
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Interviews, Vampires, and Reviews, Oh My!

Today begins a 4 day event for Blood Avenged over at Riverina Romantics.  I'm there today with an interview, and through the rest of the week, there will be an interview with Vasilije, an exclusive excerpt from the book, and the event will end with a review.  I'm giving away a copy of Blood Avenged, so be sure to enter when you stop over.  Thanks to the wonderful ladies of Riverina Romantics for having me over again! 

I'm in the middle of writing the follow-up book to Blood Avenged, Blood Betrayed.  This is Declan's story, and even though I promised myself I'd take December off, he had other ideas.  So instead of beginning it now, I'm four chapters in.  If Declan, the muse, and I don't run into any snags along the way, Blood Betrayed should be out before summer rolls around. 

And then there are reviews.  The Pen and Muse reviewed Blood Avenged, giving it 4 stars, and Night Owl Reviews tackled Destiny Redeemed, giving it 4.75 out of 5 stars.  Selling books is terrific, but reading that someone saw in your work what you hoped readers would is fantastic.  It doesn't always happen.  One day you're the Louisville slugger, and the next day you can be the ball.  Reviews are merely one person's opinion and it's important to not put too much stock in them lest your head get all puffed up, but it's still nice to read that someone enjoyed your story you love so much.

Hope your Tuesday sees you as the Louisville slugger!

1 comment:

  1. i haven't read any of books,but they look good,might have to see if i can get them.i love finding new things to read!


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