Gabrielle Bisset

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Happy Birthday, Bree!

Twenty-two years ago in Landstuhl, Germany my daughter came into the world.  I was a young mother, completely ignorant of what to do with that baby girl who suddenly seemed to be everything in my world. Fast forward all those years, through the good times and bad (teenage years...OMG!) and today she's an adult and one of my closest friends. Still young enough to be more brash than she probably should be, she's smart and witty and one of my favorite people in this world. 

When I told her I planned to put a book out on her birthday, she was thrilled.  Much like her mother, she celebrates her birthday in grand style.  Although Masquerade went live on Amazon a few hours before midnight last night, I'm still officially announcing its release today, on her birthday, as a tribute to her.

Happy birthday, Bree! 


Anonymous said... 1

Happr birthday to her and happy release day! Double celebration! Whoooo!

Unknown said... 2

CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR SPECIAL DAY! Happy Birthday to you, Bree! I hope your day was everything you dreamed it would be! Many blessings to you!

Gabrielle...CONGRATULATIONS on yet another awesome book with an awesome cover!*hugs*

Celebrate large ladies and eat ALL the cake and ice cream you can handle! :-)

Bree said... 3

I'm a day late but Happy Birthday!! (Great name, btw! lol!)

Janice Seagraves said... 4

Happy birthday to your daughter and happy release day to you!
