
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Wow Wednesday!

I usually don't feel such love for Wednesday, but today just feels terrific.  For the third day in a row, all three novellas in the Victorian Erotic Romance Trilogy are in the Top 100 Erotic Books on Amazon.  That Masquerade, in just its seventh day out, has been on the list amazes me.  It's already sold more in that period of time than Vampire Dreams did in its entire first month! Vampire Dreams and Love's Master continue to do well too, and the Trilogy even seems to be helping out Stolen Destiny.  Big smiles all around. :D

At my house, it's been less than smiles since my son got hurt.  We have to wait until the orthopedic surgeon gives his final diagnosis, but it's looking like it could be a torn ACL.  Ugh...

I'm back to work at the day job, but it's not too bad so far. School has started here at my house, so every morning I'm busy with Farsi, history, and English.  My son is in 10th grade this year and we're doing history and literature from 1600-1800, a time period I love, so I'm looking forward to a great year.  And Farsi has been so incredibly interesting already.  I haven't studied a language since sign language about five years ago, so my brain is clicking on all levels.  (I think I smell burnt toast...)

Work on Vasilije's story continues, with about a third completed.  I was a slacker for the week after vacation, so I'm not as far on it as I'd like, but I promised myself it would be out before Christmas, so it's nose-to-the-grindstone time.  At a chapter a week (a very conservative estimate), I'll be done before Thanksgiving and then it's off to the editor. It's going to a novel length story, so I'm looking at 50K or more.

And finally, I begin final edits on my newest baby, Destiny Redeemed. This story has been completed since March and I've waited a long time to show it the attention it deserves, but this weekend it begins.  At 84K words, it's a full novel size story, so I'm giving myself until the middle of September to be finished before I send it to the editor. Watch for that to be released in October. 

I love this story as much or more than anything I've ever written, mainly because of the main character, Amon.  I never planned to write his story, but while I was writing Stolen Destiny, the idea of his book became so strong that I had to write it.  I guess you can say he got into my head.  ;)

I'm off to learn more Farsi with those terrific Rosetta Stone peeps.  I hope everyone has a great day!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Author Felicity Heaton Guest Post

Thank you Gabrielle for having me here on your blog as part of my Paranormal Pandemonium 2011 Blog Tour. I’m looking forward to sharing an excerpt from my new release, Her Guardian Angel, which is the fourth book in my best selling adult angel romance series, Her Angel. The first three books in the series were all spicy and action-packed novellas, and the first book, Her Dark Angel, is still available at a special price of just $0.99 as an introduction to the series. Her Guardian Angel is the first novel-length book in the series and it’s a dramatic, sensual, and fast-paced romance with some serious twists, heart-wrenching moments and deadly danger. It’s the story of love between a guardian angel, Marcus, and a mortal female, Amelia, and how far they’re both willing to go to survive against the odds and stay together. It’s a love that will shake Heaven and Hell.

Here’s a little information about the book, and one of my favourite excerpts, where Marcus and Amelia share their first passionate kiss.

Her Guardian Angel is currently available in e-book direct from my website, Amazon Kindle Stores, Apple iBookstore, Kobo and Smashwords. It will soon be available from Barnes & Noble and Sony. It’s also available as a paperback from and Barnes & Noble, and will soon be available from other sites.

Her Guardian Angel
A simple mission becomes a fight for survival in this fantastic instalment in the Her Angel series.

A guardian angel dedicated to his duty, Marcus will do whatever Heaven asks of him, but even his loyalty has its limits. When his superior orders him to gain Amelia’s trust through seduction, Marcus starts to question his mission and his feelings for the beautiful woman he has watched over since her birth.

Amelia has gone from one bad relationship to another, so when a gorgeous guy moves in next door looking like Mr Right, she hopes he doesn’t turn out to be another black knight in disguise. But there’s more to Marcus than meets the eye, and when he rescues her from three demonic men, Amelia is thrust into his nightmarish world—a world where God and the Devil exist, and only one angel can save her from death—Marcus, the angel she’s falling in love with.

