
Monday, January 2, 2012

Destiny Redeemed and The Victorian Erotic Romance Trilogy Available In Paperback

UPDATE:  Just after I posted this Amazon listed both books for sale there too.  So readers can find them at Amazon and Createspace. 

Now that the holidays are over, I put my nose to the grindstone and finally approved the paperbacks for Destiny Redeemed and The Victorian Erotic Romance Trilogy.  Both are available now at Createspace.  So for all of you who have asked if my books would ever be available in paperback, this is for you. :) 

Here are the links for both books:

Destiny Redeemed (348 pages) and at Amazon

The Victorian Erotic Romance Trilogy (324 pages) and at Amazon

And I've gotten inquiries about whether or not Blood Avenged will be in print any time soon.  I hadn't planned on it, but I'm considering it now after being asked by so many people.  I'll let readers know as soon as I decide what I plan to do.

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