
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

This Writer Is Busy! #PNR #amwriting

I usually wait a little while after a book is released to begin another one. It's just the way I am. My brain (and my heart, to be honest) needs time to let go and decompress. As much as I sometimes wish I could, I don't write fast, so a 90K word book takes me a while and during all that time, I'm invested in the story heart, mind, and soul.

However, Blood Prophecy was just released last week and I'm already writing. I guess I just couldn't wait. To tell the truth, I finished Blood Prophecy months ago and even though that book took a lot out of me, I was pretty much ready to begin again. I just didn't know how ready.

To say that I seem to have hit some fertile writing area would be an understatement. I've begun Blood Craving, the 6th book in the Sons of Navarus series; I've also begun the first book in a Sons spin-off with another type of paranormal creature; I'm plotting out another historical novella set in the Victorian Era; and I'm continuing a contemporary story I began a while back. 

Woohoo! This girl is smokin'! LOL

I hope that this summer is as productive as my summer 2011 was. Wish me luck!


  1. As much as I know the down time is needed after writing all I can say is YAY!!!!! More books!!!! :D Sorry drinking Pepsi and eating mocha cappuccino spread on a banana..can we say wiiiiiirrrrred!!!!

  2. Can you tell us who Blood Craving is about?

  3. I don't want to ruin it for anyone who hasn't read Blood Prophecy, but if you PM me on FB or email me at I can talk about the next book. :)


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