
Friday, September 23, 2011

Weekend Creation Hop And Another Stop On Masquerade's Tour

Another week gone by already!  Where does the time go?  I've been in the middle of Masquerade's blog tour this week, and today I'm at the fantastic blog Pimpin' Reads offering an excerpt from Masquerade and the chance for one commenter to win a copy.  While you're there, check out the rest of her blog too.  She and I have something in common...we both love V.  Love that sexy vampire! 

I'm doing my dear friend Shah's Weekend Creation Hop today too. I love her idea for this hop because I have the chance to see all kinds of creativity in my weekend travels around to my fellow hoppers. I've been dealing with a heady dose of the realities of making a creative vision come to life this week as I scoured the stock photo sites for images for my upcoming book, Blood Avenged.  It's been a quest of epic proportions, mostly fail on my part because I couldn't find what I wanted. 

However, the skies began to brighten yesterday.  The man I want on the cover seems to be working, and I found the perfect font for the title:  Van Helsing.  Of course, it's perfect, right?  :D  Now if the other elements would play nicely together, I think the cover could be another fantastic one by Elaina Lee.  God bless that woman for having to deal with someone like me.  I doubt she's ever met anyone so particular about a book cover!  But if you take a look to the right, you can see the results of our efforts.  As with everything else created, they take time, but the end is so worth it!

Enjoy hopping around, and I hope everyone has a great weekend! 


  1. Brilliant to see you at the hop Gabrielle. And wow - look at this blog - you just keep on pumping those books out -- I can't keep up. I envy this ability of yours.

    If you even want another tour stop over at mine - feel free to assume its open house for you. ;D

    Shah. X

  2. You must bring good luck, Shah. I read your comment right before I went to check the UK Top 100 lists on Amazon, and all three of the novellas are on it--#1, 3, and 4! And I definitely want to stop by your blog again. :)

  3. Your book covers are striking. I'm a fellow hopper from Shah's hop as well. Hope to see you hop on by my blog.


  4. Thanks Nora! I'll be hopping around later, so I'll be sure to stop over at your blog. :)


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