1. Who are you and what do you write?
I’m Ruth A. Casie a seasoned professional with over twenty-five years of writing experience but not necessarily in writing romances. No, I’ve been writing communication and marketing documents for a large corporation. Over the past two years, encouraged by my friends and family, I gave way to my inner muse, let my creative juices flow, and began writing a series of historical time travel romance novels.
2. What’s your favorite place in the world to visit?
There are several places I truly enjoying visiting. I’ve enjoyed England ever since my first visit. I love the country side, castles, and cities. I’m steeped in history and my characters feel at home.
My favorite state-side place to visit is the Maine coast. I’m invigorated by the power of the ocean, and the rugged rock coast. There’s a bench under a big shade tree right at the water’s edge on Pemaquid Point – I could sit there all day.
3. Where do you write?
With our children grown and on their own I’ve conveniently taken over one of their rooms and turned it into a library. I’m surrounded by my resource materials and to-be-read piles. It’s a quiet cozy room that’s comfortable and all mine.
4. How long have you been published or is this your first sale?
Knight of Runes is my first book. I hope the first of many.
5. How long have you been writing?
I’ve been writing for over twenty-five years, but not romance. However, for years I’ve had people and voices racing around in my head. Sometimes, after I’ve read the last page of a book, I find it hard to put the book down. I want more. If there isn’t a sequel, I’d think one up. I don’t know when it began, maybe in high school or was it that creative writing class in college, I started to create characters and stories of my own, all still in my head mind you. The story played out in my ‘down time’ or when I relaxed at the end of the day. I kept my private world a secret from everyone.
Fast forward to 2009, my friend told me she was writing a romance novel. Dare I tell her my secret? Imaginary friends at my age! Would she think I was crazy? Would she think I was like James Thurber’s Walter Mitty with a romantic twist, spinning romantic daydreams? When I finally got up the nerve to tell her my big secret she burst with excitement. She was a daydreamer too. As I met other writers I found I was not so unique. Many have their muses (ah, so that’s what the voices are) sitting by their shoulder or at their keyboard when they write.
6. What comes first—characters or the plot?
I start with a basic story idea and then develop my characters. I consider myself a plotzer. I write out their goals, motivations and conflicts. I do a rough outline of the story to make certain I know where key points should go, more of a direction rather than a hard and fast roadmap. Sometimes the side trips I take are really worth it and my characters actually amaze me with how they develop the story. Then there are other times when they tell me there isn’t any way they would say or do what I’ve written. They can be like unruly children.
7. Who’s your favorite hero?
I must be a mercurial person. My favorite hero is the one I’m reading about at the time. But they all have something in common. They are all men who must surmount their own fears in order to help/save someone or something that they feel is more important than they are.
8. Who’s on your auto-buy list for authors?
I have a diversified list: Elizabeth Peters – she writes Egyptian adventure stories centered on Lady Amelia Peabody. Clive Cussler – he writes adventure stories centered on Dirk Pit. Diana Gabaldon – I love Clare and Jamie, besides, it’s a time travel. Jude Deveraux – anything historic. Eliza Knight – she writes historicals too. I also LOVE Tasha Alexander. She write Regency mysteries.
9. Time travel? What attracted you to writing a story with time travel elements?
The challenges of different attitudes across the centuries intrigued me. What skills would my heroine need? How would she interact with people? Would she be accepted? How would she deal with leadership? What skills would she need to acquire. Arik has his challenges in dealing with a woman who has very different attitudes about her place in his society. How would he deal with her? Working on these issues and bringing them out in a realistic way was both challenging and gratifying.
10. Do you write to music? Do you make soundtracks for you stories? If so, what was on the soundtrack for your latest release?
I’m less likely to write with music playing but I do use it to see something through my character’s eyes. I made a playlist of my heroine’s favorite songs. It’s as eclectic as she is and includes Santana, Eric Clapton, Andrea Bocelli, Linkin Park, Lady Gaga, Justin Timberlake to name a few.
11. What’s your biggest dream?
My biggest author dream is to be a best-selling author and keynote speaker at the RWA conference. If I thought romance had a chance at the Pulitzers, I would dream that too!
12. If you were a millionaire would you still write?
Yes, I love the creative process. For me, writing is painting with words. Being a millionaire would just give me more time to so it.
About Knight of Runes
It’s the 21st century and time travel is still a Wellsian fantasy but not for Rebeka Tyler. While on an impromptu tour of Avebury, she takes a misstep at the standing stones, and finds herself in the same place but tossed back into the 17th century. When Lord Arik, a druid knight, finds Rebeka wandering his lands without protection, he swears to keep her safe. But Rebeka can take care of herself. When Arik sees her clash with a group of attackers using a strange fighting style he is intrigued.
Rebeka is desparate to return to her time. She poses as a scholar sent by the king to help find out what’s killing Arik’s land to get access to the library. But as she decodes the ancient runes that are the key to solving his mystery and sending her home, she finds herself drawn to the charismatic and powerful Arik.
As Arik and Rebeka fall in love, someone in Arik’s household schemes to keep them apart and a dark druid with a grudge prepares his revenge. To defeat him, Arik and Rebeka must combine their skills. Soon Rebeka will have to decide whether to return to the future or trust Arik with the secret of her time travel and her heart.
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Author Bio
Ruth A. Casie was born in Brooklyn, New York. For twenty-five years she’s been writing for corporate America. Encouraged by her family and friends this ballroom dancing, Sudoku playing, aspiring gourmet cook has given way to her inner muse. She’s let her creative juices flow and started writing a series of historical time travel romance stories. She hopes her stories become your favorite adventures.
To learn more about Ruth and her writing and browse her list of “extras” for readers and writers, visit her at her web site www.RuthACasie.com You can also follow her on her blog at http://www.RuthACasie.blogspot.com
Love the cover. Great interview ladies.
ReplyDeleteEnjoyed reading about Ruth, great interview Gabrielle :D Shah .X