On the run from demonic angels and the Devil himself, aided by Marcus’s angel friends and their amazing women, fighting for survival against the odds, Marcus and Amelia discover a love that will last forever.

A love so strong it will shake Heaven and Hell.

Read the official excerpt or download a five chapter extended excerpt:

Available in paperback for $9.99 from:

Marcus stepped back, leaving Amelia sagged against the wall, panting so hard that her breasts rose and fell with each breath, presenting him with a glorious view that had him reconsidering what he was about to say.

She slowly opened her grey eyes and smiled shyly before raking her gaze over him. It lingered on his groin and her eyes widened, pupils dilating until her irises turned dark with desire. There was a wicked edge to her eyes when they met his again and she inclined her head, her pouty come hither look almost luring him in. Desire wasn’t the only thing written plainly across her face. There was expectation there too, and that alone pushed him into saying what he needed to.

“I think this is a bad idea.”

Her sultry temptress look immediately dissipated, leaving the Amelia he was familiar with standing before him.

“You really don’t like me,” she whispered and the hurt in her heart beat within his.

He wasn’t saying anything of the sort. But what could he tell her? He was halfway to drunk and not only did he need to get his head on straight so he was certain that he wasn’t doing this because he was subconsciously following orders but he was hardly going to produce the stellar performance she expected of him.

He had been celibate this entire lifetime.

And he was damned if his first time was going to be under orders.

If something was going to happen between them, it was going to happen naturally. He wasn’t going to seduce her and use her feelings against her.

“I do… but… I think the wine has gone to my head and I think it might have gone to yours too.”

“And that’s a bad thing?” She glanced at the empty bottle and his half-full glass on the table.

“It is.” Marcus ventured a step towards her and brushed the backs of his fingers against her cheek, sweeping her straight dark hair from her face. Her skin was as smooth as he had imagined it would be and the way she closed her eyes, slowly inhaling at the same time, empowered him. He opened his hand and cupped her face, resting his fingers along her jaw and bringing his thumb close to her mouth. Such soft lips. He wanted to dip his head and kiss her again but he wasn’t sure he would be able to stop at just kissing if he did. “It is all a little quick and I don’t want you waking tomorrow feeling like crap because of what we did tonight.”

“I doubt I would feel crappy.” There it was again. Blatant expectation. Why? Because he was handsome to her? That instantly made him Casanova?

No pressure then.

“Amelia… how about we take it slow and steady?”

Her eyes lit up and he realised there could be another meaning in his words but he didn’t bother to correct her because he wasn’t about to let things get that far. His final task was coming. Everything that had happened tonight would satisfy his superior and his orders to gain her trust. He would date her a few times, keeping a suitable distance, and once his mission was over he would leave.

She nodded, tiptoed and kissed him.

Resisting was impossible.

He swept his lips over hers, tasting her again and savouring this brief contact between them. When she broke away this time, he led her back to the couch and settled there with her, his thoughts weighing him down. He watched her again, fascinated by the amusement she got from the movie and how she curled up next to him, her bare knees brushing his thigh. A deep ache to slide his arm around her shoulders and draw her closer still beat in his bones but he resisted.

He couldn’t use her feelings against her.

Not when he was starting to feel something for her too.

I hope you enjoyed reading this excerpt and that you’ll check out this story and the others in the series. There are excerpts of all my stories available at my website, and many of the novels have downloadable extended excerpts of between 4-10 chapters of the story!

