story of Hades and Persephone in Greek mythology is well known, but less known
is that Hades is often considered to have a child named Macaria, the goddess of
the blessed death. In my Sons of Navarus series, Macaria and her human consort
Navarus are the mother and father of the vampire race. Greek mythology works as
the base for the series, and gods such as Hades play their part in the
unfolding story of the battle between the Archon vampires seeking to subjugate
all vampires and the Sons of Navarus responsible for saving their world.
Hades waited patiently at the entrance to Tartarus,
admiring the craftsmanship of his demons as he ran his fingers over the
intricately etched stone archway that gave no hint of the horrors just beyond
it. The deepest pit of the Underworld, Tartarus held the worst of the gods and
the most evil of humanity. Those who had wreaked havoc on their fellow man
found the sign above the entrance to Tartarus painfully true.
Whatever you
may have been, you're nothing here.
But not everything there was all bad. Some in
Tartarus were there because of Zeus, a favor Hades extended to his younger
brother. Deities who had harmed none but preferred the darker realms also
resided there.
While he thought about the inhabitants of the lower
dimensions of his kingdom, Dawn passed and gave him a sideways glance, a look of
suspicion on her lovely face as she exited on her way to the world above to
begin the day. It wouldn't be long now. If Dawn was on her way to Earth, night
would be ending soon and Nyx, goddess of the night, would return.
Running his hand through his hair, Hades licked his
lips. Today, she would be his again.
Behind him, a voice like silk said, "Waiting for
Hades slowly turned to see the woman who'd haunted
his dreams for weeks. Long black waves fell sensually toward her waist, framing
an oval face with pale grey eyes that sized him up with a confidence found only
in elemental deities. Blessed with a body made to be worshipped, Nyx stood
facing him with a look of equality no one else in the Underworld dare have when
he was around, and she wore it defiantly.
"As a matter of fact, yes. You."
He softened his voice to speak to her, unlike when he
approached his demons and imps for sex. They were beneath him. They were lucky
he spoke to them at all before he bent them over. No, Nyx was a goddess who
deserved at least the voice he used with Persephone.
Nyx looked left and then right. "And where is
your lovely wife this morning, Hades? I don't remember seeing her on her throne
as I passed by your place."
"You know where. It's summer up there."
A slow grin spread across her lips. Closing her eyes,
she moaned softly, sending a bolt of excitement to his already stiff cock.
"Oh, yes. Summer nights have the most delicious smells. The fruit is heavy
and ripe, hanging low on the tree, and the flowers are in full bloom."
Opening her eyes, she stared deeply into his.
"So the god of the Underworld is all alone? Pity."
"Not alone. You're here."
She stepped toward him until there were mere inches
separating them. Inhaling, he smelled those delicious scents from Earth in her
hair and on her skin. She smelled like Persephone did every time she returned
from visiting her mother all spring and summer.
In that silky voice, Nyx whispered, "What does
the god of the Underworld want this morning?"
Hades traced a long tendril that wound its way over
her full breast. Letting his fingertip linger on the barely concealed rosy tip,
he smiled as her nipple pebbled under her black dress.
His touch still affected her.
His eyes traveled up to meet her gaze, and he saw one
perfect eyebrow arched in curiosity. Her expression told him she hadn't ruled
anything out yet.
"And what of the little woman?"
Hades groaned. Persephone. Whatever he'd been to her
all these years, first and foremost he'd been her abductor. It had seemed like
such a good idea that day as he'd watched her pick flowers. So light, so fresh,
she could bring him everything he lacked in his Underworld prison.
It would be wrong to say they'd never been happy.
They'd enjoyed one another on occasion, but the differences between them had
always been too great. He was tall and dark, with a presence that commanded all
in the depths of the Underworld to serve him. She was light and sweet, like
springtime, and in truth, no match for him.
Worst of all, she'd never truly forgiven him for
making her stay in the Underworld four months each year. And her damn mother
didn't help the situation, making everything in nature die as she mourned her
daughter's absence each time. He'd always suspected Demeter would eventually
devise some trick to get Persephone back permanently, and now she had.
"Her mother and Zeus seem to have found a way
around my pomegranate curse," he said as matter-of-factly as possible.
As he watched Nyx's reaction, he was sure he saw a
twinkle in her grey eyes.
