Gabrielle Bisset

Friday, July 15, 2011

Remembering Why I Do This

It's Friday! Yippee!  Here at my house, it's shaping up to be a beautiful day.  The sun is shining and the temps are set to climb into the low 80s.  Life is good! 

I've got a number of things going on today, but I want to note something that really touched me the other day.  Laurie, from Bitten By Paranormal Romance, posted her review of Stolen Destiny on Goodreads and what she said about the book brought me back into focus a bit.  When you can see your sales for books at any given time in real time, it can cause you to focus on the numbers.  That's not what it should be about.  The reality is that unless you're a huge name in NY publishing, you're never going to be able to be in this for the money.  Sure, it's possible you'll make some nice cash, but enough to live on?  Well, I guess it depends on how much you need to live.  For me, unless this begins to bring in the money my day job brings in, it will have to be something I do for another reason. 

As I check the sales for all my books each morning, I'm thrilled to see them climb each day.  That's not why I began writing, though.  It isn't why I write now.  I just needed to be reminded of that.  So when I read Laurie's review and saw that Stolen Destiny had stirred her emotions and really stuck with her for days after she read it, I remembered why I wrote that story and why I write everything I write.  Not for the money. No, I write because I want to share a story with readers.  To know that Stolen Destiny touched her like that means I succeeded with that story. That's why I do this. Thanks to her for reminding me of that.  :)

I'm over at the Brazen Broads Book Bash (is that not the coolest name for a book blog?) today talking about POV.  Thanks to those brazen broads for the invitation to stop by again and for the wonderful review they gave Stolen Destiny

Finally, I'm hopping around with my dear friend Shah's Weekend Creation Blog Hop.  It's a new linky each week, so I'll be posting that more often from now on.  I love Shah's hop because it's different.  It celebrates creativity, so there are authors, artists, and all kinds of creative types who stop by. 

I hope everyone has a lovely weekend!  I'll be finishing Masquerade and writing guest posts and interviews so I can begin to get ready for vacation.  Have a great one!


Bree said... 1

You're absolutely correct. We write because we love it. (Of course the extra cash is nice. lol!)

Unknown said... 2

No arguments about the cash, Bree! LOL But it is the love that drives it.

carol l mckenna said... 3

Following from the Weekend Creative Blog Hop ~ am another 'writer' that writes because I love to ~ enjoy the weekend ~ come visit ~ namaste ~

Nadja Notariani said... 4

So glad you got that 'reminder' in the form of a great book review. When you love what you do, it's not work, but pleasure. What could be better than to be able to do what we love? And even earn some money doing it?
Fabulous post.
~ Nadja