If you did enjoy this post, then be sure to follow me on my Paranormal Pandemonium 2011 Blog Tour so you can learn more about the characters, the series and the books, and participate in the giveaways. You can find out my tour dates at my website:

Stories in the Her Angel series are: Her Dark Angel, Her Fallen Angel, Her Warrior Angel, and Her Guardian Angel. Excerpts from the stories and links to where they are available in e-book and paperback can be found at my website:

Felicity Heaton is a romance author writing as both Felicity Heaton and F E Heaton. She is passionate about penning paranormal tales full of vampires, witches, werewolves, angels and shape-shifters, and has been interested in all things preternatural and fantastical since she was just a child. Her other passion is science-fiction and she likes nothing more than to immerse herself in a whole new universe and the amazing species therein. She used to while away days at school and college dreaming of vampires, werewolves and witches, or being lost in space, and used to while away evenings watching movies about them or reading gothic horror stories, science-fiction and romances.

Having tried her hand at various romance genres, it was only natural for her to turn her focus back to the paranormal, fantasy and science-fiction worlds she enjoys so much. She loves to write seductive, sexy and strong vampires, werewolves, witches, angels and alien species. The worlds she often dreams up for them are vicious, dark and dangerous, reflecting aspects of the heroines and heroes, but her characters also love deeply, laugh, cry and feel every emotion as keenly as anyone does. She makes no excuses for the darkness surrounding them, especially the paranormal creatures, and says that this is their world. She’s just honoured to write down their adventures.

If you want to know more about me, or want to get in touch, you can find me at the following places:

Friday, August 26, 2011

Here, There, and Everywhere On This Friday

Friday Hugs

I've been dealing with the first week back to work and it's been hard getting back into the groove. I'm looking forward to the weekend. :D  In addition to work, I'm all over the place today.  First, I've been interviewed at Karenna Colcroft's blog, and then I'm over at Laurie's Bitten By Paranormal Romance talking about the difference between urban fantasy and paranormal romance. Check 'em out!

I'm also over at Madame D.'s Boudoir with an interview the lovely lady of that blog did with me just a few days ago.  There's a nice excerpt from my newest novella, Masquerade, with this one, so click on over. 

I'm going to be hard at work on Vasilije's story this weekend, hoping to add another one to two chapters to that story.  My goal is to have that completed by Thanksgiving so my editor can have it in her hands before December.  The ultimate goal is to have it released right before Christmas.  However, I still don't have a name for this new baby, which bugs me.  If anyone has a suggestion for what I should title a very erotic story (so far) about a vampire who in addition to being hedonistic and sensual is also hellbent on revenge for the murder of one of his vampires, definitely leave a comment.  Right now, I'm sitting with Sire, but I'm not in love with that title.  It's set in New Orleans (again, so far), so if that stirs any ideas, let me know. 

I also have to work on planning for my son's school year, which begins on Monday.  There's a lot going on for him too this year, so I have to get that in order.  Finally, I'm hoping to see Fright Night at some point in the next three days too.  I'm not usually a horror film fan, but I am a Colin Farrell fan, and he looks delicious as a vampire.  Hopefully, the movie is good too. :D

Have a great weekend! 

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Happy Birthday, Bree!

Twenty-two years ago in Landstuhl, Germany my daughter came into the world.  I was a young mother, completely ignorant of what to do with that baby girl who suddenly seemed to be everything in my world. Fast forward all those years, through the good times and bad (teenage years...OMG!) and today she's an adult and one of my closest friends. Still young enough to be more brash than she probably should be, she's smart and witty and one of my favorite people in this world. 

When I told her I planned to put a book out on her birthday, she was thrilled.  Much like her mother, she celebrates her birthday in grand style.  Although Masquerade went live on Amazon a few hours before midnight last night, I'm still officially announcing its release today, on her birthday, as a tribute to her.

Happy birthday, Bree! 

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Feeling Grateful Today

This is my second post today, but I received some wonderful news and want to express my happiness and gratitude. Night Owl Reviews posted two reviews for my books today, and I'm just thrilled with them.  Vampire Dreams got a 4 star review. My favorite line from the review is, "She has the ability to include good detail and emotions within her stories which makes me want to pick up her next book!" I can't tell readers how much that means to me.  I'm not big on description, but I always strive to convey the emotions my characters are experiencing.  I'm happy to know I'm succeeding.

