
Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Author Karenna Colcroft Guest Post

I'm happy to welcome author Karenna Colcroft to my blog today.  Karenna's new book is Reflected Love, so be sure to check out at the end of this post how to get your hands on a copy.   

Do You Believe In Magic?

Okay, so now I have that old song playing over and over in my head. The problem with that is I only remember the first couple lines of it…Gah! Earworm!

Oops. That isn’t what I’m blogging about today. First of all, I’d like to thank Gabrielle for hosting me. I’m very excited to be here. Remember to check out Gabrielle’s visit to my blog on July 5!

So back to magic. Do you believe in it? Some people might. Some probably are scoffing and saying, “There’s no such thing.” My husband would fall firmly into the latter group. Me, I’d have to say I believe, depending on your definition of magic.

I met hubby through a chain of circumstances that I would have to describe as magical. In April 2008, not quite a year and a half after my first marriage ended, I’d spent months trying to find a guy I wanted to date. I’d met a couple of winners and a couple of losers, but no one quite right for me. So I sat down one night and made a list of all the “wants” I had for a relationship. Things like, “I want someone who’ll visit me just to sit on the couch and watch movies” and “I want someone who’ll treat my kids as well as if they were his own.”

A month later, I went to a barbecue at a friend’s house. I’ve told this story here and there online several times, so I won’t go through it all again. Suffice it to say that I’d given up on dating for a while after I’d made that list, and I almost hadn’t gone to the barbecue. The man who is now my husband had given up on ever finding someone to spend his life with, and was just looking for a hookup. We set eyes on each other and that was it. We were both smitten, as a friend of mine put it.

Two days later, I knew I’d found “the one” when hubby called me—from his workplace two hours from my home—and said he wanted to come visit me after work. When I said my kids were there (they’d been with their grandparents when I went to the barbecue), he said, “That’s all right. We can just sit on the couch and watch movies.” Within a week, he’d met all but one of the “wants” on my list. That one was “I want a relationship that will last longer than a few months.” He’s met that one now; last weekend we celebrated the third anniversary of the night we met by going to another barbecue at the same friend’s house.

So yeah, I guess you could say I believe in magic, at least in some forms.

Ralie, the heroine of my latest novella Reflected Love, was raised by parents who didn’t have time for “nonsense” like magic, and by a godmother who taught Ralie to believe. When an antique mirror she ordered online begins speaking to her, and then shows her an image of a man Ralie feels an instant connection with, Ralie isn’t sure if it’s magic or her own insanity. As she gets to know Listrial, the Fae man the mirror shows her, she realizes it truly is magic. Now if she and Listrial can just figure out a way to be together even though they’re literally in different worlds…
Reflected Love is available from Pink Petal Books as part of their Spellbound Treasure line.

You can visit Karenna online at her website,; follow her on Twitter @KarennaColcroft; or friend her on Facebook at


  1. Thanks for hosting me, Gabrielle! I look forward to seeing what readers think on this subject.

  2. What a great story! Perhaps I should begin to believe in magic? Hmmmm....certainly couldn't hurt, right? :)

    Thanks for being my guest today!

  3. That is a great story. He sounds like the perfect guy. And your book sounds like something I would really like. I'll have to check it out.

  4. Thanks, Gabrielle and Bree!

    Bree, as far as I'm concerned, he's perfect :)


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