"So be it. If they thought they had global
warming problems before, they're in for a real shock now that Earth mama has
her little girl back. Demeter always was all emotion and no logic."
Nyx took another step toward him and pressed her
hands to his chest. "That's one of the things I've always liked about you,
Hades. You always see the bright side."
With her fingertip, she traced the seam of his mouth
as she spoke again. "I'd wondered how you'd take the news when you
For a moment, a pinch of anger raced through Hades at
the thought that every god and goddess above ground knew, but it quickly
vanished as his mind focused on the one right in front of him whose hands had
made their way to right above his waist. Slowly, one fingertip teased just
below the top of his pants, grazing the sensitive tip of his cock.
Leaning in next to him, she whispered, "Are you
sure you want this, Hades? She'll never forgive you a second time."
Her hand slid inside his pants and she wrapped it
around his rock hard cock. Her touch thrilled him like no other's. His eyes
rolled back into his head, and he reveled in the feel of her soft hand stroking
No, Persephone had never forgiven him for the first
time, especially after Nyx had given him his only child, Macaria. But she
wasn't coming back.
Hades pushed Persephone out of his mind and pulled
Nyx into a dark corner. Sliding his fingers under her dress, he eased the
fabric off her pale shoulders and watched as it slid down her body to pool at
her feet. Naked before him, she was pure sensuality and sex.
Her hand returned to stroke him, and he pressed his
mouth to hers, eagerly seeking the tongue he wished was three feet lower sampling
his cock. With each stroke, she teased him, ratcheting up his desire. The only
woman in the world who'd ever truly pleased him, she was his equal in darkness
and lust. What other women might run in horror from, Nyx relished.
Cupping a full breast, he pinched its rosy nipple and
was rewarded with a tiny growl. Let other gods have sweetness and light or
Aphrodite, that fucking cock tease. He'd take the darker side of a woman who
knew what she was and loved it any day.
"Your body remembers me."
Nyx smiled and looked down at his cock in her hand.
"As yours does me, my love."
Slowly, she lowered herself to her knees, and there
on the cold and rocky ground, she slid her soft lips down his shaft until the
swollen head nudged up against the back of her throat. Nyx was the only woman
who had ever done this for him. Even his imps and demons couldn't go down on
him like she could.
He fisted a handful of her dark hair, trying to
control the pace as she slid up and down his cock. With each pass, her wet
tongue nipped the spot that made his knees nearly buckle. Needing to steady
himself, he grasped at the stone wall behind him.
The sound of footsteps coming toward them took him
out of the moment, and he looked up to see Hermes in his role as Psychopompos
on his way back to Earth after delivering another soul. The look on his face
telegraphed his curiosity as he watched Nyx's head bob up and down, but after a
few seconds he merely nodded and smiled before continuing on his way.
Nyx was doing that trick with her throat, the one
that never failed to get him off. Fuck, the woman had skills! Her fingers dug
into his hips, holding him tight to her as inch by inch his release made its
way through his body.
More footsteps told him they weren't alone, and
opening his eyes, he saw three female demons watching them intently, their eyes
wide as saucers. Unlike Hermes, though, they didn't seem to understand they
were intruding.
"Unless you're here to tell me someone's risen
from the dead, get lost," he hissed.
Two of them scurried away in fear, leaving one tiny
frightened blonde to break their news. "My lord, we...I...hate to
interrupt you, but your wi...Perseph..."
"Spit it out, for fuck's sake!"
In a squeaky voice, the female said, "The Queen
of the Underworld is on her throne, my lord. She desires to speak to you."
Nyx rose to her feet and shot the girl a nasty look,
sending her running to join the first two. Turning back to face him, she picked
up her dress and stepped into it. "Seems like you've been found out."
Fucking Hermes!
"Don't go anywhere. I'll be right back."
It was no use. Before he'd gotten the words out, she
was gone. Worse yet, now he had to meet with Persephone, his soon to be
ex-goddess of the Underworld.
Her duty finished on Earth, Nyx descended into the
Underworld, noticing the Queen's empty chair as she passed where she and Hades
ruled over the realm of the dead. His was empty too, and she secretly hoped
she'd find him waiting for her before she entered Tartarus for the day.
That he'd come to her again after all these years
pleased and surprised her. He'd been with Persephone for so long, she'd
accepted that their brief affair would never be more than that. They had
Macaria between them, but that would be it.
