
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Wednesday Treats

I'm over at Whipped Cream's Yahoo group today chatting, so if you want to come over and ask a question or just shoot the breeze, drop on by.  Check it out at

I finally caught up on True Blood after missing two weeks while I was on vacation.  I realize this may be blasphemy, but I have to confess I'm getting quite sick of the Sookie/Eric thing.  He used to be so bad and hot, and now he looks like some lost frat boy.  And the dream she had? as for the naked Alcide, oh my God!  Sweet Lord!  I do love that man! 

But can anyone tell me why Sam's brother went to see the wolf guy?  I must have missed something there.  That entire storyline is bizarre to me, but it had some more Alcide time in it, so I was good for it. 

In my continuing effort to give readers what they want, I did a little research and not only found this fantastic picture (love the collage of Alcide naked butt!) but an entire page devoted to the idea of him on this week's episode.  Isn't the Internet great?  It's called You Know You Care.  And just in case you're still a fan of the other butts on the show, there's even a poll asking whose buns you'd butter, Alcide's, Eric's, or Lafayette's. What a great age we live in!  Thanks to that wonderful link for this wonderful pic.

Although I'm not sure I can follow that up, I'll try.  I'm over at Felicity Heaton's blog today giving readers a little taste of Love's Master, so click on over.  And the wonderful Madame D. over at her blog, Madame D.'s Boudoir, has listed me in her post on Great Authors.  Thank you so much, Kim, and if any of you haven't been to her blog yet, go check it out. 

Finally, I uploaded Masquerade to Amazon and Barnes and Noble last night at around 11, so I'm hoping it will go live sometime today or tomorrow. I'm all smiles! :D


  1. And I thought Eric had a hot bod...*sigh*...

    Move on out Eric, and make room for Alcide and that sweet toushe!

    All hail Gabrielle, for those delectable photo treats...LMAO!!

  2. I'm with you, Pearl. I was loving Eric, but with Alcide in town, Eric has become a second stringer. Love that Alcide!

    Thanks for stopping by!


  3. Hubba hubba! Slurrrp!

    Hey - collect the award I gave you over at my blog today ;D X


  4. Outstanding! I think I replayed that scene 4 times on my DVR Sunday night. That man is HAWT!

  5. I'm generally not a woman who likes beards, but he even makes that something I want. That body is perfect! Now I'm drooling again....LOL


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