Today, I will join authors Natasha Blackthorne, Gale Stanley, and Karen Mercury for an all-day chat at Beth Wylde's Yahoo Group starting at 9am. The four of us are quite a diverse group, so it ought to offer something for everyone. I write erotic paranormal, primarily, with some erotic historicals thrown in. Natasha writes erotic historicals focused on late 18th and early 19th century America; Gale writes contemporary menage; and Karen writes historicals focused on the 19th century American west. There will be giveaways and lots of talking about erotic romance, in addition to anything else that pops into the conversation, so we hope you'll drop by.
Also, I've created a daily newspaper with called Romance With A Little Spice Daily. You can see the headlines in the left sidebar widget, which will take you to the entire newspaper, if you click on it. It's created from my Twitter stream and is for adults since there can be some nudity involved (beware if you're reading it at work).
Check it out and subscribe! I'm friends with some very interesting Tweeps! You never know what's going to make the news. ;)
Have a great Wednesday and don't forget about the chat at Beth Wylde's!

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