Gabrielle Bisset

Friday, April 6, 2012

Hoppy Easter Fun!

Welcome to the Hoppy Easter Blog Hop!  Spring has sprung and the flowers are coming up, the grass is green again here in the northeast, and everyone's ready for warmer weather.  I love the time around Easter, especially when Easter is in April, because it reminds me of when I was a little girl and my parents, my brother, and I would get all dressed up in our Easter dress clothes and head off to church and then out to eat.  The best Easters were the ones when I didn't have to wear the winter coat over my pretty dress!

So it's celebration time for all of us who love this time of year. Even if you don't do the Easter thing, the arrival of spring is reason enough to celebrate, isn't it?  Here at my blog, I'm giving away a $10 Amazon gift card to one winner and a swag pack to a second place winner.  I have bookmarks for all my books, Blood Avenged sticky notes, and a Blood Avenged mug to give away.
The only mandatory entry is to leave a comment telling me why you love this time of year and including your email address so I can contact you if you win.  But I'd love it if you'd do the extra entries, especially liking the Facebook page for my Sons of Navarus series.  ;) 

The giveaway is open internationally, so as long as you have an email address, you're in!  The giveaway runs from 12:01 April 6-midnight April 8 and the winners will be contacted after the giveaway has ended.  Good luck!

To find other participants in the Hoppy Easter Blog Hop, hop on over to

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Savannah Chase said... 1

What a great giveaway..
I love this time of the year because I get to spend it family and friends that I might not get to see during the year.

Anonymous said... 2

I love this time of year because I enjoy seeing the kids running and screaming to find the most Easter Eggs. The littler ones are just too adorable.
MaryLynn Bast

Karen H said... 3

I love Easter time too. I always loved getting a new spring outfit for Easter, but as a youngster growing up in Michigan, it was rare that the weather would be warm enough to wear my new spring coat and hat. It's sort of like Halloween....the costume or Easter outfit was a snowsuit! Now I live in NC...much nicer here and spring arrives in February!

kareninnc at gmail dot com

gemma parkes said... 4

Happy Easter Gabrielle,Easter for me means new beginnings, the arrival of Spring and warmer weather and the promise of Summer just around the corner!

Unknown said... 5

I love Easter! It is kind of magical for the kids--we always tell the true story of easter--not the easter bunny one.we do tell the easter bunny tale too, but I think they should know what it is actually based on. And then we have an egg hunt a huge dinner and sit around talking about what we would give if we were the easter bunny! It is so nice to just lounge around visiting with my extended family :)

Thanks for a great giveaway!

kristina parmenter51(at)gmail(dot)com

Savannah said... 6

I love this time of year because I get to see my family and I love seeing the look on my kids face when they wake up easter morning and see their Easter Basket :)

Laura_darkelvengirl said... 7

I love this time of the year because watching little kids find eggs and looking so proud of themselves, cute!
Then watching them get exited whenthe eater bunny come. "Loook loook loook!"

elfscornerofeverything at hotmail DOT com

Kappi said... 8

This is my favorite time of year because the weather gets warmer and the world is full of colors after an always dismal winter. Nothing beats Spring!

Thanks for the giveaway and Happy Easter!!

Kappi said... 9

Ack, I forgot my email address.


(sorry) <3

Anonymous said... 10

What I love about easter is the spring weather and having all my family members come over and eat as a family.

