Gabrielle Bisset

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Great news!

Although its official release isn't until June 10, Vampire Dreams is available on Smashwords now.  Since I was unsure how long it would take and how much I'd screw up when I began formatting things, I decided to just bite the bullet and begin.  Well, a couple hours later and voila! Vampire Dreams is for sale at Smashwords.  Now I have to tackle Amazon so I can get it up there too.  And then Barnes and Noble. And then AllRomance. But if they're anywhere as clear as Smashwords was, it should be easy peasy.  (Famous last words...)

Also on the great news front, I got word yesterday from someone I'd sent a copy of the book to that her review is complete.  She gave me a sneak peak, and I'm thrilled to say she loved it!  I'm not a squee kind of girl, but this calls for one.  :D  Thanks Shah! 

Finally, I also got great news about the cover for Love's Master.  The wonderful Elaina Lee sent me the proof for it, and it's almost done.  Just an apostrophe and a quick font change for my name, and it will be ready for the world.  I can't wait to put it up! It's S-E-X-Y!  Now I have to get to typing the book so I can get it up at all the outlets for its mid-July release.

So if you have $1.99 and you feel like some sexy reading, head on over to Smashwords and pick up a copy of Vampire Dreams while you sit at the barbeque enjoying your hot dog and potato salad. 

Have a great weekend!   


Liz Schulte's Blog said... 1

That is awesome, congrats! I will have to check out your book!

Unknown said... 2

Thanks Lizzie!

Nadja Notariani said... 3

Fabulous Gabrielle! I'm relieved to hear the upload/formatting process was 'easy peasy'. ~Nadja

Unknown said... 4

Yes, no sweating bullets. (Sweating buckets because of the weather is a definite yes, however!) But I'll be sure to report the other venues and how easy peasy they were.

Nicki J. Markus / Asta Idonea said... 5

Great news indeed! Congrats!

Theresa said... 6

Yay! Congratulations, Gabrielle! :)

Unknown said... 7

Thanks guys! It's been very exciting so far. :D

Caffey said... 8

Congrats on the early release! Its a treat for us readers! You have a beautiful blog! I too see you got a book coming with Siren. Its going to be fab reading your books!