Gabrielle Bisset

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Welcome to the 21st Century, Gabrielle

So I decided to enter the 21st century and get on Twitter. If you knew me, you'd know this is a big deal since I just got a phone that does more than call and text last week! I'm a little old school, I admit. I don't know if I'll ever be as popular as Charlie Sheen on Twitter, but that's ok. There's an adorable little pic on the right sidebar above followers that you can click on and follow me, so feel free and I'll follow back. And I've added the little buttons underneath each post so you can tweet or facebook any of my posts. 

This 21st century stuff is nice....and there are no silver jumpsuits or flying cars at all. (I'm actually a little bummed about the no flying cars thing.)


Julius Cicero said... 1

I'm holding off on Twitter thing for now. At least until I'm better with blogging and facebooking( if that's the term). We have a cell with all the 21st century gadgets and it's confusing.

Unknown said... 2

I posted earlier on FB that I sound like my father when I brought home the "new math" homework, back in the day. I have to figure that if everyone else can figure Twitter out, I can. I just haven't had the time to do it today. LOL

Nadja Notariani said... 3

Ha! I, too, become more like my father every day, and it is both endearing and disturbing. Blogging has forced me to jump in and learn things I otherwise would not, and for that I'm thankful. I haven't set up a twitter account yet, but who knows when the mood may strike me. Like Julius, I think I need a bit more time to adjust to what's on my plate first.
Congrats for being the first of us to 'arrive'.....~ Nadja

Julius Cicero said... 4

There are so many new social media sites, it's confusing to keep track of them all. I don't bother to keep up with every single one, because I'm focused on my WIP. Plus, I'm still waiting for the silver jumpsuits.

Pam Asberry said... 5

Welcome to Twitter, Gabrielle! I am following you now. Since I am following your blog, too, I guess that makes me a little bit of a stalker. ;-) Social media can take over your life if you let it, but most days I have it under control. Because the writing is the most important thing. Congrats on your upcoming releases; love all your cover art! Continued success!

Unknown said... 6

Thanks Pam. I'm following you too, so now we're both stalkers. This is what technology does to people. LOL