
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Feeling Grateful Today

This is my second post today, but I received some wonderful news and want to express my happiness and gratitude. Night Owl Reviews posted two reviews for my books today, and I'm just thrilled with them.  Vampire Dreams got a 4 star review. My favorite line from the review is, "She has the ability to include good detail and emotions within her stories which makes me want to pick up her next book!" I can't tell readers how much that means to me.  I'm not big on description, but I always strive to convey the emotions my characters are experiencing.  I'm happy to know I'm succeeding.

To read the complete review, click HERE.

Then Stolen Destiny received a 4.5 star review and is a reviewer top pick at Night Owl Reviews.  There were so many lines from this review that I want to share, but here are just a few.

"Patience is a virtue as they say and when reading this book the more you wait the better it gets. The answers to all my questions concerning the plot and people in the book were slowly revealed to me as the story progressed making the read unique and a work of sheer brilliance, in my opinion."

"By the end I will admit to falling for both the 'good' guy and the 'bad' guy in the story."

"Amon is a soul worth saving and I know it will be as adventurous as Varek and Callia's story."

As an author, it's so incredible when readers see what you hoped they would. For the complete review, go HERE.

Then, on top of all that great news, Shah from the wonderful blog Words in Sync gave me a blog award.  Thank you so much, Shah!  The iDig Your Blog Award has a few rules, so here they are: 

iDig Your Blog Award Regulations
1 ) Gratefully accept this award.
2 ) Link the wonderful person you received it from.
3 ) Post 3 interesting facts about yourself.
4 ) Pass this award around to, at-least, 5 blogs you dig.
5 ) Notify them.

Three interesting facts about me:  1.) At times, I'm painfully shy.  No really.  2.) I'm in between husbands at the moment.  3.) I'm considering getting another tattoo. That would make my total three.  The problem is that I can't figure out what I want.  

I want to pass this on to these five bloggers, who I think are just great:

Selena Collins-The Enchanted Book
Talina Perkins-Bookin It
Elaina Lee-For the Muse Design
Nat-Reading Romances
Madame D.'s Boudoir

Some days are just so great you forget about everything else.  Today is one of those days.  The next time I have one of those days that feels like the whole world is crashing down around my ears, I'm going to think of today and remember how blessed I am. :)

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