Gabrielle Bisset

Friday, October 5, 2012

Hallows Madness Today

Happy Friday, everyone! Today is extra special because it's not only the Paranormal Fall Fling but on this stop of the Fling I'm at Readaholics Anonymous for their Hallows Madness 2012 celebration!  Whew! Say that three times fast! LOL

I hope after you enter the Fling giveaway that you'll stop over there for another giveaway and my post about how mythology plays into the Sons of Navarus series.

Two giveaways and a Friday too? What could be better?


Warrior Woman Winmill said... 1

Can't believe I'm the first to comment. I would love to win any of these books. They all look great. I hope the giveaway is international because I live in Spain. Keeping my fingers crossed.

Gloria Esau said... 2

of course i would follow you Gabrielle, i LOVE your books!!

Teresa K. said... 3


You always have the neatest give aways for your readers.

Teresa K
tcwgrlup41 at yahoo (dot) com