Gabrielle Bisset

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Black Friday Blog H0p #PNR

I don't do the shopping thing on Black Friday because I'm liable to get arrested if someone elbows me out of the way for the last Sing Along Elmo, so hanging out hopping around blogs and entering for goodies is a much safer way for me to spend the day. Thanks for stopping by my part in the hop!

For me, these one day hops are the best! No waiting to see who won. One day and done. I love it! So while you finish off those turkey leftovers, you can enter to win a bunch of prizes. Here's the info: 

There will be over 200 giveaways total on all the blogs participating.

But that's not all....

We have 
THREE grand prizes. You as a reader can go to EACH blog and comment with your email address and be entered to win. Yep, you can enter over 200 times!

Now what are those prizes?

1st Grand Prize: A Kindle Fire or Nook Tablet
2nd Grand Prize: A $75 Amazon or B&N Gift Card
3rd Grand Prize: A Swag Pack that contains paperbacks, ebooks, 50+ bookmarks, cover flats, magnets, pens, coffee cozies, and more!

Here at my blog I'm giving away three (3) ebook copies of Destiny Redeemed, one of the books in my Destined Ones Series. Here's the blurb:

Sentenced to spend the rest of his three remaining lifetimes in Nil, Amon Kalins is freed with the help of his Sidhe servant, Gethen, but now he must accept his life is never to be his again as the Council won't rest until he's safely back imprisoned within Nil's cold walls. Broken and nearly dead from his time in prison, Amon is saved by an Aeveren healer named Althea Forester. As a healer, Thea has served her people for forty-five lifetimes, never having a destined one and always knowing each lifetime would ultimately end with her alone. But destiny hasn't forgotten her.

Drawn to the seductive Amon, Thea quickly becomes a pawn the Council uses to trap him. Taken prisoner by the sadistic leader of the rebel group, the Soren, Thea must survive the vicious world of the people hellbent on taking her destined one away forever, and Amon must risk everything dear to him to free her from those who would sacrifice her to claim the bigger prize and return him to Nil.

Of all the characters I've had the pleasure to write, Amon is one of my favorites. I know you'll enjoy reading his story as much as I enjoyed writing it. To read an excerpt and some of the rave reviews the book's received, visit its page on my blog at

So what do you have to do to enter? First, be sure to leave a comment with your email address. It doesn't have to be anything big, but to be entered to win the grand prizes and to be sure I have a way to contact the winner, there has to be at least an email address. But I love comments too! Then fill out as many of the Rafflecopter entries as you like (the more you do, the better the chances of winning!).

I'll choose the three winners by random and contact them by email after the giveaway is over. Have a wonderful day, and happy hopping!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Unknown said... 1

Thanks so much for being a part of the hop and for the great giveaway. I am definitely happy to be on the hop and not at the mall this year. Hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful.

Happy Holidays,

Unknown said... 2

LOVE LOVE LOVE all of your books I have read! I tell all my friends about you. Thank You for writing vampire novels for adults ;)


Anonymous said... 3

Thanks for the giveaway! Happy Black Friday!

Meg G.
Megonski216 at yahoo dot com

Tin said... 4

Enjoying the hop!

Thanks for the great giveaway!

- khriscc (at) yahoo (dot) com

Unknown said... 5

Fabulous giveaway!! Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!!

Becca F (ReadingTeen) said... 6



kazza16 said... 7

Thinking of you from down under and hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving! Once again a very generous giveaway...thank you so much!

Misha said... 8

I love Black Friday shopping~ I must live in really good areas (despite moving often) because I go every year and target hot items and never encounter people who are jerks or pushy about it. Thank goodness! I think that would definitely turn me off of BF shopping in the future! Thank you for the lovely hop! I've finished all my urgent BF shopping Thursday night and so now I can hop all day today~ :)

MostlyMisha [at] gmail [dot] com

tracie2667 said... 9

Thanks for the great giveaway!

Aldrea Alien said... 10

Hi, popping through on the hop. ^_^


Anonymous said... 11

I'm not a fan of Black Friday shopping trips either - this is so much more my style. Thank you for making this a fun Black Friday experience.

Unknown said... 12


Jesse Kimmel-Freeman said... 13

Love the cover!

Karen H said... 14

Thanks for the giveaway.

kareninnc at gmail dot com

M.L. Ryan said... 15

Thanks for the giveaway!

melhalp at

Elizabeth H. said... 16

I hate the crowds so I'm thankful for this blog hop! Thanks for joining and for the chance to win!

ehaney578 at aol dot com

Steph from said... 17

I am so unlikely to shop on Black Friday, I hate crowds and noise and then I get confused and do something rude and out of character. Have a great holiday. steph(AT)

Theresa Friel Newbury said... 18

Hate black friday, LOVE blog hops!!