But the murmurings she'd heard in the darkness from
Demeter over the past few months on Earth had helped to stoke the ember of hope
still alive inside her that one day Hades and Persephone's mismatched pairing
would be no more. A few well-chosen whispers in Zeus' ear about how unfortunate
it would be for Hera to find out about his newest mistress—some starlet with
little talent but great tits—and a few more whispers regarding Nyx's interest
in Hades and the trap had been set. Not that she'd ever tell Hera about her
husband's dalliances. The current wife of the king of the gods deserved
whatever she got. She knew what he was when she signed on with him. Even
goddesses could be blind and think they could change a man.
Nyx's wish was granted as she saw Hades again waiting
for her outside the entrance to Tartarus. How that little girl Persephone had
never seen what she'd had was a mystery to her. Built like his brothers, his
body was like a work of art with chiseled abs and muscles in all the right
places. Hades had been additionally blessed with bad boy looks, unlike Zeus the
playboy and Poseidon the fish boy. Straight black hair that shined like
obsidian hung to just past his broad shoulders, and the blackest eyes stared
out from beneath thick, dark lashes. The oldest of the three sons of that mad
god Cronus, Hades was the most fearsome as the ruler of the Underworld. Only he
had the ultimate power over life and death, and he wore it well.
She'd seen his cold exterior melt away to reveal
passion unlike any of the other gods. The hours in his arms, their bodies
joined in one perfect union, had made her fall in love with him all those years
ago. Not that he ever knew. No, night was good at keeping secrets. He saw what
she let him see and no more.
He had been another woman's man, after all.
As she approached him, her body warmed at the thought
of his touch on her skin, that gorgeous mouth giving her the pleasure she
remembered so well. They'd play their game initially, as they always did—him pursuing
her and her coolly surrendering bit by bit as she struggled not to give him
every piece of her body and soul.
Night revealed little of what truly lay beneath the
"Again waiting for someone, Hades?"
He licked his lips and smiled. "I've come back
for you."
"Me? After the little woman came back last
Nyx knew she was being cruel. Everyone in the
Underworld knew Persephone had left less than an hour later that day, after she
and Hades had fought loud enough to shake the walls at the bottom of Tartarus.
But like her element, she could be cruel at times.
Hades squinted his eyes, as if in pain. "She
only came back to convince me not to keep her plaything Adonis down here for
part of the year too."
The darkness she'd always found so beautiful in him
morphed into a dull blackness now. This is what lightness and all her nonsense
did to him.
Nyx touched his hair, softly stroking a strand to its
tip. "What does the god of the Underworld need this morning?"
His black eyes seemed to brighten at her words.
The sound of his voice was edgy and hit her deep
inside, making her pussy quiver with desire. He wanted her as much as she
wanted him.
In a blur, she was in his arms and inside a bedroom
in his palace. Whenever they'd met in the past, they'd been at her home in
Tartarus, a beautiful home worthy of a goddess like herself, but nothing in
comparison to the god of the Underworld's home. Then he'd hidden his
affections, always afraid Persephone would turn her into some plant or another
like she'd done to Minthe, once a nymph pursued by him and now nothing more
than the minty flavor associated with breath fresheners.
"I've waited too long, Nyx. You're my equal, my
soul mate. For all those years, I wanted something that wasn't meant to be, and
now I see why. Everything I thought I desired was against my nature. You, in
all your darkness, are my nature—you are like me."
Nyx's heart pounded against her chest. This was more
than she'd ever dreamed of. All those hours alone in her empty home deep in
Tartarus as he'd sat on his throne, so close yet so far. All those mornings
when she'd passed him and the woman the inhabitants of the Underworld called
Queen as she made her way from Earth, never missing the sneer Persephone gave
her each time and wishing for just the tiniest look of knowing from him.
All of that seemed so far away now.
"Tell me you haven't forgotten how I made you
feel. I know you haven't, Nyx. I felt your body respond to me last week as mine
responded to you. Let me hear it from your lips."
As he spoke, his finger traced a line between her
breasts, making her nipples harden into achy peaks. She loved the feel of his
touch on her, making her body come alive like no other man's touch had. She
wanted him to know that she'd thought of him every morning upon returning home
and every evening as she passed him once again. She wanted to tell him that
every time she looked into their daughter's beautiful face that she saw him and
remembered the stolen moments they'd shared that had brought Macaria to them.