Sue Sattler said... 11

I love this time of year because everything is coming back to life, a time to start anew.


felinewyvern said... 12

I love the freshness of this season and the chocolate eggs everyone gives out for Easter :D

felinewyvern at googlemail dot com

Liese2 said... 13

I love this time of the year because of the warmer weather and I love Easter because it's a chance to spend time with family!
Thanks for the chance to win and Happy Easter!

miki said... 14

i love to see the flowers blossoming and the nature more green

all the best and Happy Easter


katsrus said... 15

I love all the candy and grandkids smiles. and getting together for a wonderful Easter dinner. Thanks for the giveaway.
Sue B

cheralyn said... 16

I love this time of year because I love going outside, enjoying the warmer weather. Happy Easter! cheryllynne(at)rocketmail(dot)com

Elaine G said... 17

I love this time of year.The flowers are blooming.Love my tulips. Longer days :) And no snow! ;)
The kids love Easter and all the chocolate.Family gets together.
Thanks for the giveaway

JeanMP said... 18

Love this time of year, days are longer, grass is greener and temps are warmer.
Thanks for the giveaway.
skpetal at hotmail dot com

Sandy said... 19

I love this time of year because all of my roses are blooming and the tulips, iris. It just doesn't get better than that.


traci16 said... 20

Thanks for the great giveaway!!! I think what I like most about Easter is the family getting together and my mom cooking a FAB meal!!! My dad always has an easter egg hunt where he hides money in eggs for all the kids and adults...its great!!!

rhonda1111 said... 21

love the Savior and love getting together with family
rlrlaney at yahoo dot com

Kassandra said... 22

Spring is a great time in the midwest! One of the few times in the year it isn't sweltering hot or blistering cold, lol.

Deb PelletierC said... 23

I love the flowers and candy eggs.
Why shouldn't you tell a easter egg a joke?
It might crack up . :) deb p

April Alvey said... 24

What I Love about this time of year is the time you share with your family the joy of being together and watching the little ones have their egg hunt and the older kids play basketball. Its a great time of year to spend with your family.

Kaylyn D said... 25

I love this time of year because well I can wear flip flops! Ok, I also like it because my hubby will BBQ steaks for me. lol Thank you for the giveaway and Have a great weekend!

bas1chs said... 26

The thing I like most about Easter are the flowers. Since it's spring everything is in bloom - even the trees. Yay!

bas1chsemail at gmail dot com

♡♥♬ Carolsue ♡♥♬ said... 27

I love this time of year because it's finally starting to warm up and the flowers are coming up!
I think I followed your FB page (as Carol Anderson)
Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net

Jenn of Frequent Reader, Infrequent Blogger said... 28

I like this time of year because it's starting to get warmer and I'm not a fan of cold weather.

Na said... 29

I like how creative everyone gets either in having egg hunts or egg decorating. It's a wonderful time to share with friends and family.


Lexie@BookBug said... 30

I love this time of year because it means summer is right around the corner and I can tkae my son to the park again!
Thanks for the giveaway and Hoppy EAster!
lexie.bookbug at gmail dot com

Anonymous said... 31

I like this time of year becuse it brings back so many memories of when I was a kid. Since I was raised by my grandparents, my grandmother used to dress me up on Easter with my fancy dress, and my white stockings, and my white patent leather shoes. We would go to church and then come home and have a big dinner with the whole family. Then have an Easter egg hunt and find candy filled eggs, and some filled with money. But I always had the most fun the day before Easter when my grandparents and I would color Easter eggs. And I would always yell at my grandfather not to mix the colors because no matter what colors you would mix, it would always come out some brown or some ugly color. Now my husband does the same thing and has taught my children to do it too. But it doesn't matter. As long as they are happy and having fun. Me, I still color my eggs one color at a time. lol. Another thing I love about this time of year, it's the only time of year where you can find marshmallow Peeps everywhere. Happy Easter Gabrielle!!

Anonymous said... 32

Forgot to leave my email:

Unknown said... 33

I love this time of year cause everything is growing

Lisa said... 34

I like spring time because the weather is warm, but not severely hot, like it is in summer down here.


Nay Nay said... 35

Woohoo! Hoppy Easter!

