The Love of Writing
I love to write. I particularly love to write science
fiction based stories because it represents to me where I can go, doing things
I can only imagine in a world never before seen. This week, science fiction
lost respected and well known author, Ray Bradbury and I was really surprised
to see that he didn’t categorize himself as a science fiction writer at all but
a fantasy writer.
Here was an icon I loved telling me he didn’t write the
genre and that stunned me. His reasons were clear because he saw a difference
in what might happen with what he said could never happen. His exact quote was:
fiction is a depiction of the real. Fantasy is a depiction of the unreal.” In his novel, Fahrenheit 451, he saw a world
without books and could envision that happening very easily. After all, he’d
seen what the Nazi regime did in Germany and there were thousands
upon thousands of books burned by a people who were very literate. His novel,
Martian Chronicles, he felt was fantasy because he didn’t ever see it
Now, I love Ray Bradbury and his stories. He brought me
many entertaining hours of reading, studying his novels in college and oh the
TV shows that man did...I can remember some of them now. He was a genius of his
time and did many fascinating things. And he influenced my writing and love of
writing in general. Without reading about a sinister future in high school, I
might have never wanted to be a writer. He will be missed.
Mr. Bradbury wasn’t the only author to influence me, of
course, but one that I remember because of his ties with television. There was
the Ray Bradbury Theatre and Tales from the Crypt. These are all things burned
into my mind as I was developing my skills.
But science fiction has changed a lot over the years and
today, there is a mind-set of ‘if we can dream it, we can do it’ that prevails.
Star Trek comes to mind and just how much we all want to have an FTL drive.
Physics says it’s impossible but humanity dreams of a life among the stars. And
to be frank, if we do want to be immortal, we need to get off this rock and fly
the vast reaches of the glowing darkness.
I love to speculate just how we’ll get there. Or why
we’ll get there. Will it be because we must? Or just a burning need to explore?
People by nature are curious. We want to discover things, see things for
ourselves. When writing I try to put that perspective out there, the wonder of
the worlds my characters fly by, the people and creatures they meet. Science
changes every day and new things are discovered, items we never dreamed
existed, both big and small.
One of my favorite research subjects is nanotechnology
and how it can be used in medicine. You know, the really, really, really small machines that can ferret
out cancer, latch on to certain cells and let the doctors know just what’s
going inside your body. It’s an interesting world we live in and having all the
technological advances at our fingers tips is certainly an item to think about.
When I write my sci-fi, I use many different technologies.
I’ve used nanotechnology so people can hear each other mentally without speech,
I’ve created a combination of a human-cyborg being I’ve termed a clonedroid and
in my latest, I use space to hide a woman running from her past. I incorporate
various different new and old technologies and try to come up with innovative
things never before seen.
Why? I love to write. Even if no one ever read what I
wrote, I would still write about science, trying to figure out the world around
me. I am a true believer that of the thought that we will never, ever know it
all but I for one, don’t mind trying one little bit.
I’d like to leave you with a quote from Mr. Bradbury
himself where he sums up his writing life: In
my later years I have looked in the mirror each day and found a happy person
staring back. Occasionally I wonder why I can be so happy. The answer is that
every day of my life I've worked only for myself and for the joy that comes
from writing and creating. The image in my mirror is not optimistic, but the result
of optimal behavior.
If I can be as happy as Mr. Bradbury, I truly will be one
blessed writer.
Lynn Crain
Lynn Crain
has penned over 25 novels in romance in
the genres of science fiction, fantasy and contemporary romance, erotic to tame
in nature. She always knew that writing was her calling even if it took years
at other professions to prove it. She has belonged to EPIC and RWA for more
years that she cares to think about. Currently, she lives in Europe
while her husband of nearly 30 years pursues his dream of working
internationally. Her state-side home is in Nevada where family and friends wait
patiently for their return. You can find her hanging out at A Writer In Vienna
Blog (
and various other places on the net (;; ). Still, the thing she loves most of
all is hearing from her readers at
Read Lynn’s latest
sci-fi erotic romance, The Harvester, TODAY!!