Unknown said... 19

Love blog hops

laurie said... 20

Enjoying the hop!

Thanks for the great giveaway!

Anonymous said... 21

Thanks for doing this great giveaway! Would love to win something :)

miki said... 22

thank you for participating in this hop,
if the ebook is also in pdf i'm all for it^^


Unknown said... 23

Thank you for participating in the blog hop!

Julie K

Sandy said... 24

Thanks so much for participating in the hop! Happy Thanksgiving!


Carla said... 25

Books, books, and more books. Thank you for participating.

Unknown said... 26

I do not like crowds so BF shopping is not for me! I will be spending my day hopping and then snuggled up reading! Well that is after I decide on what new book I have just added to my to be read list! It gets longer every hop! Thanks!


Veronika said... 27

We don't celebrate Thanksgiving here I live, so no Black Friday for me either. But it must be fun to go shopping :)
verusbognar (at) gmail (dot) com

Gaele said... 28

thank you for participating. It's fun to find more to do on Black Friday than just shop - or think about it.
glhince (at) gmail dot com

Swordlily said... 29

Thanks, happy black friday!

Kassandra said... 30

Thank you so much for the chance!!

sionedkla AT gmail DOT com

Gigi said... 31

Hiya! Awesome idea, the blog hop. I agree with you and avoid the black friday shopping for the same reason LOL. I stick to online shopping. Thanks for the giveaway! Gigi (owner/admin of

Unknown said... 32

Thanks for the chance to win..

Unknown said... 33

thanks so much for the giveaway,love your books margie subia

Jo said... 34

I love these one day hops, too - even if my family thinks I am nuts for being glued to the computer filling them all out!

jochibi AT yahoo DOT com

Sarah Perry said... 35

Such a great hop, thank you so much for being a part of it :)
oddball2003 at hotmail dot com

Unknown said... 36

Thanks for the giveaway! Your book looks awesome! My "to be read" list just keeps growing! Happy Blog Hopping

Unknown said... 37

Hi!! Your Sons of Navarus series sounds so interesting. I was reading the excerpt from Destiney Redeemed and is sounds like it's going to be very good. I will definitely be reading this soon! :).

Unknown said... 38

Nice to see you 'hopping', Gabrielle. Missing you.

crystaley73 said... 39

Great Hope Thanks for the great giveaway
crystaley73 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said... 40

This comment has been removed by the author.

Unknown said... 41

Hopping along and getting excited for a chance to win...Forget get black friday sales, Hopping is what you really should do ;)

Lona said... 42

Thx for the great hop stop.

blinkysthebest at aol dot com

Christie said... 43

This is great!

latishajean said... 44

Thank you very much for the great giveaway!

Unknown said... 45

Thanks for being a part!

Cynthia Garcia said... 46

cynthia garcia

Read Between the Lines said... 47

i came across your books in a blog tour done by BTS I was a tour host stop and now I am looking for some down time to devour your books. sadase98(at)gmail(.)com

Urb said... 48

Don't shop--blog hop! Thank you!

brendurbanist at gmail dot com

Liese2 said... 49

I have friends who go Black Friday shopping, but it's not for me. This is much more fun! Thanks for the chance!

Timitra said... 50

I'm enjoying the blog hop...all these great books and authors...such fun!

barbara said... 51

Thanks for participating in the Hop and for the giveaway!

bimmergrlmd at gmail dot com

Unknown said... 52

This is way better than getting up at the crack of dawn to fight amazingly rude people for a few dollars off something in a store.

drainbamaged.gyzmo at

BLHmistress said... 53
This comment has been removed by the author.
BLHmistress said... 54

I'm not a fan of Black Friday either, the crowds are crazy.


Rafflecopter name : Dawna Newman

Mary D said... 55

Thanks for doing the hop!


LisaRayns said... 56

I'm not a black Friday shopper. lisarayns at gmail dot com

Shadow said... 57

Hi! Happy Holidays to you! No, im not a shopper on black friday. I hate crowds. Thanks for the awesome hop and giveaway! Best wishes and many blessings to you!

Katie Hamstead said... 58

Oh! I'd read it just for those ABS! mmm... katiejteller (at) hotmail (dot) com

JD said... 59

would love to sink my teeth into this

jdmimi at gmail dot com

Krysykat said... 60

Thanks for the chance to win.


Nay Nay said... 61

This is the BEST way to spend Black Friday. Sitting at home, hopping with old friends and making new ones. I can't handle the crowds anymore so I only do Black Friday shopping online if I do any. Today I got a programmable slow cooker for $9.99 online and got free shipping too. Didn’t even have to get dressed LOL. I am a sucker for the Happily Ever After which is why I like the romance books. I especially like the paranormal or futuristic romance books with hot sexy alpha heroes and kick-ass heroines. Thanks for being part of the hop and for the chance to win. <^_^>
reneebennett35 (at) yahoo (dot) com

Wild N Mild $$$ said... 62

I do my black friday shopping online.
Jennifer Rote
wildnmild4u at yahoo dot com

Jillyn said... 63

Thanks for being a part of this hop :)


Anonymous said... 64

Thanks for the giveaway!

