Gabrielle Bisset

Monday, February 28, 2011

The Kernal Of An Idea

I'm teaching a course on medieval Europe this semester and while I was scouring the library for a film to show about the First World War (another class, obviously), I came upon a book about chivalry and its connection to religion in the Middle Ages.  I'm a sucker for books like this, so I picked it up along with my video and beat feet out of there to make it to my first class. 

When I got home, I began to read the book and I don't think I made it four pages in before I was jotting down ideas for a medieval romance story.  I don't have anything really fleshed out, but I'm feeling the novella vibe for this one--around 25,000 words.  Since this is one of my favorite periods in history, I'm not surprised my brain is popping with ideas. 

I don't know what's going to shake out with this, but I like the idea of knights, those wonderful Alpha males in chainmail, maybe misbehaving.  Maybe nothing too serious but far more erotic for this story.  Hmmm....we'll have to see. 


Shah Wharton said... 1

Wow - your imagination is a powerful thing, huh? I'm actually terrified of trying to writing a sex scene and it flows out of you. I'm re-doing my edit and its quite frankly digging me into a hole! ;(

Great to see you at my blog - wasn't that article great? Its great to have things like that just laid out there for pople like me to recognise and 'delete' - lol! Shah .X

Unknown said... 2

I loved that article! It was just what writers need to be reminded of. But don't worry about the love scenes. They'll happen.

Demitria said... 3

Sounds historical fiction, especially with hot guys.

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