
Thursday, May 19, 2011

Hopping and Following 5-19

Another Thursday night, another chance to reach out to others in the reading and writing community.  I didn't realize how much I like hopping around until Blogger had its meltdown last week.  I'm glad it's back up and running so I can check out other people and what they're reading and writing.  If you're a new follower, please leave a comment so I can hop by your place. And old followers, I always love to hear from you.  Have a wonderful weekend!

First up is the 18 & Over Book Blogger Tag Along hosted by Bitten by Paranormal Romance  It's a great chance for those of us who read adult books to find others like them.  Thanks to Laurie for hosting this! If you haven't joined in yet, stop over there and add your name!

This week's question: Did you set yourself a reading goal?
I don't set myself a reading goal only because as a writer, I often don't have as much time as I'd like to read.  I used to read so much more (hangs head in shame), but now I have to fit in books where time allows between writing, editing, and promoting.  I'm hoping once my three novellas and two books are all finally released (all scheduled for before November) that I'll be able to get back to reading like a fiend again. 

Next up is Elizabeth Sharp's Follow Friday for Writers.  Thanks Elizabeth!  This one's for anyone who writes, including anyone who writes a blog.  This week's question: If you could spend a day with an any author, dead or alive, who would it be and why?

Since I'm an author who writes erotic romance, I assume most people would guess that I would mention a writer who excels in my genre.  As much as I think meeting Robin Schone, Tina Folsom, or Charlotte Featherstone would be incredibly interesting, my answer is a bit more old school.  If I could spend a day with any author, it would be William Shakespeare. 

No one before or after Shakespeare has captured the spectrum of human emotions like he did.  Pick any of his plays or sonnets and watch the emotional fireworks explode.  From the jealously of Iago and the betrayal of Othello to the tortured soul of Hamlet, the playfulness of Beatrice and Benedick, and the foolishness of youth in Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare mined the depths of the human spirit.  There's a reason his works are still as relevant today as they were hundreds of years ago.  They touch on feelings each and every person can relate to intimately. You don't have to love romance to enjoy watching his lovers come together.  You don't have to enjoy war to feel the power of the characters in his histories. You don't have to be a sadsack to feel the loss in his tragedies.  I don't think one day would be enough to get in all the questions I would have to ask, but I'd take that one day and use it well.


  1. Just stopping by from the 18 & over tag a long. Have a great weekend!


  2. Let's see, first question: I don't set reading goals, I just read. If I set a goal for reading, it would become a chore and I want to keep it as a pleasure.
    I make time by reading on kindlebooks while I'm at the gym. Perfect way to kill an hour. :) And it makes the workout go much faster!
    Second question: Barbara Kingsolver, hands down. Prodigal Summer is an amazing book and after her other book Animal, Vegetable, Miracle, I have about a bazillion questions I want to ask her.
    She's kind of my hero.

  3. Indeed, we'd have many questions for Mr. Shakespeare. Have a super week!

  4. Yes well as a writer I can't see you having much time to read at your own pleasure. Shame really, but at least we get to benefit in the long run ;)
    I've set myself a goal of 100 books for the year, and so far I', at the 40 mark - I love to read... lol

  5. It's just depressing, Madame, because as a writer, I love to read! I guess it's true: you can't have everything.

  6. Hi! New follower stopping by for the hop! You have the benefits of seeing your final product instead of reading more books, that has to be rewarding!

    Come over and check out our post
    Under The Covers

  7. My reading goal is to read 100 books this year! I hope I can make it!

    Enjoy your weekend!

    Nat @ Reading Romances
    Small Blogs, Big Giveaways

  8. Hopping thru to wish you a great weekend! Love your new look its awesome!

    18 and over Tag Along

  9. New follower hopping through the Friday Tagalong! Vampire Dreams sounds awesome...can't wait to read it!

    Here's my Friday Follow & Tagalong

  10. Hi, I'm a new follower.
    I saw this 18 and over tag along and thought I would join in!

    My reading goal is 75 books.

    Monique @ AsianCocoa's Secret Garden

  11. I think a writing goal is a great idea. It gives you something to aim for and you can feel good when your'e achieved it.

    Stay well and keep writing.


  12. I don't have sort of a reading goal. I want to read authors I haven't read before. So I'm reading a book of short stories by Will Self and I want to read some Margaret Atwood later.

    Good luck with your writing,


  13. Hi Gabrielle - I received the Sweetest Blog Award yesterday and you are receiving it from today. To collect it and see what need to do, stop by Shah. X


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