Stacey Brucale said... 65

Thanks for participating in the hop!


Sayyed said... 66

Thanks for the giveaway!

donnas said... 67

Thanks for the chance!

bacchus76 at myself dot com

magic5905 said... 68

Thanks for the great giveaway hop.
magic5905 at embarqmail dot com

Unknown said... 69

Awesome giveaway and no elbowing for a toy... sounds good to me... I hate pushy people also so i avo
id the big stores... happy to come home to this blog hop

Unknown said... 70

Thanks for the giveaway!

Unknown said... 71

Thanks for the great giveaway. I'm half asleep while reading all of these blogs (after shopping all night), but I don't want to miss any.


Jason said... 72

Thank you for the giveaway!


June M. said... 73

Thanks so much for the giveaway!
manning_J2004 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said... 74

awesome giveaway.


ellasmommy06 said... 75

Thanks for participating!

geenakmom said... 76

Loving the blog hop!

nrlymrtl said... 77

Thank you for the chance to win!

nrlymrtl at gmail dot com

Unknown said... 78

Your blurb promises the book to be fabulous. Hope I'd win. ;)

Adila (from Azerbaijan)

crystalguidroz1 said... 79

Happy Turkey Day and Happy Holidays! Thanks for the giveaway and hop!!!

Katie Amanda said... 80

The book looks great! Thanks!

Anonymous said... 81

I do some Black Friday shopping, but I'm more addicted to Cyber Monday. No lines, No rude people, free shipping.... how can you go wrong!

Sue Sattler said... 82

I normally love the crowds on Black Friday, but this year I just couldn't face them, so I waited until 11:30 when the store was almost empty and still got all the specials I wanted. It was great.


P.T. Macias said... 83

I love to shop on the internet. Thanks for the hop.

Suzie said... 84

I'm glad I stopped by, I now hav pe a new author to read. Your excerpt was interesting, I am looking forward to reading the series.

Happy Holidays.

Unknown said... 85

:) Happy Black Friday, thanks for the hop, as I did not Black Friday shop this year!

Unknown said... 86

Thank you for the blog hop!

Z said... 87

I don't shop today either. Thanks for participating.
Seawitch Reviews @ yahoo dot com

Unknown said... 88

Thanks for the great giveaway!

Unknown said... 89

I am not shopping. Not for me. Instead of shopping, I'm hopping! I prefer to do my shopping online.
Happy Black Friday.
bournmelissa at hotmail dot com

Sandra said... 90

I shopped today. It went well :) Not crazy.


jessica said... 91

I hope that you had a Happy Thanksgiving! Thanks for being a part of the hop.
jessangil at gmail dot com

Beckey said... 92

The only shopping I did was my weekly grocery shopping (took the bill from $279 down to $151)

Waiting til Cyber Monday for Holiday Shopping...


Holly said... 93

Awesome Hop! Thanks for being a part of it =)

Barbara B. said... 94

Thanks for being part of this fun hop and for the chance to win.


Tess Bibliophile said... 95

Thanks for the giveaway! :) Hope you had a happy thanksgiving!


The_Book_Queen said... 96

Ooh, thanks for the giveaway! :)


Amber D. said... 97

Thanks for the awesome giveaway! (:


Anonymous said... 98
This comment has been removed by the author.
LoraLeigh said... 99

popping in to say hello!

Anonymous said... 100

This is so much fun!

Chelsea Rafferty said... 101

I don't care for black friday much either! Too dangerous lol and crazy people! I'd probably get arrested too LOL! Happy Holidays and thanks for the hop :)

swtlilangel4jc at yahoo dot com

Tishia Mackey said... 102

Awesome blog hop, thanks for the chance to win!


Unknown said... 103

Thanks for participating Gabrielle. Love your books but I am quite behind in reading them! lol Guess I'd better get caught up!

Krista B. said... 104

How fun! Thanks!!

Unknown said... 105


Unknown said... 106

barbara stenby at aol dot com

Anonymous said... 107

Well, that blurb has me interested. I'm adding our books to my to be read pile. This is by far a better way to spend any day, not just black friday.


Elaine G said... 108

Thanks for the giveaways

Yazmin said... 109

Thank you for being part of the blog hop. :)

yazmin593 AT msn DOT com

books4me said... 110

Fun giveaway! I shop online ONLY on Black WAY would I step into a store today! lol!

books4me67 at ymail dot com

Unknown said... 111

I don't do Black Friday sales. I've found that the sales aren't usually worth the hassle and lines.