
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

A New Chapter

Sometime during the night, I reached another professional goal when the 5000th copy of my books was sold.  As I've said before, I'd hoped to reach this goal by spring 2012, so this means a lot to me. 5000 isn't some magical number that means anything other than people are purchasing my books, but as a symbol, it means that I've come a long way since selling the first 150 copies of Vampire Dreams during the entire month of June. 

I've never been much of a goal setter.  I'm one of those people who decides she's going to do something and then sets about doing it.  It's not a matter of goals, per se.  If I begin something, I feel as if I must finish it. As an author, however, the writing of the book is just the beginning.  For that, I don't set a goal but a deadline.  I decide when the book must be completed by in order to have it edited and formatted by a particular release date.  It's all very businesslike, but what comes afterward I can't set a deadline for.  This is where the goals come in.

My next goal is 10,000 books by March 21.  To reach that, I must do a few things.  First, I must promote, which means blog tours, Twitter, Facebook, and all those other outlets that allow me to talk up my work.  Second, I must write more books and release them.  To that end, Destiny Redeemed comes out on October 13 and Blood Avenged is scheduled for a mid-December release.  Then, I don't have any more releases planned until March 21, when I hope to have the first of my new series out.

This is a new chapter for me.  Thanks to everyone who's been so supportive.  Each day I get closer to the one overriding goal I've had since I began writing--to be able to call writing my only full time job and career. With a lot of hard work, I believe I can make that goal a reality.

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