Today I have the very interesting Suzie Ivy here at the blog, so without further ado, here's Suzie!
Dr. Jekyll and Suzie Ivy
I was walking in the mall the other day and someone said, “Hey Suzie.” I turned and looked without thinking. When I realized what I had done, I moved quickly from the area and wondered if I finally crossed the line.
My real name is not Suzie. Few people in my area know I write and no one would think to call me anything but my real name. I must finally accept that I live a dual life. Suzie Ivy is my police writing name. It’s where I pour my internal feelings about my day job. It’s where I show the fun side of law enforcement. The real me is a police detective in a small Arizona town. I work homicide, sex crimes, and major felony cases. I hunt criminals.
I now have something in common with those I investigate. I have an alias. Maybe if I thought about this in a slightly different way I would feel better. But, I believe, my subconscious answering to Suzie, could be signs of a split personality. A Dr. Jekyll, Mr. Hyde if you will. I’m the crime fighter by day, the good guy. I walk into my home at night and remove my gun, badge and handcuffs. I feed my dogs and horse while slowly the other me takes over. I pick up my laptop and hit the power button. I open that first email message and then reply. My other life begins. Mr. Hyde has taken over.
I contacted a self-help blogger about my problem. She was no help. She is really a he and also uses an alias. I’m now looking closely at my neighbors. This quacked out guru could live next door. How would I know? I’m probably being melodramatic here but that’s the other me, Suzie. A new therapist is what I need. I wonder what he or she will say when I admit I write vampire novels under the name D’Elen McClain?
About the author: Suzie writes about her mid-life course correction and becoming a police officer at the age of forty-five. Bad Luck Cadet is available at Amazon. Bad Luck Officer will be released on March 15, 2012. You can find her daily at She writes vampire and werewolf romance under the name D’Elen McClain. Fang Chronicles: Amy’s Story is available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Emily’s Story will be out this summer. You can visit her fang side at

You are a gem! I'm sorry I missed thanking you when this came out. {hugs}
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