At my house, it's been less than smiles since my son got hurt. We have to wait until the orthopedic surgeon gives his final diagnosis, but it's looking like it could be a torn ACL. Ugh...
I'm back to work at the day job, but it's not too bad so far. School has started here at my house, so every morning I'm busy with Farsi, history, and English. My son is in 10th grade this year and we're doing history and literature from 1600-1800, a time period I love, so I'm looking forward to a great year. And Farsi has been so incredibly interesting already. I haven't studied a language since sign language about five years ago, so my brain is clicking on all levels. (I think I smell burnt toast...)
Work on Vasilije's story continues, with about a third completed. I was a slacker for the week after vacation, so I'm not as far on it as I'd like, but I promised myself it would be out before Christmas, so it's nose-to-the-grindstone time. At a chapter a week (a very conservative estimate), I'll be done before Thanksgiving and then it's off to the editor. It's going to a novel length story, so I'm looking at 50K or more.
And finally, I begin final edits on my newest baby, Destiny Redeemed. This story has been completed since March and I've waited a long time to show it the attention it deserves, but this weekend it begins. At 84K words, it's a full novel size story, so I'm giving myself until the middle of September to be finished before I send it to the editor. Watch for that to be released in October.
I love this story as much or more than anything I've ever written, mainly because of the main character, Amon. I never planned to write his story, but while I was writing Stolen Destiny, the idea of his book became so strong that I had to write it. I guess you can say he got into my head. ;)
I'm off to learn more Farsi with those terrific Rosetta Stone peeps. I hope everyone has a great day!
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