
Monday, July 1, 2013

Crash Into Me - K.M. Scott #contemporaryromance #comingsoon

My alter-ego that I write contemporary romance under, K.M.Scott, is getting ready for the release of her first book, Crash Into Me, on September 18. It's the first in the Heart of Stone trilogy and a book I'm very excited about. Here's the blurb:

What would you give up for everything?

Tristan Stone was powerful, commanding, sex incarnate. And he wore it all so well. From the moment his mesmerizing gaze met mine, I had no choice but surrender to everything he was. His power. His decadence. His passion. He was all I never knew I needed.

He wanted to possess me, and I wanted to be his everything. All I had to do was accept what he offered. But everything has a price.

The world he gave me fulfilled my wildest dreams, but would that be enough when the past crashed into the present?

Be sure to check the K.M. Scott blog for updates, along with her Facebook and Twitter, and add the book on Goodreads and recommend it to all your friends who love sexy contemporary romance! 

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