My son is away at Boy Scout camp this week. He's very much the camping type of person. He attends camp every summer, and I use that week that he's away to begin preparing for our school year, which begins in August. I've home schooled Christiaan since third grade, and this year he's going to be a sophomore in high school. This year will be bittersweet for me because I know we're getting to the end. However, I'm very excited because we're going to be studying some great things. In history, we'll be working on the period from 1600-1800, so he'll have two history books to complain about--western civ and American. Yes, it's true. My son doesn't like my subject. In literature, he'll be reading books like Don Quixote, Common Sense, and The Federalist. But what he's really excited about is Chemistry, which his teacher (not me) plans to do as AP, trig/pre-calc (not me teaching either!) and Farsi.
So while he's off earning the things he needs to become an Eagle scout, I'm here getting things ready for the new year. I'm eager to begin because I plan to study Farsi with him. I've always been in love with language, and when he chose Farsi as the language to study for the next three years, I decided I'd learn with him. So yesterday I purchased the Rosetta Stone program for Farsi and I can't wait to begin!
I'm over at the lovely Joanne Troppello's blog, The Mustard Seed, today, so take a look at her interview with me. I'm talking about Stolen Destiny and summertime fun, along with giving away a copy of the book to one commenter. Have a great summer day!

"Summertime.....and the livin's easy...."
The new school year is always so exciting. I was one of those nerds that couldn't wait for school to start. As a matter of fact, I still get giddy at the prospect of a new history book, reference book, or new teaching software. I am using Rosetta Stone right now, and I think you'll love it as much as we do over at my house. It's easy, and you learn at an amazing pace.
~ Nadja
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