To read the complete review, click HERE.

Then Stolen Destiny received a 4.5 star review and is a reviewer top pick at Night Owl Reviews.  There were so many lines from this review that I want to share, but here are just a few.

"Patience is a virtue as they say and when reading this book the more you wait the better it gets. The answers to all my questions concerning the plot and people in the book were slowly revealed to me as the story progressed making the read unique and a work of sheer brilliance, in my opinion."

"By the end I will admit to falling for both the 'good' guy and the 'bad' guy in the story."

"Amon is a soul worth saving and I know it will be as adventurous as Varek and Callia's story."

As an author, it's so incredible when readers see what you hoped they would. For the complete review, go HERE.

Then, on top of all that great news, Shah from the wonderful blog Words in Sync gave me a blog award.  Thank you so much, Shah!  The iDig Your Blog Award has a few rules, so here they are: 

iDig Your Blog Award Regulations
1 ) Gratefully accept this award.
2 ) Link the wonderful person you received it from.
3 ) Post 3 interesting facts about yourself.
4 ) Pass this award around to, at-least, 5 blogs you dig.
5 ) Notify them.

Three interesting facts about me:  1.) At times, I'm painfully shy.  No really.  2.) I'm in between husbands at the moment.  3.) I'm considering getting another tattoo. That would make my total three.  The problem is that I can't figure out what I want.  

I want to pass this on to these five bloggers, who I think are just great:

Selena Collins-The Enchanted Book
Talina Perkins-Bookin It
Elaina Lee-For the Muse Design
Nat-Reading Romances
Madame D.'s Boudoir

Some days are just so great you forget about everything else.  Today is one of those days.  The next time I have one of those days that feels like the whole world is crashing down around my ears, I'm going to think of today and remember how blessed I am. :)

Wednesday Treats

I'm over at Whipped Cream's Yahoo group today chatting, so if you want to come over and ask a question or just shoot the breeze, drop on by.  Check it out at

I finally caught up on True Blood after missing two weeks while I was on vacation.  I realize this may be blasphemy, but I have to confess I'm getting quite sick of the Sookie/Eric thing.  He used to be so bad and hot, and now he looks like some lost frat boy.  And the dream she had? as for the naked Alcide, oh my God!  Sweet Lord!  I do love that man! 

But can anyone tell me why Sam's brother went to see the wolf guy?  I must have missed something there.  That entire storyline is bizarre to me, but it had some more Alcide time in it, so I was good for it. 

In my continuing effort to give readers what they want, I did a little research and not only found this fantastic picture (love the collage of Alcide naked butt!) but an entire page devoted to the idea of him on this week's episode.  Isn't the Internet great?  It's called You Know You Care.  And just in case you're still a fan of the other butts on the show, there's even a poll asking whose buns you'd butter, Alcide's, Eric's, or Lafayette's. What a great age we live in!  Thanks to that wonderful link for this wonderful pic.

Although I'm not sure I can follow that up, I'll try.  I'm over at Felicity Heaton's blog today giving readers a little taste of Love's Master, so click on over.  And the wonderful Madame D. over at her blog, Madame D.'s Boudoir, has listed me in her post on Great Authors.  Thank you so much, Kim, and if any of you haven't been to her blog yet, go check it out. 

Finally, I uploaded Masquerade to Amazon and Barnes and Noble last night at around 11, so I'm hoping it will go live sometime today or tomorrow. I'm all smiles! :D

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

More You Tube Vids, Some Whipped Cream, and News!

While I was away, Romance Novel Junkies put out a You Tube video about her two reviews for Vampire Dreams and Stolen Destiny.  A great reader of all romance genres, she's been a terrific supporter of my books since the beginning, and I can't thank her enough!  Take a look at the video below, and if you haven't read her reviews, she has included them on the You Tube site under the video. 

All I can say is, I love it, Monique! 

