Gabrielle Bisset

Friday, August 26, 2011

Here, There, and Everywhere On This Friday

Friday Hugs

I've been dealing with the first week back to work and it's been hard getting back into the groove. I'm looking forward to the weekend. :D  In addition to work, I'm all over the place today.  First, I've been interviewed at Karenna Colcroft's blog, and then I'm over at Laurie's Bitten By Paranormal Romance talking about the difference between urban fantasy and paranormal romance. Check 'em out!

I'm also over at Madame D.'s Boudoir with an interview the lovely lady of that blog did with me just a few days ago.  There's a nice excerpt from my newest novella, Masquerade, with this one, so click on over. 

I'm going to be hard at work on Vasilije's story this weekend, hoping to add another one to two chapters to that story.  My goal is to have that completed by Thanksgiving so my editor can have it in her hands before December.  The ultimate goal is to have it released right before Christmas.  However, I still don't have a name for this new baby, which bugs me.  If anyone has a suggestion for what I should title a very erotic story (so far) about a vampire who in addition to being hedonistic and sensual is also hellbent on revenge for the murder of one of his vampires, definitely leave a comment.  Right now, I'm sitting with Sire, but I'm not in love with that title.  It's set in New Orleans (again, so far), so if that stirs any ideas, let me know. 

I also have to work on planning for my son's school year, which begins on Monday.  There's a lot going on for him too this year, so I have to get that in order.  Finally, I'm hoping to see Fright Night at some point in the next three days too.  I'm not usually a horror film fan, but I am a Colin Farrell fan, and he looks delicious as a vampire.  Hopefully, the movie is good too. :D

Have a great weekend! 


Bree said... 1

I want to see Fright Night as well. I've heard from some friends that it is excellent!! Good luck with all your busy-ness!!

Janice Seagraves said... 2

Hi Gabriel,

I just have to tell you what a lovely blog you have.


Unknown said... 3

Thanks Bree and Janice! :)