But night's defenses were ingrained in her, so much
that surrendering even to him was no easy affair. To give her body was one
thing. To grant him control of her heart was another.
She turned her head to escape his controlling stare.
"And what of your Queen?"
Nyx cringed at the sound of the words as they left
her mouth. She'd waited what seemed like forever to have him back in her life
and now when she had everything she'd ever wanted, she was foolishly pushing
him away. Her mind flooded with recriminations for her nature. If only she had
more of that lightness Persephone possessed maybe she could accept what he
Next to her ear, she heard his deep voice whisper,
"There is no one but you, Nyx. I can have any woman in the universe now. I
want none but you."
Bending to softly kiss her neck, he cupped her breast
and leaned into her, pressing his cock against her stomach. The room seemed to
swim around her as he kissed her mouth, his tender lips pressing against hers
as his tongue swept sensually against her tongue, as if exploring something
foreign and thrilling for the first time.
Her mind screamed out to pull away, to continue the
game of cat and mouse they'd played before. She tried to obey her brain, but
her heart was stronger, if not louder. In its quiet way, it held her to him,
making her arms encircle his neck to draw him nearer.
Breaking the kiss, she swallowed hard and whispered
into the darkness, "I've never forgotten, Hades. Never."
In a rush, his flesh was pressed against her body and
his dark eyes stared into hers with an intent she'd never before seen in
another being. He was different now—different from before when they'd found a
home in each other. Then he'd been another woman's man, no matter how
unhappily, but now, Hades was hers.
"No more games. No more talking. I need to be
inside you, Nyx. Now."
His words thrilled her, and when he picked her up,
she wrapped her legs around his waist, brushing her achy clit against his stiff
cock. Backing her up, he pressed her against the wall and in one sharp thrust,
buried himself inside her. The feeling was sublime, and every inch of her being
craved to feel him.
He pinned her hands above her head and grunted a deep
guttural sound with each push into her wet cunt. This was the Hades she'd fallen in love with
ages ago—the male who relished his role as pursuer and understood deep down, no
matter how much she toyed with him, she wanted to be dominated. No man had ever
been able to master night, but he could. And for the first time ever between
them, as she yearned for him to enter her again, it wasn't her choice but a need
only he could fulfill.
Their union tore away her defenses, exposing her
soul, and as he brought her to the height of ecstasy there in his palace, she
cried out her joy, unafraid for the first time in her existence that another
would see her as she was.
Vulnerable. Soft. Tender.
His release filled her, its heat radiating through
her skin. Deep inside, she felt him still and Nyx laid her head on his chest to
hear his heartbeat gently pounding in her ear. Above her, his breath came in
soft pants across the top of her head, and he said quietly, "My
Hades held her to him and the power of the god of the
Underworld enveloped her. His darkness joined with hers, a complete sense of
belonging filling her for the first time in so long.
"I hear there's an opening for a queen around
here. You wouldn't know anyone interested, would you?" Hades asked with a teasing
lilt to his voice.
Nyx looked up to see a rare smile on the god of the
Underworld's face. "Do you think Zeus is going to give you a hard time
about that? I am an elemental deity, which would make you technically more
powerful than he is."
Hades kissed her sweetly on the lips and smiled
again. "I wouldn't worry about my brother. I hear he's being blackmailed
about his newest plaything by some very clever goddess." Copyright © 2012 Gabrielle Bisset
Look for the god of the Underworld and his goddess coming soon to the Sons of Navarus series. And watch for more free reads from the Sons series in the upcoming months at my website at
find out more about the series, like the Sons of Navarus Facebook page at
ReplyDeleteWhew!!! *wiping brow* that is a hot little read Miss Bisset. Thanks.
Now I need to go take a cold shower! :-P
l love the free reads, we get to meet different characters. what a lovely raunchy read. i really like his sensual heroine. your hades is a gorgeous god
ReplyDeleteLove this free read--and the cover is great!
ReplyDeleteLove it! Gabrielle, I have to tell you that I normally do not read stories that are less than 50 pages. But, you have me hooked and have gave me a totally new view to a short story. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteThis is the first I've read of your work. I was referred by a friend, and I must say I'm glad she gave me your name. Love it, and I'll absolutely be looking for more. Thanks for the free short. It's always nice to get a feel for an author before I invest. The world you've created sounds wonderful. I'll be looking for more,