I'm at Whipped Cream being interviewed today, and if you want to chat, look for me tomorrow on the Whipped Cream Erotic Romance Reviews Yahoo group.  I'll be popping in and out all day, so stop by!

Finally, I have big news.  The edits have been done on Masquerade for weeks and I've been impatiently sitting on the book to give Love's Master its time in the sun, but now the last novella in the Victorian Erotic Romance Trilogy will get its time.  With total sales for the first two novellas in the trilogy bouncing past 2000 yesterday (just 17 days after reaching 1000 sales!), I'm looking forward to letting this new story join its sisters out there in the world. I hope readers love this story as much as they have the first two because I know I do.  Look for Masquerade before the week is out, depending on the speed of Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

With Masquerade, the Victorian Erotic Romance Trilogy comes to an end, but later in the year, Vasilije from Vampire Dreams gets his own story set in modern times.  He's aged another 150 years, but it's only made him badder and sexier.  ;)  And between you and me, his story is the most erotic one I've ever written, so far. 

Monday, August 22, 2011

Small Blogs, Big Giveaways Hop II

Reading Romances is at it again, organizing another fantastic giveaway hop!  This time the hop runs from August 22-29, and again, there are tons of prizes you can win.  To check them out, take a look! Here at my blog, I'm giving away copies of Love's Master, Stolen Destiny, and the brand new novella in the Victorian Erotic Romance Trilogy, Masquerade, which is set for release in just a few days! 

Second in the Victorian Erotic Romance Trilogy (light BDSM)

Erotic Paranormal Romance, first in the Destined Ones Series.  The second book in the series, Destiny Redeemed, is scheduled for release in October!

The last in the Victorian Erotic Romance Trilogy and scheduled for release later this month!

34 books+ 9 GC = 43 prizes! Click on the links to find out about this great giveaway!

Follow the event on twitter


Organized by: Reading Romances
hosting other giveaways now? US$100 gift card giveaway!
Letters Inside Out
hosting other giveaways now? Yes – will likely be a newer YA book
Reads With Wreckless Abandon
hosting other giveaways now? Monthly Book Giveaway- It’s international your choice of 1 from 5 books.
So Many Books, Here’s Mine
hosting other giveaways now? Yes
Laurie’s Thoughts & Reviews
hosting other giveaways now? YES – A Bonus Giveaway
Will be giving away a $10 Gift Card (winner’s choice, Amazon, B&N, Book Depository) and more books.
The Magic Attic
‪hosting other giveaways now? Blog tour for Static by Tawny Stokes, and a The Faerie Ring by Kiki Hamilton swag giveaway‬
Frequent Reader, Infrequent Blogger
‪hosting other giveaways now? a tour giveaway from Stacey Thompson Geer on the 24th‬ + 3 other contests still open one for a DVD of Something Borrowed, My 300 Follower Giveaway and another Tour Giveaway for the Gift of Illusion.
Red Hot Books
hosting other giveaways now? Storm’s Heart by Thea Harrison (paperback) — US/Canada
Frugal Experiments
hosting other giveaways now?The Spa For Ma Giveaway Event $100 spa basket giveaway Runs from Aug 18-31st
and The Back To School Giveaway Hop $25 school supply package Runs from Aug 22-26th
Book Nerd Reviews
hosting other giveaways now? August giveaway will be running from August 1st – August 30th. This month the winner will win two books though instead of one. And they will be able to chose from three genres. It will be international – anywhere Book Depository delivers to.
Can’t Put It Down
hosting other giveaways now? it ends when my Facebook page gets 150 Likes.
Nicola Marsh
hosting other giveaways now? Yes, 2 double prize packs featuring current release Girl in a Vintage Dress & Overtime in the Boss’s Bed

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Author Karenna Colcroft Guest Post

Three’s a…?

