Gabrielle Bisset

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Author Blog Hop 5-26

It's Thursday again, so it's time for the Author Blog Hop, hosted by Sassy Brit at Alternative  Each week a question is posed, and authors post their answers.  Then everyone hops along!

This week's question:
Put on your reader's hat.  When shopping for a book, what do you look at to help you make a decision whether or not to purchase?  How important is the cover art compared to the blurb?

As a reader, the most important thing to me is the blurb, although I'm a little different from many people.  I don't need that little bit on the back to set my world on fire.  I always cringe when I read people's ideas on blurbs as if the "hook" is paramount.  I don't want gimmicks.  I want a good story.  And can it please be about what's actually in the book?  Nothing is more infuriating than to find out after you've purchased the book that the blurb on the back wasn't really what the book was about.  It's like being fooled by movie trailers, which always seem to show the best parts of the film but often those parts aren't directly related to the main plot. 

However, I know cover art is very important these days.  It doesn't change my interest in a book negatively, but it may add to my interest.  And true confessions time:  As an author, I love the cover art process!  I've had a ball with the two covers I  have for my June releases, and I just began the process for my July novella release.  I told the artist that aside from the actual writing, which is my favorite part, the cover art process is the most fun I have when I'm getting ready to put out a book.  So I understand completely the love of covers.  They just don't make or break the deal for me, as a reader. 


Elizabeth Sharp said... 1

As a cover artistI'm probably a little biased on this one. :D But honestly, it's the blurb that sells the book for me. A gret cover will catch my eye, but if the blurb doesn't sound interesting, fogedaboudit...

Unknown said... 2

I'm growing to be more conscious of covers since I have a part in mine, but I'm still a blurb girl too. Thanks for stopping by Elizabeth!

Megan Johns said... 3

With ebooks, I think blurbs are much more important

Anonymous said... 4

There are some beautiful book covers out there! But it's the blurb, and random pages that I'll read skimming through the book, that sells it to me.