
Monday, June 6, 2011

Author Nicki Markus Guest Post

Today, I'm pleased to have author Nicki Markus at my blog to talk about writing and her books, The Timekeepers series. 
Loving the Villain

So, I finally got my eager hands on the DVD of True Blood – Season 3. It’s been a long, long wait, that’s for sure, but I can now see it at last. I am four episodes in and am finding myself inexplicably drawn to Franklin Mott. Now, this may have something to do with the fact that I have always loved James Frain as an actor – he’s wonderful in everything he does and has THE most amazing voice – but I also feel it comes down to the way we sometimes can’t help but love the bad guy.

Of course, we want to love the hero in novels and films. That dashing, handsome hero who you know will always pull through and save the day, while remaining honest, true and generally ‘good’. I don’t know about you, but occasionally I find that just a tad, well, boring.  I do tend to find myself drawn more to the flawed heroes; the ones who overcome something dark within themselves in order to rise up to an heroic level.

And then, of course, there are the ‘bad boys’. I, for one, will always choose Damon over Stefan and Lestat over Louis. Who’s with me here? What is it that we find so appealing about these darker characters? Maybe it’s the sense of danger and adventure that you don’t get with the boy-next-door types – the idea that anything could happen with them and you don’t know which way they’ll go.  Or, maybe it’s the idea that they could be ‘saved’ and become ‘good’. Take Damon in the Vampire Diaries (book or TV show) for example. He comes on the scene and is portrayed as completely amoral and ‘evil’...and yet, at times, he does things that are noble and heroic.

What do you think? Do you like the bad boys because of the danger and excitement or because you want to see that spark of good in someone who has been shown to be only bad? For me, I’d say the former – there’s nothing like a hint of danger and suspense to get one’s heart racing! So, excuse me now as I return to my DVD, to glory in the thrill of Franklin Mott. And, if a scene with both him and Eric should occur, well, I just may die and go to heaven!

Nicki J Markus was born in the UK, but now lives in South Australia. She launched her writing career in late 2010 and is the author of several e-books, including the recently released Time Keepers mini-series. You can find out more about Nicki and her current and future releases by visiting her blog ( or her Facebook page (

Here is a brief glimpse at Time Keepers – a paranormal story told over four short-story length parts. All Nicki’s books are available from Amazon, OmniLit and Smashwords.

Time Keepers - Part 1 - Running Blind

"It seems like any ordinary day as Nick waits for the train, but then a chance encounter with a young woman turns his world upside down. What is it that she is running from and will helping her jeopardise his own secret, making him a target too?"

Time Keepers - Part 2 - The Beast Within

"With Nick’s secret now exposed, he and Ellie must run for their lives, pursued by the Governor and his Time Keepers. Will they be able to stay hidden or is their time nearly up?"

Time Keepers - Part 3 - Consequences

"Nick and Ellie are cornered as the net of the Time Keepers closes in around them. Can Nick find a way to keep Ellie safe or will she succumb to the will of the Governor?"

Time Keepers - Part 4 - Timings

"Time is running out for Nick as he fights to save Ellie from the Time Keepers. Is he a match for the Governor and his minions? Will he and Ellie be able to escape at last?"


  1. I'm another Trueblood fan! lol! I was in love with Eric, but now I'm thinking that Alcide is my new fav! Your books sound great.

  2. Thanks Bree...It's Eric all the way for me - I can't stand beards (I'll make an except for Viggo in LOTR)! lol

  3. I have to agree, Nicki. The beard thing doesn't work for me, except on very rare occasions. I'm all about Eric too. Not that Alcide doesn't have a kickin body. Mmmmmm.....LOL


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