Well, for some people, three is perfect. There’s an always-active debate about whether introducing a third person into a committed relationship can really work. Some people contend that humans are wired to be monogamous, and should be. According to them, it isn’t possible to love more than one person at a time. Others contend that humans are wired to love whomever they love, even if that is more than one person.

I belong to a dating site where some people “swing” or have open relationships. I’ve seen people’s marriages fall apart because of those arrangements, but I’ve also seen some very strong, long-lasting marriages that work well, maybe even better, because there are more than two people involved.

Personally, I doubt I’d ever be able to manage a ménage relationship or an open marriage. I am kind of wired for monogamy. So is my husband, though he claims he wouldn’t mind if I brought another woman into the bedroom. (Unfortunately for him, that just isn’t my thing.) But a couple years ago, I found myself in a situation in which, while I definitely was in love with my husband (then just my boyfriend), I also loved another man, someone who had been in my life before I met hubby. That situation resulted in the other man and me staying just friends, and me staying with hubby. But it gave me a “what if” that turned into a novel.

In that novel, Shiny Objects, which releases today from Passion in Print Press, Elena thinks she’s cut out for monogamy with her boyfriend Corin, until her former lover Niko re-enters her life. She and Niko have some pretty strong, unresolved feelings for one another, and that causes problems. When Corin tells her that it’s okay for her to explore those feelings, Elena is stunned.

Some ménage stories have everything running smoothly. The three partners all get along, and the relationship goes just fine. That isn’t the case in Shiny Objects. Since the men in the story are based on hubby and my friend, I knew the characters well enough to know that it wouldn’t be easy for them to share. And Elena wouldn’t be exactly thrilled with herself for wanting two men. So there are definitely some bumps in the road for the three of them. But they do get a happily ever after, or at least a happy for now, ending.

You can find Shiny Objects at, and to find out more about me, including my Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube links, please visit my website at

Friday, August 12, 2011

Finally Friday and New Cover Love!

Thank God it's finally Friday!  It's been a busy week here at Casa Bisset.  I had to arrange the swag basket for the October event and send it off; I got word yesterday about the blog tour for Masquerade; and Elaina and I have been doing our thing getting the cover for Destiny Redeemed ready to meet the world, all while I've been packing and getting ready for vacation.  

Elaina has made me another incredible cover.  She does great work, and I can't praise her enough for this.  I love it! It took forever for me to find the image that would represent Amon, but I finally did.  I'd already found an image for Thea pretty quickly, so then it was just a matter of finding the right balance between them and the rest of the cover's details. Elaina even used the image of Nil that I used in Stolen Destiny's book trailer (bottom left).  Thank you, Elaina, for working your magic yet again! Destiny Redeemed is scheduled for release in October. :D

Before Amon and Thea can steal the spotlight, Masquerade comes out at the end of this month. Here's the banner for Masquerade's book tour.  Isn't it beautiful?  The wonderful Liz at CBLS Promotions sent it to me yesterday, and I love it!  That mask really does travel well, doesn't it?  

Speaking of Stolen Destiny's book trailer, it's up at two sites now, Watch The Romance Book and Blazing Trailers.  If you have a chance, take a look.  I had a great time making that trailer, and I plan to do another for Destiny Redeemed.  Book trailers are new, but they're another way to get the word out about a book.

I'm off to the House of Mouse for eight days, leaving a friend to man the store.  When I get back, it will almost be Masquerade release time, and then it's final edits for Destiny Redeemed, which is set for an October release.  And I'll be hard at work on Vasilije's story, which I'm planning for release in December.  No rest for the wicked!

The Small Blogs, Big Giveaways hop begins the day I get back, on August 22, so keep an eye out for that.  I hope everyone has a great week! 

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Tempting Tuesday

I'm in the final countdown to my vacation that begins on Saturday.  Let me tell you I'm so ready for some away time.  However, until then, the business of the day continues.  I'm over at Mind Reader participating in Adults Ahoy today talking a little BDSM and offering an excerpt about food as a sex toy, so check it out!  There's also a giveaway going on too, so look for that on the site too. 

