
Friday, June 22, 2012

#Paranormalromance Friday

Welcome to another Friday! I've always loved Fridays, possibly more than any other day of the week. It's both the end of the workweek and the beginning of the weekend--the best of both worlds! 

So what's new in my paranormal romance world?  The men of the Sons of Navarus are all over the place today. Last night, Shiela Stewart posted both Vasilije's and Saint's covers on her site Book Cover Lovers. Love that name! You can see Vasilije HERE and Saint HERE. Stop by with some love! And Blood Avenged is the star of Jane Wakely's Cover Mania today.

So to continue the celebration of the Sons and their gorgeous covers, I'm doing a giveaway at the Sons of Navarus FB page starting today and running through the end of the month. One winner will get a signed copy of Blood Avenged. Stop by and enter today!  I'll choose the winner randomly on July 1.

I'll be working on the last few chapters of Blood Spirit this weekend. It's coming down to the wire now.  The goal is to have the book in my editor's hands in July, the earlier the better, so it can be a September release.

Hope you have a wonderful weekend!


  1. So good to see my Vasilije all over the place. Going over to look now!!

  2. So good to see my Vasilije all over the place. Going over to look now!!

  3. im so glad blood spirit is coming along cant wait to read terek story. another gorgeous sexy vamp who just sounds to yummy for words

  4. Great news, i haven' t facebook so i can't enter but i wish you a lot of success


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