Gabrielle Bisset

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

ROW 80 Check In 5-11

Another Wednesday and another ROW 80 check in.  I've completed one of my goals by editing Stolen Destiny and getting it back to the publisher, so that feels good.  I'm almost finished editing Vampire Dreams, and in addition to pruning a bit, I've added almost seven pages to the manuscript.  Originally, I had planned on it being at most 15,000 words, but I've since changed my mind, so it's grown a bit to almost 20,000.  My publication date is set for June 10, so formatting for the various outlets comes next.

The second novella, Love's Master, is shaping up nicely.  I will finish it this week, and then editing begins.  I plan to publish in July.  It's looking like it will end up at around 25,000, if not a few thousand more.  Elaina, the fabulous artist who will be doing the cover for this one just as she did with Vampire Dreams, has me in queue, so the cover will be coming in a little bit. 

And the third novella, which has no title as of yet, I fleshed out with the help of my critique partner last Friday, so I'm chomping at the bit to get at that one. I'm trying to keep myself in line and finish Love's Master first, but it's difficult when so many ideas for this third one are just bubbling up in my brain.  I'd like to have this one finished, edited, and published by summer's end. 

I don't know how many words I've written since last Wednesday since much of my time has been spent editing, but assuming I wrote seven pages, I'm coming in at right around 1800.  My goal was 3500 a week, but with all the editing and promoting  I've been doing (I didn't even mention the promotion efforts...Twitter, blogging, creating widgets--that calendar countdown widget in the upper right hand corner is something I did the other day--emailing other bloggers about swapping takes almost as much time as writing!), I'm ok with a little less writing because I know the publicity is necessary.  However, I'd much rather be writing than anything else.  :)

I hope everyone is having a great week!  To see how everyone else is doing, click HERE.


Laurel-Rain Snow said... 1

How exciting for you, sounds as if you are reaching some of your dreams...and soon!


Hope you enjoy the process.

Anonymous said... 2

Good job on your goals. Remember, even though the writing is the best part, editing and other related tasks are also important. So those count too! :0)

Kate said... 3

I know what you mean, sometimes other things get in the way of writing. This week has been a good writing week for me, so I'm happy. Last week, however, I was wrestling with a plot hole and that took away from my productivity.

Good luck on your goals for the rest of the week!

Unknown said... 4

Thanks guys!

Nadja Notariani said... 5

Hi Gabrielle! We are on the same 'page' this week. I'm resisting the urge to work on my new novella idea until I write a few pages in my current WIP, but after that......I may sneak in a few lines (or pages) on the novella. ~ Nadja

Unknown said... 6

I love the feel of having all those really great ideas popping around in my head right before I begin writing something. It's so exhilarating!