GB: Welcome Marie! Let's jump right in. What drew you to
write paranormal romance and vampires?
MT: Well, they’re a long-standing obsession! When I was a kid, I
loved to stay up late on a Friday night with my Dad watching old “horror” films
with Bela Lugosi, Boris Karloff, Peter Cushing, Christopher Lee etc, and that
got me hooked. After reading Dracula, I devoured all the vampire stories I
could find, and this has gone on ever since! It was inevitable that as a
writer, I would one day find my way to the paranormal, and to vampires, and if
I can mix them up with a bit of gothic type romance and a touch of modern
spice, I’m even happier :).
GB: Which do you find
more challenging to write: love/sex scenes or fight scenes?
MT: Fight scenes. They don’t come naturally to me because apart
from childhood spats with my brother, I’ve never fought anyone in my life.
I’m a naturally peaceful person, but my
characters frequently find themselves in situations they have to fight their
way out of! It makes for an exciting story, of course, and I do find this side
of people’s character fascinating, so I do like to have fighting in there and
hope my enthusiasm carries the scene convincingly. :).
GB: Is the character
of Saloman in your Awakened By Blood series based on someone from history or is
he entirely of your own creation?
MT: He’s mostly my own creation, although I suppose I was
inevitably influenced by the fact that Bram Stoker used Vlad the Impaler as his
model for Count Dracula. I took the idea a stage further and made Saloman older
than Christ, and hinted at him and his undead race influencing civilization for
thousands of years. But the character of Saloman is complete imagination – and
he was great fun. I loved imagining how someone would be if they’d existed so
long and experienced so much. So I gave him a value for existence in general
and yet a carelessness of individual lives which he’s quite happy to sacrifice
to his own good or the good of the world as he sees it. Plus, he had to have
coping mechanisms for the sheer boredom of having seen and done it all before,
and being so much more powerful than anyone else; as well as a profound
isolation that no one can touch.
GB: Why did you choose
to make the Awakened By Blood series a trilogy?
MT: It just came to me that way. I wanted to write a series that
followed the relationship of the same main characters through various
adventures with a continuing theme, and three books seemed a good length to do
that in without stringing things out too long or growing tired of the
However, living in that world for so long, I suppose it was
inevitable that I couldn’t quite leave the story alone! It kept moving forward
in my head – what happens to Elizabeth and Saloman after BLOOD ETERNAL? And at
the same time I began to worry increasingly about Elizabeth’s friends the vampire hunters. I
wanted to delve deeper into their pasts and find them a bit of happiness if I
could – which is why I began a new series, Blood Hunters, a sequel series to
Awakened by Blood, but following different hunters in each book. BLOOD GUILT is
the first of this new series – available now :).
GB: Your newest book,
Blood Guilt, is independently published. What made you choose that route?
MT: Well, NAL who published Awakened by Blood, didn’t want to
take the story forward, so instead of
looking at other publishers, my agent advised me to try self-publishing
which has grown so rapidly in recent years. It has a lot of advantages so far,
so I’m enjoying the experience – such an exciting time to be writing and
GB: What do you think
makes your vampire books stand out from the others in the paranormal romance
MT: Yikes, I’m probably not the best person to ask :) .
I’ve been told my world-building is unique, and Saloman has been described as ‘the
best vampire in the romance genre’, which was very flattering! I try to write my vampires as inhuman, flawed
characters with humour and odd vulnerabilities and powerful if well-hidden
emotions, and from there I just go with my imagination. And I’m thrilled if
that works for readers!
GB: What do you have
planned for the future?
MT: Excitingly, I have three new series planned. We already
talked about the Blood Hunters
series, and BLOOD GUILT which was released in June. I’m hoping to do at least
four and maybe five books in the series.
The next series is called Serafina’s, all about a psychic investigation agency based in Edinburgh. The first
book, SERAFINA AND THE SILENT VAMPIRE, just came out on 28th August.