I love this time of year because living in Southern California, spring means the weather is warming up and the days are getting longer LOL

Thanks for being part of the hop and for the chance to win! <^_^>


Unknown said... 36

This is one of my favorite times of year because of the kids. I love seeing the smiles on their faces and the fun we have dying eggs and hiding them. Thanks so much for the contest and I hope you have a wonderful, chocolate filled Easter.

lastnerve2000 at gmail dot com

Juliana said... 37

Thanks for being part of the Hoppy Hop! Count me in, please! We do Passover, which was tonight! Good food that lasts for days!

Cathy M said... 38

I love springtime, and filling up all my flower beds with beautiful blooms.

Cathy m
caity_mack at yahoo dot com

Kat said... 39

I love that the sun is shining again, color is returning to the plants, and the air is warmer then it was before.

Sherry said... 40

I love this time of year because the weather is warmer but not to hot and I love to see all of the flowers in bloom.
sstrode at scrtc dot com

Sue Sattler said... 41

I love gettting together with family and all the chocolate.


Anne said... 42

I love that it's getting warmer, yet e don't have the extreme heat of the summer.

Dovile said... 43

I love the spring because it's so sunny, and everything is green, and the birds sing everywhere.

Thanks for the chance!

spamscape [at] gmail [dot] com

Linda Henderson said... 44

I love this time of year because the flowers are blooming, the trees are leafing out and the kids are so excited about finding eggs. Of course the Cadbury eggs are great too.

seriousreader at live dot com

Susan W. said... 45

I love this time of the year because everything is in bloom, the trees are turning green and I don't have to wear a coat when I walk my dogs! Happy Easter!


JoAnna said... 46

I love watching the kids go through their Easter baskets and hunting eggs.

Happy Easter!
beckerjo at verizon dot net

Vanessa N. said... 47

I love that it's warmer and that I get to spend time with my family.

Catherine Lee said... 48

Why I love this time of year? Sneezing and allergies and itchy eyes. YELLOW...everything covered in yellow pollen--cars, cats, outdoor furniture. Having to clean--spring cleaning and cleaning up the yard. Mosquitos and no seeums. The TOURISTS coming to our spring festival in droves.

I DO love the colors and beauty of the azaleas and forsythias and bradford pear trees and cherry blossoms, etc. I also love National Poetry Month and National Library Week.

Happy Easter
catherinelee100 at gmail dot com

Z said... 49

Love your blog design and colors. Have a Happy Easter.
Seawitch Reviews @

JessS said... 50

I guess I like this time of year for the chocolate. And since I live in Australia and it's in the southern hemisphere it's actually the beginning of Autumn, and getting cooler. Which is good because I'm more of a winter person anyway. Thanks!


Unknown said... 51

I love all of the wonderful flowers coming up. The colors are just amazing.
bournmelissa at hotmail dot com

Krysykat said... 52

For some reason I love to color eggs :)
(entered under Krysta B.)

Megan@Riverina Romantics said... 53

The things I like most about Easter are candy and egg decorating.

riverinaromantic AT aol DOT com

Unknown said... 54

I love this time of year because the days are getting longer!

Happy Easter & thanks for the amazing giveaway!
elizabeth @ bookattict . com (subscribed)
GFC: BookAttict
Sons of Navarus liked on Facebook: Elizabeth Kotkiewicz Hyatt

Michelle Bledsoe said... 55

I love the bright, brilliant colors of Spring. This and Autumn are my favorite times of year.
Thanks for the contest.

koonie2888 at yahoo dot com

Tabatha Hansen said... 56

I love this time of year because the spring flowers start growing and I love the spring rains!

Tabatha Hansen

Shadow said... 57

What i love most about Easter is spending time with my family. We always do something fun and its great to get in some bonding time. Happy Easter! Thank you!

June M. said... 58

My favorite things about Easter is spending time with family and watching the younger ones have so much fun. And of course, candy.
manning_j2004 at yahoo dot com

Fedora said... 59

Thanks for celebrating with us, Gabrielle! I love celebrating the core my faith at this time of year, and seeing the signs of spring really cheer me up, too! Hoping you enjoyed a lovely weekend!

f dot chen at comcast dot net