Then on Thursday my publisher released Stolen Destiny to Amazon. Yay! I can't tell you how happy that makes me. :D
And last night I signed up with Kindlegraph, and now anyone who buys any of my books in Kindle can get an autograph from me sent directly to their Kindle! How cool is that? So if you're a Kindle reader of my books, you can request a note and autograph from me. Check it out HERE! I better start thinking of clever things to say. :)
Today I'm expecting my last package of swag to arrive so I can begin assembling a package to send to the event I'm attending in October. :D The bookmarks came the other day, and I expect the cover flats and coffee mugs to get here this morning. I'll be including some swag in the upcoming giveaway hops I'm doing in August and September, but if anyone wants bookmarks, just email me at so I can get your address. They're really great looking, thanks to the incredible work Talina from Bookin' It did on them. (My photography skills aren't the best, but you can get a much clearer look if you click on the picture.)

GRAND prize: Winner’s choice of either a B&W Nook / WiFi Kindle / $150 Amazon or BN GC
Other prizes: Several small GCs and prizes throughout each day.
Every comment left on the posts earns an entry.
I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! I'm putting my nose to the grindstone to get some things done before August begins. My vacation is a mere 15 days away!

Oh how exciting Gabrielle. Must get on top of my do read list - It's ridiculously long - I read all the time but I'm not a super-fast reader like yourself ;D So have to get your first book! You must be chuffed to have finally got it out there - pesky publishers pulled their fingers out. huh!
Thanks so much for supporting my blog hop too - Huge grin! ;D
Shah. X
Thanks Shah! I love your hop too. Love your comment on the publishers! LOL
That is really cool news about the KIndlegraph. I absolutely love my kindle and that is so exciting that now I can get autographs from my favorite authors directly on my Kindle. I will have to go see how it all works. I'm stopping by from Shah's Weekend Creative Blog Hop but I was already a follower, Gabrielle.
Laurie's Thoughts & Reviews
I'm totally in love with the Love's Master bookmark! <3
Thanks! I love it too! Talina did such a great job!
I'm going to have to break down and buy a kindle.
Wishing you a happy weekend!
I just bought Vampire Dreams and Love's Master yesterday so I missed the boat with the kindlegraph. I'm going to check it out, wonder what it's like.
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