :)

Selena said... 5

So this is what you've been hinting at all week...I love the guy you chose for Amon. Gorgeous! I can't wait to read Destiny Redeemed! Have a great vacation :-)

Bree said... 6

Another great cover!

Neena said... 7

The covers are kewl... :)

Have tons of fun! :)