I'm also getting ready for the start of the semester that begins the day I get back from vacation (now that's some bad planning, I know!).  I only have one new prep this semester, and that's for a film class I'm teaching, so it's all good.  I'm just about finished with my prep, so vacation, here I come!

Elaina has been hard at work completing the cover for Destiny Redeemed.  It should be ready before I leave for the House of Mouse, but until then, here's a little taste of the yummy image that is Amon. (Disregard the lines though the pic.  Lines?  What lines, you say?  LOL)  Now you know why I named this post Tempting Tuesday.  I do love a man with a body that tempts me to do bad things.  ;) 

Friday, August 5, 2011


1000.  This morning when I woke up I checked my sales numbers for Vampire Dreams and Love's Master and they totaled to just over 1000 sales. 

When I began writing, it was because it made me happy.  I had a story to tell, so I wrote it down.  Then when I finished it, I decided I'd try to get it published. When that happened, it wasn't what I'd expected but it was a milestone and I appreciated it. 

Then I made the decision to indie publish, and on June 1, Vampire Dreams went up for sale at Smashwords, All Romance eBooks, and Amazon (B&N took until June 11 to come online).  The first month I sold 150 books.  As I wrote on July 1, I had no idea what to imagine when I began this, so 150 was a number I could feel good about. 

On July 11, I put Love's Master up at all four outlets.  I must have done something right that time because it came online almost immediately at all four stores.  That book has been out for three weeks, and it's currently doing better than Vampire Dreams did in its first month. (Note:  Vampire Dreams was sold at $1.99 for the first month of its release, so that skews the data a bit here.)  Next Friday, I'll have the numbers for Love's Master, but I'm very pleased with how it's doing.

I knew it would be a challenge selling a trilogy of books that are only linked by the period in history in which they're set.  Vampire Dreams is an erotic paranormal historical romance (light on the history and heavy on the vampires), while Love's Master is an erotic historical romance with some light BDSM.  Masquerade, the third novella in what I've named the Victorian Erotic Romance Trilogy, is an erotic historical romance, with no paranormal or kink involved.  It's also a bit lighter than the first two, and almost twice as long as Vampire Dreams at 30,000 words.  That novella is due out on August 30, and hopefully readers of the first two will enjoy it just as much, even though it doesn't have vampires or kink.  :D  It does have an incredibly sexy Russian and the most headstrong heroine I've ever written, so readers should expect passion.

It should be noted that I don't include my novel, Stolen Destiny, in my sales numbers.  This is because I have no control over where it's sold and how much it's sold for at any place.  My publisher determines this.  So for the first four weeks, the book was only sold at Siren's site, but it's recently been moved to Amazon also, but not Barnes and Noble or All Romance eBooks.  In addition, I have no reliable sales numbers yet from my publisher concerning my Amazon sales.  There the book has ebbed and flowed between the mid 50K rank and the mid 100K rank, but I don't know any official numbers.  Therefore, none of the sales from that book figure into the 1000 sales milestone of today. 

Nine weeks ago, I took a step into the indie publishing world.  I hoped it would turn out well, but I can't say I was sure it would.  For me, this has been an incredible journey, and it's only really just begun.  Masquerade comes out in a little over three weeks, Destiny Redeemed is scheduled for an October release, and I'm working toward a mid-December release of Vasilije's story.  I hope readers continue to stick around because I'm just getting started.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Midweek Mojo

First off, this picture has nothing to do with this post.  I just loved it and felt like posting it, even though it's grammatically incorrect because of the run on. Poor Floyd.  No mojo for him. 

I've become a household warrior this week as I get ready to go to the House of Mouse.  I'm one of those people who cleans only when necessary, but I'm crazy about coming home to a clean house.  I've had everyone in my house working like dogs to get the place spic-and-span, but today is the office/classroom.  Trust me when I say that it's a huge task.  If I took a picture of just my desk area, you'd be appalled.  This room looks like it's trying hard to get on that show Hoarders. (Incidentally, if you haven't seen that show, oh, you don't know what you're missing.  There's nothing like a heady dose of filth smoothed over with pseudo-psychology.  It's television at its best!)  If you don't hear from me in a few days, I succumbed to the avalanche of paper and books. 

