
Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Tempting Tuesday

I'm in the final countdown to my vacation that begins on Saturday.  Let me tell you I'm so ready for some away time.  However, until then, the business of the day continues.  I'm over at Mind Reader participating in Adults Ahoy today talking a little BDSM and offering an excerpt about food as a sex toy, so check it out!  There's also a giveaway going on too, so look for that on the site too. 

I'm also getting ready for the start of the semester that begins the day I get back from vacation (now that's some bad planning, I know!).  I only have one new prep this semester, and that's for a film class I'm teaching, so it's all good.  I'm just about finished with my prep, so vacation, here I come!

Elaina has been hard at work completing the cover for Destiny Redeemed.  It should be ready before I leave for the House of Mouse, but until then, here's a little taste of the yummy image that is Amon. (Disregard the lines though the pic.  Lines?  What lines, you say?  LOL)  Now you know why I named this post Tempting Tuesday.  I do love a man with a body that tempts me to do bad things.  ;) 


  1. Hey Gabrielle - hope you have a great day. This guy is rippling yumminess" ;D
    Shah. X


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