Why vampires and do they have to be naked?
Tracey H. Kitts
lot of people (relatives in particular) have asked me why I write so much about
vampires. I write werewolves too, but vamps seem to draw the most attention. At
least, it gets the most questions. The truth is, I write what I like. When I
was in school I read every book that had anything to do with vampires. Anything
I could get my hands on that had vampires in it, I read it so thoroughly it
could be considered studying. I also wrote a few short and semi-erotic stories
about werewolves just for fun. Of course, they weren’t up to par with what is
considered erotica now, but it was pretty sexy to me and my friends.
always knew that I wanted to write professionally some day. It wasn’t something
that just came to me out of the blue or something I did on a whim. Everything I
have ever done in my life I have viewed as “good writing material.” I knew that
each experience, whether it was a job or a relationship that went wrong, would
somehow end up in my books. In the case of bad relationships, it could be
considered therapy. Ha. Ha. Of course, names have been changed to protect the
guilty, but there are a few of those along the way.
I always knew I wanted to write and I have always been drawn to vampires, it
seemed only logical to me that’s what I’d write about. The other question I get
even more often than, “Why vampires?” is “Why sex?”
short answer: Why not?
for something more in depth: I love
science fiction, but find it grossly lacking in sex. Ha. Seriously, I enjoy a
good story but what I also enjoy is a good romance. I used to read the really
old romances, the ones you could find at garage sales and such. So, they were
really outdated and for my tastes, too … sweet. I wanted a heroine who could
kick ass and take names. I wanted someone I could identify with. Someone who
wasn’t “pure as the driven snow,” and all that crap. I wanted someone real.
course, I also wanted a hero who was sexy beyond imagination. I don’t want the
guy next door.
Let’s face it, unless Hugh Jackman lives next door, none of us
are really interested in normal guys, are we?
also have a deep love of fantasy. So, you take all that, mix it together
(shaken, not stirred) and you get paranormal romance. Paranormal romance is
really an adventure for women. We just happen to find romance to be part of the
write what I like to read. Why would I try to sell something to someone if I
didn’t even like it myself? That’s ridiculous. I love vampires and if we get
them alone in the story, someone better
tell me what they look like naked! I don’t know about you, but I’d feel cheated
otherwise. Of course, I’m okay with waiting for such a moment (like in the case
of a series, which I enjoy writing). But once we get there, I want details. Ha.
last and probably best answer I could give is this: Writing is wish fulfillment
and so is reading.
Who hasn’t fantasized about living forever with some
gorgeous hunk? Tall, dark and immortal sounds pretty darn good to me. To never
grow old, never get sick and die. And let us not forget, eternal love.
I think
these are all pretty strong fantasies that most people can identify with, even
if they don’t get into the whole, “Bite me,” thing.
in the area where I live most people just see it as macabre. For the rest of
the fang bait™
out there
(like myself), please check out my latest release. LOL For everyone else, I do
hope we can move beyond that some day.
latest release is Bitten and it’s available at Amazon.
more information me and my books, you can find me at www.traceyhkitts.com
Thank you so much for having me here today. I LOVE the look of your blog. Very sexy and paranormal. :)