Serafina MacBride is the psychic but not strictly honest owner of the agency,
who doesn’t believe in vampires until she meets one biting her friend and
assumes he’s muscling in on her scam. Then her client’s son dies with puncture
wounds in his neck and she finds herself up to her neck in vampires, one of
whom threatens her heart as well as her jugular J. I’m writing the second book in the series now.
And in November, comes SMOKE AND MIRRORS, the first release
in my third series – The Gifted – which features a sexy criminal with a rare if
useful gift with fire.
Thanks so much for interviewing me, Gabrielle! It’s been fun.
Thanks so much, Marie!
Here are buy links for Blood on Silk, Blood Guilt, and Serafina and The Silent Vampire:
Serafina and The Silent Vampire:
GIVEAWAY: Marie is giving away a $10 Amazon gift card to one lucky winner. To enter, leave a comment with your email address and do as many of the Rafflecopter options as you like. Contest is open internationally and will run through September 10. One winner will be chosen at random. Good luck!
Thanks so much, Marie!
Here are buy links for Blood on Silk, Blood Guilt, and Serafina and The Silent Vampire:
Blood on Silk: Silk-Awakened-Novel/dp/ 0451231562/ref=sr_1_1?s=books& ie=UTF8&qid=1280655393&sr=1-1
Serafina and The Silent Vampire:
GIVEAWAY: Marie is giving away a $10 Amazon gift card to one lucky winner. To enter, leave a comment with your email address and do as many of the Rafflecopter options as you like. Contest is open internationally and will run through September 10. One winner will be chosen at random. Good luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

The books look and sound amazing! Definitely going on my wish list!
Thanks for the amazing giveaway!
tobihelton at gmail dot com
marie is a new author to me. these books look like an exciting read. love vampires of all sorts. i wish marie the best of luck
i also haven't read Marie's books before but they look really interesting and i did enjoy the interview!
These sound like wonderful books! I definetly need to add them to my list. Thanks for interviewing her, Gabrielle! Best of luck to you, Marie!
What a great interview!!
I haven't read any of Marie's books either, but love PN and Vamps. Will definitely be checking out the books for my ever expanding TBR.
Great to meet you Marie! Your books have now peaked my interest! I will now buy the first and look forward to reading your series! Thank you Gabrielle for a great interview!
Nice to meet you Marie. I'm going to have to check your books out. They sound great!
I love those covers and the books sound great and have me is cramping my reading lately lol.
forgot my email lol
swgaddict72 at hotmail dot com
Thanks gabrielle and marie!
It was nice to read about your books Marie. They sound very interesting. Especially. The book youare working on now Smoke and Mirrors. Can't wait to read one of your books.
It was nice to read about your books Marie. They sound very interesting. Especially. The book youare working on now Smoke and Mirrors. Can't wait to read one of your books.
Great interview! Your books sound fun and exciting :) I will def be putting them on my TBR list for sure
Thanks for the awesome giveaway :)
I love the cover artwork on Blood on Silk and Blood Guilt.
jochibi AT yahoo DOT com
I have all Marie's books, now I just have to get started reading them!
Hello, Gabrielle and everyone! I've been trying to drop in all day, but we just discovered the visitors we were expecting on Thursday were coming today instead - for a week! - and I've been tearing around hoovering and cleaning and washing and making beds and trying to be sociable at the same time - while not letting on that I wasn't expecting them for days :).
Anyway, thanks for interviewing me, Gabrielle, and thanks everyone for the kind words! Lovely to meet you all!
Ericka, I hate it too when life gets in the way of fiction reading :).
Nicole, SMOKE AND MIRRORS should be out in November, provisionally 6th Nov, but I've still to have it confirmed. Glad it got your attention!
Jo, I agree these covers are gorgeous. I thought it was particularly clever of Kimberly Killion, who did the cover for BLOOD GUILT, to suit the style of it so well to the prequel series, and yet make it new and different. Wish I had such talent!