Sky Nerezsh, a Harvester of men, leaves home avoiding a tragic path when a
rival comes to claim Earth and the two Scottish lifemates she’s just
Princess Sky Xera Nerezsh came to earth to avoid the normal succession path to
the throne. Being the oldest daughter, she will be required to murder her
mother in order to secure her path to power. Sky loves her mother and refuses
this path, choosing instead to disappear in the vast reaches of space. When her
past collides with her present, she has to think quick on her feet, claim two
men and a whole planet just to avoid the inevitable: a meeting with her mother.
Along the way, she discovers true love and a burning need to be there for them
always. Now if the other Harvesters can just keep to themselves, they’ll have
no problems. But who said true love was ever easy.
Excerpt: Suddenly
one dark haired man was on the table in front of her, gyrating his sexy hips in
her face, his package mere inches from her mouth. In another life, she would
have leaned forward and planted her lips on his crotch, willing his body to
perform. She really should have been paying more attention to the situation
around her instead of wondering about where Angela had gotten herself.
down, his breath reminded her of the sweetgrass that grew on her home planet of
Tyrsati, heightening her senses even more. “Sweetheart, I see how you want’s written all over your face.” His voice purred in her ear.
gasped and pulled back to get a better look at the man in front of her. He
reminded her of the gods of Vada. He was tall, well-muscled, dark hair brushing
the top of his shoulders and had the most incredible violet eyes she had ever
seen. Guess the optics weren’t wrong.
He would fetch an exquisite price on Texra and her mother would be extremely
proud for her acquisition. She shook her head to clear the cobwebs.
eyes, sweetie – hang around after the show – I’ll make it worth your while.”
His voice hit a resonance with her and her whole body flushed. It had been
years since she had reacted to any man. Now her emotions and body betrayed her
for an insignificant being on an outer planet. She shook her head. This planet
was no more insignificant than any other, including her own but she knew if she
didn’t get herself under control, the Harvester in her would take over. Old
habits die hard.
let his demeanor fool you, luvey. He just wants to get into your pants.”
Another deep voice reverberated close to her ear.
glanced over her shoulder and again her breath was nearly taken away as she
looked into the bluest eyes she’d ever seen in the galaxy bar none. The sky of
Octa couldn’t hold a candle to the color that swirled in their depths.
Jaxon is right about the eyes. Very cool green.”
Sky managed to get out for the second time this evening, her voice low.
a sexy voice to boot. Very nice.” He twirled away to join his companion on
stage. He was just as nice looking as the first guy but just a little shorter.
His shiny hair swung around his jaw line as he moved and her hands ached to run
her fingers through it and over his body.
sat there stunned as the people at her table laughed and clapped her on the
back as if she’d done some sort of fantastic feat. While her time on this
planet had been very thrilling, in her old life working for her mother, their
performances had to be impeccable or their fate might be worse than death. She
vaguely wondered just how she’d rate them.
did her best to smile and act as if what happened was one of the most exciting
things in her life when in reality it brought back some memories she’d rather
forget. Folding her hands in front of her, she closed her eyes and steadied her
breathing. She opened her eyes slow and caught a glimpse of a targeting laser.
The light was in a part of the spectrum that no one of this planet could even
see but her optics caught it.
the crowd, she allowed her eyes to whirl, not caring who saw. There were not
supposed to be any Harvesters on this world as it had been declared too
primitive to even be included in the Alliance of Planets. She came here because
she knew this was the one place her mother wouldn’t think to look. Now, she
knew another Tyrsatian walked the same world as she did, occupying the very
same room.
it was time to see just what type of trouble Angela got herself into. Leaning
across the table, she quickly gave Jayne her phone number and said her goodbyes
to all the others present. Rising slowly, she didn’t want to alert the other
Harvester but she was just far enough away and at a weird angle to not see who
it might be. Moving quickly to the back wall, she moved to where she stood way
behind the woman but close enough to see who it was.
Ardik. Of all the Harvesters to show up on her new home planet, one of the most
relentless in the business had to land on her new home. This wasn’t going to be
easy. She had to delay her from marking them because once they were marked, it
didn’t matter wherever in the universe they were, they would be considered
fugitives until captured and sold to the highest bidder. Meaning, she wouldn’t
be able to get them off world without the help of her mother.
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