I figured I'd start off this new idea with the book I've been spending day and night with getting it ready for its May 24 release. Technically, Blood Betrayed is still a WIP since it hasn't officially released, so I'm going to give a little taste of Saint's story today. This snippet is from Chapter 2 and gives a sense of how Saint is with his fellow Sons of Navarus. Enjoy!
© 2012 Gabrielle Bisset
stepped forward with a look of inquisition on his face. "Where have you
been a long time since I was young enough to have a curfew, dad. Where I've
been is my own fucking business. Now if you don't mind, the sun's about to come
up and I'd like to go to my room in your vampire Holiday Inn."
he attempted to move past Vasilije, Dante taunted him. "Have a nice night
out, Saint? Find any poor peasant girls to take the edge off?"
Stop by the Sons of Navarus FB page and like it to read more of Saint's story and for interviews and giveaways beginning this weekend to celebrate the new release!

What a hot cover and fun excerpt. I can't wait to read this book.
Thanks Rhonda! I think you'll enjoy it. :)
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