I hope everyone else had a great week too. So in the spirit of welcoming the weekend, here are the 18 & Over Book Blogger Tag Along and the Book Blogger Hop.
This week's question: How many erotic books do you buy in a month?
It's a lot (she says somewhat sheepishly). Ever since I got my Kindle, it's just too easy to find one, click purchase, and have it in my hands minutes later. But let's say it's at least 4 a month. But if you remember my answer from last week, I don't get that many read when I'm writing. However, I'll be taking a small break from writing before I move on to the next book, so TBR pile (paperback and ebook), here I come!
The Book Blogger Hop is hosted by Jennifer at Crazy for Books. Each week she offers a question and bloggers answer it, so here's this week's: If I gave you £50 (or $80) and sent you into a bookshop right now, what would be in your basket when you finally staggered to the till?
Books by Charlotte Featherstone, Robin Schone, Marie Treanor, all of J.R. Ward's Black Dagger Brotherhood Series (I only own a couple)-including the new one out later this month, and if I had any money left over, a journal and some really nice bookmarks.
Books by Charlotte Featherstone, Robin Schone, Marie Treanor, all of J.R. Ward's Black Dagger Brotherhood Series (I only own a couple)-including the new one out later this month, and if I had any money left over, a journal and some really nice bookmarks.
If you found my blog through the 18 & Over Book Blogger Tag Along or the Book Blogger Hop, please leave a comment so I can visit your blog and follow too! Have a wonderful weekend!

Hi - visiting via book blogger hop. Love your background image!
Found you at the hop. I like a woman with a plan. I'm a total 'ohh shiny' shopper. Who knows what I'd end up with. That's half the fun of book shopping though isn't it?
Rachel- Endless Reading
I believe we're already following each other, but I am anticipating your book's release so that I can read it! It sounds so unique.
Congrats on the time and glad you're able to get at the second in the series. :) I get so excited about authors getting published. lol
Hey there! New follower stopping by from the 18 & Over tagalong. I have the same problem with my Kindle: it's waaaay too easy to hit that purchase button and have a new book to read. Not that I'm complaining, mind you.
Here's my hop!
Popping by from the Weekend Creation Blog Hop to say hello. I'm also on the Book Blogger hop - wow you like your erotica lady! ;D Shah .X
Happy Friday - I am now following you.
Hi, hon - already a follower, but sharing the Friday love anyway. I completely agree, having an ereader has certainly increased my erotica purchases . . . and I'm so totally OK with that! :)
Sally @ Bibrary Bookslut
your blog is just STUNNING! I will be stopping by more often for sure!!
- Hopping by
Kylie @ http://reviews.blueteacup.com/
Found you from Bitten by Paranormal Romance Tag Along Friday!!! This is my first week participating, super excited!! I have an ereader too and I know how tempting it is!! When I was doing my list for the blogger hop I realized every single one of the books was available on my kindle. Talk about pressure!!!
Great blog!! Am a new follower, have a great weekend!!
U can fine me @ Literary Cravings
Hopping along via 18 & Over Book Blogger Tag Along.
Thanks for visiting my blog.
But I thought of six books I would buy. Come see what they are. Happy blog hop.
Hopping on in. Doesn't look like much overlap in genres between your interests and mine, but you do have a nice space here.
The Steel Bookshelf
Just saying hi on the Friday Tagalong, thanks for stopping by my blog! My ereader is not a help to my book addiction either! Have a great weekend!
Lori @ Romancing the Darkside
Thanks for stopping by! I'm an old follower. Hope you have a good weekend!
Lacey in the Sky with Books
Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm now following your blog :)
Wow! What a great question this week. I always peek at other people's book piles at the checkout link at B&N. That doesn't make me a voyeur, does it?
The exhibitionist in me has posted my own bookstore shopping list -- and it's not as predictable as you may think!
Hop on over to my blog for all the suspense and chills of my TBR list - http://www.howardsherman.net
Happy Hop Friday!
Howard Sherman
Hi! Just stopping by on the Hop. I'm your newest follower.
I love BDB! I've only read the first 3 though. But my bday's coming up and I asked my parents to get me the whole series. Of course they were like "OOOOHHH- Kay"-thinking I'm weird for wanting books for my bday but whatever...i'm so excited to read the rest!
BTW-I love your background.
Have a great weekend :)
Caroline @ Bon Bons and Reveries
Just hopping by to say 'Hi'. Thanks for the book suggestion (Lust). I've added it to my TBR list. I know what you mean about how easy it is to order for Kindle. I have a serious Kindle addiction!!!
Congrats on the book. What publishing company are you with?
Hey - just hoppin by! Hope you have a great weekend! Happy reading! Stop by The Wormhole and see what I think I would spend my money on! This is the second time today I have heard about the JR Ward Black Dagger Brotherhood series - I guess that is a must have too!
blog hopping and finally i can make a comment. I don't know if its my computer or what but so many blogs i have not been able to place my comments so that's why i'm late, got frustrated earlier. anyway, like your background. i'm a romantic also so i'm a new follower. when you have TiME, come browse my site. shall return.
thank you so much for stopping by my blog.
Giving you a hop back ;)
Have A nice weekend!
Will have to check out your list...this week's question is GREAT....more books to add to stack. :)
Stop by my blog if you like to see my answer.
Hi E!
Siren-BookStrand is the publisher for Stolen Destiny.
Thanks for stopping by!
Hello! Thank you for stopping by my blog, Novel Addiction. Sorry I'm so late returning the favor - I've been reading like crazy!
Hope you're having a great weekend!
Thanks for stopping by on the 18+ hun, returning the love.
New follower =)
Hope you had a great weekend!
I'm hopping in and following. I love the design of your blog, very pretty.
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