On other fronts, I'm over at Blak Rayne's blog with an interview we did and at Elaina Lee's again today, this time with an excerpt from Love's Master.  Hop on over to each of them and check out two fabulous blogs!

It's time for me to go into the mess and I won't be coming out until the room sparkles.  Wish me luck...

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Closing In On A Milestone

It's a gorgeous day where I am, and I hope you're surrounded by sun and the best things summer offers too.  I'm trying not to get down about the fact that summer will be over so soon.  Just have to remember vacation is in 11 days...think Mickey, Eeyore....there, it's all good now. 

I'm closing in on a milestone in my writing.  This morning I was another step closer, so that's definitely something to like.  I can't wait to celebrate that, hopefully this week sometime.

And I'm over at Elaina Lee's blog today and tomorrow.  Today, I'm talking about why I choose to stay indie pubbed, and tomorrow she's showcasing an excerpt from Love's Master.  For anyone who doesn't know, Elaina is the incredibly talented cover artist who makes the faces of my books look so good. She's the one who works the magic with the mess I send her.  She's also an author, so head over to her blog and check out what I'm dishing about and then take a look at what this multi-talented woman is up to!

Monday, August 1, 2011


Happy Monday, blogworld!  It's already August (oh God, please say it isn't so!), and the dog days of summer are about to come upon us.  Bring it on!  In what's becoming my Monday morning quarterbacking of True Blood, this week I'm not so much hating on the show as I was last week.  Sexy, naked Eric is good.  Sad Bill is not.  Clothed Alcide is definitely not, but I don't think I've ever seen a man wear a shirt like that man does. He's the stuff dreams are made of...(Yes, I know that's Eric in a shirt, but that blue shirt Alcide wore last night looked incredible on him.) The rest of the show is crazy witches, crazy shifters, and crazy Tara.  I'm not sure I'm all about the crazy.

What else is new?  Well, I'm closing in on a big milestone in my writing soon.  I'll definitely be posting about that when it happens. 

I'm on Chapter 4 of Vasilije's book (got over two chapters written this weekend), so that WIP is rolling along.  I do need a title for it, however. Masquerade is almost ready...typing is such a drag!  And once Masquerade is sent off to be edited, it's time to begin edits on Destiny Redeemed, Amon's story.

Destiny Redeemed has been complete since late March, but because of my choice to go indie instead of continue with an epub, it's had to patiently wait while the novellas took center stage.  Come October, however, Destiny Redeemed gets to show itself to the world.  As it's Amon's book, he's obviously a repeat character from the first book.  However, there are others who make a second appearance, such as Gethen, Markku, and even Aunt Jean.  And readers get to learn more about the Council in this book too. 

As I told someone the other day, I gave Amon a female who can handle him.  Thea is as ancient as Amon (in her 45th lifetime), but with a very big difference: she's an Aeveren healer.  But they share a major thing in common: they were both born with their powers, so they feel a kindred spirit between one another.

And the bad guy in this is one bad son of a bitch.  I don't know if I've written a nastier bad guy.  The murderer in Stolen Destiny isn't nasty so much as crazy.  Kiril from Destiny Redeemed, on the other hand, is a real bastard.

I hope to have the cover sometime very soon, so when I get it, I'll be putting it up all over the place.  Let's just say that the image of the male for Amon is smokin hot.  :)  (fans herself)

Ok, back to Monday.  I'm over at Shannon Leigh's blog talking Love's Master there, so check it out.  That story is a nice little light BDSM romp, so if you have $.99 and like a little blindfold and spanking action, snap it up. It's not hardcore, but it's sexy. :D