
Monday, September 26, 2011

Monday Musings and Masquerade's Tour Continues

It's Monday again! I swear these weeks are flying by.  Where has September gone? Soon it will be October and...I don't even want to think about the weather that's just a couple months away.  Brrrrr...

Okay, no more of that.  I'll deal with the snow when it comes. For today, I'm here, there, and everywhere. Here, I'm happy to report that Destiny Redeemed is back from my editor.  I always love when my editor emails me with the words, "I loved it!", so I'm feeling very good about getting into final edits this week.

Next, with Masquerade's blog tour, I'm at Erotica For All where the wonderful Lucy Felthouse has given the book a terrific review. Definitely check it out and enter to win the giveaway there.  One lucky winner will receive a copy of Masquerade, so don't miss out.

Also, the fabulous group over at Menagerie Authors showcased the book trailer for Stolen Destiny yesterday and today I'm in the hot seat answering questions about writing, my favorite things, and men who can tie cherry stems with their tongues. (Where are those men anyway?)  Check out the book trailer HERE and the interview HERE.  And if you like hot men, check out their winners for past Best Hottie of the Year in the right sidebar.  I'm partial to 2008's co-winners. Mmmmm....

Whew! It's getting a little hot for Monday morning.  Time to go to work.  Have a great one!

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