Thanks for meeting
Love blog hops for that reason (meeting new to me authors)
Marie is a new author for me, but the books sound amazing and I'm looking forward to reading them! Thanks for the interview and giveway!
Thanks for participating in the Blog Hop. I am meetin so many great authors. I watch psychic investigation on tv and they never find the person alive. Makes me sad. Your books sounds awesome. On my TBR list. Mary
Hi Marie...I LOVED your Silk novels. Thanks for hosting the giveaway!
How exciting I've found a new novelist to read and recommended from an author I love!!! Sweet!!!!
Now I truly will go broke :-D
Sounds like a great read. Thanks for the giveaway.
sstrode at scrtc dot com
Hi Marie
Great, more vampo books (i¿m always looking for new authors). I've added some of the books to my TBR list.
And I must say that I loved the cover for Blood on Silk.
Thanks for sharing with us today.
dany7578 at hotmail dot com
Gotta say Marie has been blessed with beautiful poignant covers. They really draw the eyes.
* Laughs * Sick of seeing me yet? I know I was there at BBB. LOL!
Raonaid at gmail dot com
Many thanks to everyone who's added my books to their lists! Music to my ears :).
Beckey, I love this too for meeting new readers, which is always a pleasure!
Hi Mary - yes that is sad. It's nice to have more scope for a happier with fictional psychics! Although Sera does specialize in talking to the dead...
Hi Cindy! Thank you! And lovely to meet you here :)
Sorry, Jane! Reading is such an expensive habit :).
Daniella, glad you like the cover for Blood on Silk - I love it too; also the one for the first sequel Blood Sin.
Gabrielle, thanks so much for having me here! I've had a lovely time meeting your readers :)
Hi! I too have a huge obsession with vampire & paranormal. I am def adding your Awakened by Blood series to my TBR list.
Thanks so much for the interview & giveaway.
manning_j2004 at yahoo dot com
Great interview ladies!
Marie, I want to wish you good luck with your foray into the indie world. A lot of people are finding great success with going that route.
Thanks for the giveaway!! Serafin and the Silent Vampire sounds good.
Hello Ms. Bisset,
I just read a awesome review by Lady Raven on goodreads about ur bk.Blood Avenged (Sons of Navarus #1) OOOOH Wowwwww it's Onnnnnnnn...I'm going 2 purchase a copy I soon as I can!! thanQQQ! U R new 2 me
Thanks for the snippet about the book...
looks interesting
I have never heard of this author before but it sounds like this series is now on my to-read list! Thanks for the interview and awesome giveaway!
ehaney578 at AOL dot com
Loved the Awakened by Blood series and can't wait to get my hands on Blood Guilt.
Thanks for the great giveaway.
Raonaid, of course I'm not sick of seeing you - always a pleasure :). Especially when you say nice things about my covers. And I agree with you, I'm lucky enough to have had some absolute beauties!
Megan, thank you! I'm still feeling my way, but encouraged by others' successes!
Thank you, Lauren! Glad you enjoyed them :).
This book looks really good. I can't wait to read it. :)
Very exciting anew author tome loved interview. Look forward to reading Marie's work.awesome interview Gabrielle
Congrats on the new release! I really enjoyed it.
hi marie! congrats for the new book, and i can't wait to try one of yours :)
smile_1773 at yahoo dot com
Great Interview.
Picked up 'Loving the Wolf' from Changeling Press, Marie...anxious to read it.
Thank you for all the congrats - much appreciated!
Hi Donna - thanks for reading it and I'm delighted you enjoyed it!
Gayle, thanks for buying Loving the Wolf! That was the first story I wrote for Changeling Press, so I have a soft spot for it :).
Great interview and I am looking forward to reading your books!
susanmplatt AT hotmail DOT com
This sounds great!! Id love to read it! Thanks for sharing and for the great giveaway!
Marie you're a new author for me. Added your books to my TBR pile on Goodreads. Thanks you for the interview :)
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